Seeing as two of the options were tied until the very end, we'll have both of the themes this month hopefully revitalize the community quicker.
1. You may participate in both of them, but please wait until you've either been stamped on the first application or five days have passed to post the second application.
2. Yes, the three links are required. Since the community occasionally slips into inactivity, they have become necessary to let members gather enough votes. Voting should be easy for at least one of these themes, so you will not be stamped until the links are added.
3. Put the name of the theme you're applying for in the subject title to keep them separated.
4. Please tag your posts with "needs votes." This will help you gather votes quicker.
5. You can use any of the bending and sub-bending styles when voting in the Bending Mirror theme. (Ex: Sandbender, Lightningbender [they'll look more composed than their Firebending counterparts], etc. )
Also, since several have asked about participating in the matchmaking and regular bending themes March will be another restamp month (along with a new theme), but if you can't wait for the bending theme, the application at
avatarstate is for the same purpose.
Bending Mirror Application:
1. Name:
2. Heritage:
3. Which colors do you look the best in?:
4. The links to three recent applications you've voted on:
5. Please post at least two photos of yourself:
Antagonist Application:
-The Basics
The links to three recent applications you've voted on:
-Are you more (of a)...
Leader or Follower:
Introverted or Extroverted:
Group-oriented or Solitary:
Cautious or Impulsive:
Quiet or Loud:
Emotional or Apathetic:
-More Detailed
What motivates you in life the most?:
You're offered a position of great power and you end up taking it (whether you really want it or not). What can you imagine doing with this?:
Between wealth, power, and fame, you most prefer...:
Ah, a day off from all the killing, Avatar chasing, bison stealing, brainwashing, bloodbending, or whatever it is you do. How do you spend the day?:
What do you believe would motivate you into becoming a "villain"?:
Most antagonists, especially in the Avatar Verse, believe they're misunderstood. What about you may make others misunderstand you?
Ah, the Avatar and his posse are within your line of sight, although they are seemingly unaware of it. What's your method for capturing or destroying him?
You're been defeated and your assailants seem ready to take your life. Would you plead with them, go quietly, or something else?
Out of all the characters in Avatar, who do you consider the most "immoral" and why?:
Anything else? (If you were already stamped as one of the options and would rather not get them again, say so here):">The Stamp options can be found here!
Primary points of antagonism: Angst, being driven by "honor," stalking Aang
Zhao (The Corporal/Admiral from the first season.)
-Stalking Aang, having no self-control, being obsessed with himself and fame
-Being an abusive parent, ruthlessly ordering the destruction of towns/lives, trying to take over the world
Hahn (Yue's finance from The Siege of the North.)
-Being a jerk, wanting to marry for "the perks," reminding people of jocks
Koh (the face stealing Spirit from The Siege of the North.)
-Sealing faces, looking like a giant centipede
-Being Azula's friend, making Zutara shippers angry, having a distinct lack of emotion
Mongke (Leader of the musical/destruction bringing group The Rough Rhinos.)
-Creating Jet, burning whole villages
Master Yu (Originally the Earthbending Academy teacher from Bitter Work.)
-Money driven, stalking Toph, being too gullible
Xin Fu (Originally the Earthrumble Tournament Owner from Bitter Work.)
-Money driven, stalking Toph, having little patience
Ghashiun (That giant-cow-stealing Sandbender from The Library/Appa's Lost Days.)
-Stealing Appa, thievery in general, lying
*Background note: He cares for his 'own people,' but he has become increasingly distant since his mother died of skin cancer.
Long Feng (The head of the Dai Li.)
-Manipulation, brainwashing, reminding people of Big Brother
Combustion Man
-Doing whatever he's told, being a mute, causing "BOOM(S)!" with his mind
-Genocide, betrayal, starting a 100 year war
Hama (The woman from The Puppetmaster.)
-Bloodbending, being driven by revenge, making Katara angry
Yon Rha
-Killing Katara's mother, having a terrifying mother of his own
Note: all information on Ghashiun was taken from the official Nick site.
Note #2: I went strictly with the characters who come off as antagonistic towards the main party in the majority of the episodes they've been in. Jet, although seriously considered, spends more time helping Team Avatar than trying to kill them.