*grins* sugoi ne...torsuiJuly 31 2002, 11:12:45 UTC
you've done a great job with the entire 'preventers as an honest-to-god organization' aspect of this. the little details, like the entire flooring issue, and the quality of the kitchen staff.
and then there's your characterization of trowa through his interactions with preventer staff and duo's questions and his responses. ^_^ normal is relative, after all. high time somebody told the boy that.
duo's analysis is also very much in-character, IMHO. one can't become a people person without learning how to read people and react to them, ne?
again a wonderful job... um. i hate to be nitpicky but before you post this you might want to fix the rare typo i noticed:
He nods. "You do deserve to know." He says somewhat solemnly. Ut. Oh.
i thought ut was a city in like, ancient mesopotamia. no wait, that's ur. nevermind, i'll shut up now. ^^;;;;
Re: *grins* sugoi ne...avaariciousJuly 31 2002, 19:07:21 UTC
Hee, I'm really glad you've read and enjoyed this as well as the others. They're fun to write, if hard work. i do spend quite a while writing and rewriting and stopping to think until I get something i'm at least 98% happy with.
and i don't think i've ever seen a fic where trowa is normal. exactly, normal IS relative, but he's always painted as an emotionally disturbed and abused introvert. I HATE that, as much as i hate loud sugar addicted duo. this is my response to that.
and um *g* the ut oh thing? it's no typo. freak admission time, i used to collect turtle comics, and michaelangelo always said 'ut oh'. it was cute. I liked it. ergo, now duo does. :)
*g* thankyou for reading and replying, it's greatly appreciated (god i wasn't expecting this much of a response ^_^)
I am, but I didn't post there much to begin with. now they've changed their setup for macs, I can't post there at all without netscape, which I don't have anymore. All of my fic cross-fandom is at Shibbalicious, so that's the place to keep an eye out on for new fics. Also, my LJ, they come here first thing after they're finished :)
Despite never having seen Gundam Wing, the fic is still utterly superb. I love the way you have Duo casually greet his passer-byers while still taking the time to think about the floor. It makes it more realistic. I also love how you use dialogue, it really brings the story to life. -hak
And I had to cut that floor diatribe short, too. I was getting far too aggressive passionate about it *g*
I'm glad you enjoyed it even if you're not familiar with the actual show. I like to talk about the people more than spoilery events, if that makes sense. But still, there's enough in there to make the gundam watcher appreciate the series too, i think.
I really like the interaction between the two of them. It was cool to see how Duo really worked to drag Trowa out. I also liked how you set up their conversation by the interactions before it - the people they talked to, how many people greeted them, etc...
I just love to read an outgoing, extroverted, but not stupid Duo!! It brings me happiness and joy!! :) :)
would it ruin the magic to say that all that setting up beforehand just happened by chance? I had major ideas for the end of the story (read: the conversation about being social), but nothing much at the beginning. I just opened a file and started writing. It happened to gel together.
Oh, and the end revelation about being a friend came TOTALLY out of the blue, too. I'm really a bigger picture planner, not tiny details. The details just tend to come together beautifully anyway. I'm just lucky, I guess :D
un-stupid duo brings me much happiness too! Glad you liked it :)
Comments 32
you've done a great job with the entire 'preventers as an honest-to-god organization' aspect of this. the little details, like the entire flooring issue, and the quality of the kitchen staff.
and then there's your characterization of trowa through his interactions with preventer staff and duo's questions and his responses. ^_^ normal is relative, after all. high time somebody told the boy that.
duo's analysis is also very much in-character, IMHO. one can't become a people person without learning how to read people and react to them, ne?
again a wonderful job... um. i hate to be nitpicky but before you post this you might want to fix the rare typo i noticed:
He nods. "You do deserve to know." He says somewhat solemnly. Ut. Oh.
i thought ut was a city in like, ancient mesopotamia. no wait, that's ur. nevermind, i'll shut up now. ^^;;;;
and i don't think i've ever seen a fic where trowa is normal. exactly, normal IS relative, but he's always painted as an emotionally disturbed and abused introvert. I HATE that, as much as i hate loud sugar addicted duo. this is my response to that.
and um *g* the ut oh thing? it's no typo. freak admission time, i used to collect turtle comics, and michaelangelo always said 'ut oh'. it was cute. I liked it. ergo, now duo does. :)
*g* thankyou for reading and replying, it's greatly appreciated (god i wasn't expecting this much of a response ^_^)
I'd love to read more of your work, are you on ff.net?
glad you enjoyed the fic ^___^
I'm glad you enjoyed it even if you're not familiar with the actual show. I like to talk about the people more than spoilery events, if that makes sense. But still, there's enough in there to make the gundam watcher appreciate the series too, i think.
So anyway, thanks for reading :)
I really like the interaction between the two of them. It was cool to see how Duo really worked to drag Trowa out. I also liked how you set up their conversation by the interactions before it - the people they talked to, how many people greeted them, etc...
I just love to read an outgoing, extroverted, but not stupid Duo!! It brings me happiness and joy!! :) :)
Awesome job!! 2+3/2x3 forever! Woo hoo!!
Oh, and the end revelation about being a friend came TOTALLY out of the blue, too. I'm really a bigger picture planner, not tiny details. The details just tend to come together beautifully anyway. I'm just lucky, I guess :D
un-stupid duo brings me much happiness too! Glad you liked it :)
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