Initial Rections To 'The Abominable Bride'

Jan 02, 2016 00:49

While the episode is still fresh in my mind, I wanted to expound upon that which I enjoyed and did not care for as to this Victorian interpretation ( Read more... )

reviews, bbc sherlock

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Comments 10

tripleransom January 2 2016, 17:28:36 UTC
Let me preface this by saying I haven't see the ep yet. I suppose I'll eventually get around to it ( ... )


autumnatmidnite January 2 2016, 20:03:31 UTC
Stay on the soapbox ALL YOU WANT. Won't hear any complaints from me.

Personally, I think you hit the target in the center of the bullseye with the "needy co-dependency" comment. That is it, exactly with BBC Sherlock & John. It was, I must admit, very much toned down here than compared to series three, where their friendship was literally reduced to nothing but that co-dependency of two very disturbed individuals. If the special had been that bad, I would have thrown up my hands in disgust, but while there were instances of OOCness, at least it wasn't so overpowering anymore.

Watson would never have been a jerk to a servant, because it simply wasn't done.Not only did they blast away Victorian ideals, that particular scene was done 100% purposefully to prove how wretched "heteronormative" men are, and how they deserved what they had coming. Because there was a whole deranged sub-plot surrounding a secret society of murderous suffragettes :/ Basically, women who were frustrated with their social status started killing their husbands ( ... )


adena_kaiba January 2 2016, 21:42:01 UTC
As always, I agree with you on everything :)
The suffragette plot was just. So. Not okay. The only thing that would have made it worse was if Irene Adler was their leader or something. I mean, she was equally "wronged" by the King who promised her marriage just before ASIB. So when Sherlock made his dramatic speech in front of them, I definitely expected he would have to confront her again. Phew. At least we escaped that. I really feel like we dodged a bullet.


autumnatmidnite January 2 2016, 21:57:46 UTC
Why, hallo thar! Its been soooo long since I've seen you around fandom (although I took an extended hiatus myself) and was all sorts of excited to see you around again :D

You know, I was dreading that excuse for Adler would make a cameo in this, so understand your relief perfectly. Don't get me started on Sherlock's "holier-than-thou" speech. I literally had to leave the room to microwave a noisy bag of popcorn just to drown out the words giving me a very slimy sensation down my spine. It was possibly the most backhandedly misogynistic thing I've ever heard. Women are so emotionally unstable they just start an organized killing spree because a certain situation isn't fair. You can almost hear their feet stomping petulantly. Screw you both, Moftiss >:|


magisterium37 January 3 2016, 02:36:26 UTC
Hello! I don't mean to intrude on your journal since you obviously have no idea who I am. I'll beg your pardon in advance for that. But I saw your posts on the BBC Sherlock comm, which assured me I wasn't hallucinating what I took from the suffragette bit. Stupidly, I assumed most people would be outraged at the implications, but no. All quiet on the Western Front. Which speaks volumes, if you ask me.

The episode itself I was pleasantly surprised by. It reminded me why I once thought Benedict and Martin were among the greatest actors to play our beloved Baker Street bachelors, and I'm excited now for season 4 to come along.

Just can't seem to get past that horrible murderous league of disgruntled women twist. And don't care to continue watching, not because of the "blips" in script writing/plotting we often see, but for the reason I'd rather not fill my mind with such base subtextual concepts the writers enjoy slipping in. Too bad, because I still love that show very badly.


autumnatmidnite January 3 2016, 05:33:59 UTC
No begging of pardons is necessary - you are very welcome here and I always appreciate hearing others' opinions, whether they conflict or align with my own.

I assumed most people would be outraged at the implications, but no. All quiet on the Western Front.Ah. I shared your bewilderment until it finally dawned on my why there has been nearly nil by way of female outrage. I will keep my mouth firmly shut, but if you are interested hearing the subject of my epiphany, as it were, on the matter, please feel free to send a PM ( ... )


tripleransom January 3 2016, 13:40:23 UTC
I've just been reading an analysis that claimed the suffragette stuff, indeed the whole show, with the bride(s) murdering people storyline was actually Gatiss's answer to those who called him a misogynist; it was totally feminist, see, "because it gave women the strong roles they lacked in ACD's writing".

Um...can we miss the point any worse than that?


autumnatmidnite January 3 2016, 20:12:45 UTC
That. Is highly believable. Because I am sorry, but whilst Moffat is more often accused of misogyny (which I won't deny), Gatiss has proven himself the worst offender by far. Something I find telling is how adamantly the one denies the accusations, whilst the other is famous for blowing them off without a word of explanation. A bit of arrogance, yes, and ASiB was shudder worthy - though more along the lines of immature and male fantasy-esque than actual hatred for women. But wisdom can oft be found in the Bard's own words, thus, methinks the boy doth protest too much ( ... )


kcscribbler January 3 2016, 22:55:51 UTC

I just finished watching it, going in well-prepared with about as much apathy as I watch an episode of Jeopardy, and had exactly the same reactions, favorable and unfavorable. Perfectly said. *thumbs up*


autumnatmidnite January 4 2016, 02:17:46 UTC
I never imagined 'apathy' could be a sufficient adjective to describe any of our feelings towards that series, but it fits perfectly now, doesn't it :(

Also, welcome to the club of us old-fashioned eccentrics who believe murder just isn't a very nice thing to do.


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