Master Fic List

Feb 09, 2030 02:39

Welcome! It's about time I got around to organizing my fics, so here you are. Not that I'm a prolific writer, but I like to think of this list as a WIP, to be updated upon the whim of my fickle Muse. Currently, I write in two fandoms - Sherlock Holmes book!Canon and BBC's Sherlock, which, arguably, are just two branches of the same tree ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

jademac2442 February 9 2012, 14:33:51 UTC
I am glad you made this! Also I just bought your first ebook for my kindle. :)


autumnatmidnite February 9 2012, 20:34:17 UTC
Yay! I am glad to see this list put to use :D

BTW, I'm flattered you would buy an ebook if you thought I was the author, but afraid I'm not published... yet. Working on that, tho ;)


jademac2442 February 24 2012, 16:57:02 UTC
I would by ANY book you published my dear, e or otherwise. Your fictions enthrall me.


autumnatmidnite February 24 2012, 19:49:23 UTC
You flatter me senseless *blushes*


tripleransom November 21 2012, 01:37:31 UTC
Book!Canon! fan here (waves) May I friend you? Plz?


autumnatmidnite November 21 2012, 04:07:36 UTC
Of course you may! It's always wonderful to see a fan of the originals :D


stellinia June 17 2014, 16:22:23 UTC
Can I just say that I LOVE your "organization. I haz it." avatar? It is hysterical! It brings me many LOLs.


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