Master Fic List

Feb 09, 2030 02:39

Welcome! It's about time I got around to organizing my fics, so here you are. Not that I'm a prolific writer, but I like to think of this list as a WIP, to be updated upon the whim of my fickle Muse. Currently, I write in two fandoms - Sherlock Holmes book!Canon and BBC's Sherlock, which, arguably, are just two branches of the same tree.

This LJ is semi friends only, so please feel free to comment or drop me a PM if you'd like to be added.


Destiny Has A Way (Gen - PG-13 - 2,532 words) Depictions of mild violence. AU surrounding the events of 'A Study In Scarlet'. Prompt: What would happen if Watson never met Stamford outside the Criterion bar, and took another direction instead.

A Friend And Associate (Gen/Pre-Slash - PG - 8,772 words) When a case nearly has deadly consequences for Holmes and an irate Inspector is out for revenge, Watson is forced to step back into his role as doctor for the first time since returning to London. And in so doing, two fellow lodgers evolve into friends.

Twas The Night Before All Hallows Eve (Gen - PG - 5,096 words) In the spirit of Halloween, a Poe/Holmes crossover. When Sherlock Holmes reads from a well known book of poetry, he unwittingly stirs up trouble.

The One Fixed Point (Holmes/Watson - R - 9,067 words) Retirement fic. Watson is summoned to Sussex to join Holmes in one last investigation, but as things progress, the dear doctor begins to suspect something is amiss with his companion.
Parts 1/2     Part 3/Epilogue

Through The Gates Of Hell (Gen/Case!fic - PG-13 - 13,938 words) Mentions of off-screen violence/murder.
A troubling case of Jack The Ripper-esque murders are brought to Holmes, but he soon learns that not only might it be insoluble, uncovering the mystery could have worse consequences than quitting the case. ON HIATUS.

Introspection (Holmes/Watson - PG-13 - 2,049 words) An amalgamation of Canon/Granada 'verse regarding the events surrounding 'The Creeping Man'. Mentions of PTSD. When poor Watson is dragged off on one of Holmes' cases, a healthy dose of angst ensues.

A Simple Gesture (Gen - PG - 1,598 words) For the prompt: "What would happen in SOLI, or another case you want to make up, if Watson actually had done what Holmes recommended, and gotten into a fight for his trouble to follow directions? Flangst, plz, and worried!apologetic!guilty!Holmes."

The Willow-Thorpe Spectre (Holmes/Watson - G - 2,870 words) Unrepentant fluff. And despite the title, no supernatural elements herein. During the investigation of a case wherein Holmes is taxing himself to exhaustion (again), the poor, neglected doctor begins to wonder whether his affections are returned. That is, until Holmes does something quite unexpected.

The Wages Of Love (Gen/Case!fic - PG-13 - 20,119 words) When Holmes' behaviour becomes more peculiar than usual, his seemingly callous actions prompt Watson to question their very friendship. But there is method to his madness, and Watson is about to find himself entangled in a dangerous affair. PLEASE NOTE: Currently being rewritten/revised.

Guide You Home (Holmes/Watson implied - PG - 2,196 words) Hiatus fic, with mentions of depression and suicidal thoughts. Borrows from both Canon/Granada 'verse, with a healthy dose of Catullus thrown into the mix. Just when it seems Watson has come to a crisis in his life without his dearest friend, a mysterious stranger turns up.

Journey's End (Holmes/Watson - PG-13 - 3,092 words) Something of a coda to Guide You Home, albeit an AU-ish one. While on his way to investigate a singular murder, the doctor is sidetracked by a strange patient who harbours a secret, and an Inspector who is not at all what he seems.

Off The Beaten Track (Gen - PG - 2,338 words) Supernatural fic. Wherein Holmes and Watson are lost in the woods on Halloween night.

Of Inestimable Value (Gen - PG - 2,612 words) Depictions of mild violence. When Holmes loses his temper in the midst of a case, the long-suffering doctor is left to wonder if he's managed to lose the detective's regard... and will go any length to win it back.

Where The Heart Is (Gen - G - 1,367 words) Retirement fic. Warnign for more fluff than you can shake a rather large stick at. After being invalided out of the army for a second time, Holmes attempts to convince Watson as to where home really is.

Upon The Irrelevant Uses Of Household Foodstuffs For The Repelling Of Non-Mortal Individuals With A Sanguinary Turn - or - Vampires Are Rather Fond Of Garlic (Gen/Crack!fic - PG - 916 words) Yes, that really is the title, and no, I am not in the least bit sorry for it. Thar be supernatural elements here. Wherein Watson puts Mrs Hudson's stash of garlic to good use.

Casualties (Gen - PG-13 - 6,464 words) Originally written for Holmestice 2013.
When Watson attempts to enlist in the Great War, a series of misunderstandings ensue, driving the detective and his doctor apart. But is the chasm between them really irreparable? An epistolary fic set after the events of 'His Last Bow'.


Wrong (Gen - PG - 1,813 words) Mentions of drug use. Set right after the events in ASIP. Wherein John puts his foot down, and in the process proves Sherlock Holmes to be very wrong.

Play On (Sherlock/John - PG-13 - 1,804 words) Apparently, I cannot resist the call of schmoop. Written for the prompt: "John and Sherlock's one year anniversary. John would love to be all lovey-dovey/romantic on such an occasion, but he doesn't think or expect Sherlock to be like that. John, to his surprise and delight, ends up being proven wrong."

Changing Of The Seasons (Sherlock/John - PG-13 - 2,080 words) A late era fic set just before Sherlock's retirement. What was meant to be a leisurely stroll through Regent's Park turns into an angst-fest for the poor doctor. Or, John vs. the diabolical leaves.

Upon The Moor (Gen - PG-13 - 2,462 words) Supernatural goings-on, spoilers for book!Canon 'Hound of the Baskervilles'; and on that note, if you haven't read HOUN, the ending probably won't make much sense. While on an investigation in Dartmoor, the consequences of passing through a mysterious fog are more than Sherlock or John bargained for.

Incendere (Gen - PG-13 - 221 words) A 221B drabble. Warnings for angst and implied thoughts of suicide. Post TGG, Sherlock and Moriarity have a friendly little chat concerning a certain retired army doctor.

Ulterior Motives (1/3) (Sherlock/John - PG - 221 words) A 221 B drabble. Technically not genuinely slash, although Sherlock would have you believe it most certainly will lead down that path :) After a rotten day at work, John comes home to find his flat mate in a peculiarly altruistic mood... of course, it just wouldn't be Sherlock if there weren't ulterior motives.

What's Mine Is Not Yours (2/3) (Sherlock/John - PG-13 - 221 words) Sequel to 'Ulterior Motives'. Wherein John gives in to Sherlock's demands (huge shocker, there) and Sarah is none too amused.

Everything In Its Proper Place (3/3) (Sherlock/John - PG - 221 words) Final installment in the 'Ulterior Motives' (mini?) series. The aftermath of the kiss, wherein the planets align (not like Sherlock would care) and everything shifts into it's proper place.

Thanks for reading, and comments are <3

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