Title: What's Mine Is Not Yours
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Wordcount: 221
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Harry, Sarah
Summary: Sequel to "Ulterior Motives". Wherein Watson gives in to Sherlock's demands (huge shocker, there) and Sarah is none too amused.
A/N: I made an admirable attempt at slashing Harry/Sarah, but the Muse was having none of it. I might continue this into a third installment just to get those two together… for the sake of happy endings all around ;)
Applying his friend’s logical methods to the quandary, John knows there’s no legitimate reason to explain why he’s complied with Sherlock’s exasperating demands, again.
“How could I have let you talk me into this?” John gripes, stepping out of the cab. Having sighted Sarah waiting outside the cinema, he heads towards her while Sherlock pays the driver. If there’s any small blessing in this mess, it’s that his sister hasn’t yet arrived. He’s in no mood to deal with their simultaneous ire.
Sarah beams when her eyes fix on him. Dear, sweet Sarah. She’ll understand…
And then Sherlock’s behind him, wrapping a sinewy arm around his doctor, pulling him close. The body language is universally unmistakable -- mine. If he squints hard enough, he’d notice Sarah’s hackles are rising.
“What’s this all about?” She crosses her arms, posture oozing defensiveness.
“Everybody here, then?” Harry’s timing is impeccable, managing to turn up the instant Sherlock leans in, brushing his lips at the corner of her brother’s mouth. John’s eyes close lazily, the way they never do those rare instances he kisses Sarah.
Probably why the poor sod never sees it coming.
Next John’s aware, his insufferable friend and sister are hovering over him.
“Very unreasonable of her. You’re better off without that woman.”
Harry giggles. “That’s going to leave one spectacular bruise."
Onward to Part III