Title: Upon The Moor
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Wordcount: 2,462
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
Warning(s): Supernatural goings-on, spoilers for 'Hound of the Baskervilles'; and on that note, if you haven't read HOUN, the ending probably won't make much sense. Also, this is basically gen/friendship, but if you have your slash
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Comments 29
Sucker as I am for a rebooted canon story, this is a step above that and I absolutely love the eerie meshing of universe elements. I think the thing I like the most, is that ACDghost!Holmes immediately recognizes John even though the man really looks nothing like the usual perception of a Watson; I think it shows that the soul recognizes what physical appearance can possibly mask. <3
You are awesome.
Absolutely thrilled you approved of this little bit of ficcery! The plot here was originally intended to be something entirely different than how it turned out, so ghost!Holmes sort of took me by surprise. But there were never any doubts that Sherlock Holmes and John Watson would recognize each other, no matter what form they were in. It was the only point I was sure of while writing this...
There's nothing I can add to KCS's review so I'll just hang onto her coattails and nod my head like a bobble gone ballistic.
I love your John. You've got him nailed even if you haven't written him in a while. Its that sarcastic and almost crochity thought line while he's soaked and miserable that just play out so true. Also love How Holmes's treatsies become Sherlock's Wikipedia articles. Great touch!
The reference to ACD Holmes with the ghostly hound made my day! Some part of me just itches for well done crossovers between the two universes and this is only the second story I've read where it was well done. And believe me, I've looked! This felt like a wonderful exerpt from a modern HOUND and stands very well on its own. However, if you ever wanted to fill in the gaps at either end of it, and maybe insert more crossover with ACD verse someday, I'd be right there to read it :D !
"Also love How Holmes's treatsies become Sherlock's Wikipedia articles"
You don't know how giddy it makes me that someone actually noticed that reference!!! In my personal head!Canon, Sherlock writes the driest Wiki articles on the net, lol. I amused myself with that bit, so happy you caught it :)
And I'm thrilled you'd like to read more of this verse - it was definitely a brain eater, so who knows. It might come back out to play one day.
I love how the two universes crossed and we got the perfect spooky atmosphere. I was stunned by the appearance of ACD Holmes and had to go back and read that again. (I particularly loved that he recognized John. I also loved that John had some loyalty to that Holmes, even though he might not have realized it.)
It was the perfect Sherlock ghost story. Loved, loved, loved it.
(And if you were ever to write the other side of it, with Holmes seeing those two, I'd not only read it, I'd likely send you...well, something.)
And I'm so glad the atmosphere worked for you! I was in a Halloween mood when I wrote it, and it's always wonderful when a mood I'm trying to convey actually comes across that way :D
Not sure about continuing it, at least not yet, what with NaNo and my Holmestic fic killing me by degrees... but maybe, if I survive November, my Muse would like to play in this 'verse again. She is certainly pleased about the offer to send something :)
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