Most common complaints:
1.1: "She's a Mary Sue - she has special powers!"
That doesn't necessarily constitute a Mary Sue. First of all, extraordrinary powers are canon; Fleur isn't even 100% human (but you don't hear as many people call her a Sue). As long as she isn't using them to make even Voldemort a soulful man who is simply misunderstood, I don't see the problem.
1.2: "She's also related to Sirius!"
Is every wizard and witch supposed to be family memberless? Makes for bad angst more than a good plot if you ask me.
2.1: "Tonks was whining over love..."
In fairness, this one is often debated. I think there's two possibilities: Either JK Rowling is extremely vain and makes Tonks the same way, or, as even Hermione hinted, there was more to it.
And then there's the fact that it is possible she and Remus were in a serious relationship. No, we didn't see them kissing - we hardly ever saw them. And when we did (in about, say, five scenes) they were together in three of those scenes. I'd say that Remus was at least a close friend becoming a love interest. And who wants to be pushed away by their best friend, knowing it's partly because they are spying on a man who uses his Lycanthropy as a weapon? I'd be crying at random and having trouble metamorphing as well.
2.2: "... and she put him on the spot!"
Again, there's no denying it wasn't the right place or time. But Tonks was under a great deal of stress, especially as Remus could've died. I think it all just came out. Also, notice that when Remus said "let's discuss this later", McGonagall was the one who kept going, not Tonks.
2.3: "Pink hair at a funeral?"
Honestly? I think Dumbledore was looking down from the big Sock-and-Candy Palace in the sky smiling at that. If anything, Tonks did it as a tribute. I might be wrong - and if I am, I withdraw this argument. But I somehow think Dumbledore would've approved 100%.
3: "Tonks sunk R/S."
No, she didn't. The Veil sunk R/S. And even then, who is to say Remus and Sirius weren't a couple before? That I have no huge arguments against or my R/S friends would kill me.
4: "She's too perky."
So? I like perky. True, she overdoes it, but I think that's more of an escape, trying to make things lighter. I think HBP shows that this was not a good defense. The other possibility is that that's just who she is. It doesn't make her vain or possibly dangerous.
5. "Only a twelve year old likes the idea of pink or purple hair."
*Blinks* While I've seen older high school and college aged kids with pink and purple hair, I have only once seen a pre-teen with a "non-natural" hair color, and I believe it was due to not realizing how hard hair dye is to get out when she sprayed it for Halloween.
Just my two cents! *Whew*
Thoughts are appreciated - even contradictions. This isn't wank, just my thoughts.