Ardhanarishvara Part Twenty-Seven

Jan 24, 2008 23:02

Previously: Sheppard and McKay were held hostage after being captured on a mission without Teyla or Ronon along (that'll teach 'em to go off on their own), rescued themselves in true Sheppard and McKay fashion and left a large hole in the ground behind them as well as an enemy that was probably but not positively dead. Elizabeth was afraid of lice ( Read more... )


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Comments 33

lexstar29 January 24 2008, 23:07:31 UTC
And there goes that embarrassing noise of joy again! Missed this so much, and now it's going to be posted AND I'M AWAY TILL MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's going to taunt me till then! I love the threads of emotion that run through this story, it's lovely seeing John and Rodney so happy together. Love that Ronan is considering staying a woman. I've loved the therapy sessions, and how they've showed the changes in dynamics between the team all through the process.

Lovely to see this back!


auburnnothenna January 24 2008, 23:13:17 UTC
You just saved Mona's sanity, you know? Also, mine, since I persuaded her to begin posting today so that it would finish up on Saturday.

They are all just sickeningly happy in this one, by the way. Mona wouldn't let me be mean and have an angsty ending. No. Happy endings are us.

But OMG the last post was May last year. What the hell happened to us?


lexstar29 January 24 2008, 23:43:57 UTC
Glad to have been of assistance! It may have been May last year, but it was so worth waiting for!


janne_d January 24 2008, 23:13:56 UTC

I love Ronon. Seriously, seriously love Ronon and that he may not change back.

And I love the Energiser Bunny Sheppard, and how Kate watches them and Elizabeth realising John never liked hugs and... pretty much everything really.


auburnnothenna January 24 2008, 23:24:33 UTC
Thank you, thank you. I think after such a long hiatus, most people figured this for a abandoned WIP, but we've done it! We've finished. Posting tomorrow and Saturday and all is well with the universe.


ratcreature January 24 2008, 23:27:22 UTC
YAY. You always make me really enjoy Heightmeyer's POV. And now I curious about what Ronon will decide.


auburnnothenna January 24 2008, 23:32:08 UTC
You will find out about Ronon on ...Saturday. That part posts Saturday!

I actually missed Kate while editing this. Or at least, our Kate, who had a few more ethics than canon Kate. But I do sort of miss canon Kate and I'm still sad for the way she died, suffering such terror.

Well, our Kate lives on at least.


ratcreature January 24 2008, 23:35:58 UTC
I never warmed up much towards canon Kate, because of ethics but also because she just didn't appear all that often, but I like your version in Ard.


auburnnothenna January 24 2008, 23:44:53 UTC
Okay, this is interesting.

I did not like canon Kate, the person, if you will. I thought she was bad at her job, had lousy ethics, and vaguely creepy at times. That said, it isn't necessary to like the person for them to be a good (in other words, useful to the telling of the story) character. I found her to be a good character, I didn't mind seeing her show up in an episode, I thought she expanded the society of Atlantis.

On the other hand, not only did I dislike canon Carson (I thought he had a worse grasp of ethics, biomedical or just every day morals, than Kate), I disliked the character and thought that the Carson character was often injected into an episode because he was main cast and not because it furthered the story. So I was pleased to see him go for objective and subjective reasons.


eleveninches January 25 2008, 00:42:04 UTC
Oooooh, now I want a bunch of future!fics where Ronon's decided to stay a woman. That's a pretty cool idea.


auburnnothenna January 25 2008, 00:45:51 UTC
You could always play in our sandbox if you wanted. Come Saturday and 'the end', Ard will be open and free. Seriously, you have the sort of cracked out vision that would do great things with Ronon Dex, Woman Warrior.


ladystarlightsj January 25 2008, 01:12:35 UTC

*waits patiently for next bit*

There's so much to love about this story, I can't pull any one thing out!


auburnnothenna January 25 2008, 01:21:19 UTC

That's the kind of talk I like to hear.



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