31 Days of Fic: Twenty-Eight

Sep 12, 2007 06:47

It's seven in the morning and I still haven't slept.  Please forgive any incoherency on my part.

I'm going to go ahead and insert the 'I'm bitching' warning here.  I'm also going to say right now that the following rant has nothing to do with any of you wonderful livejournal people.  This is entirely directed at one specific reviewer at ff.net

Read more... )

hp, sirius black, fic a day: marauders, pre-slash, august ficathon, fic

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Comments 18

cat_i_th_adage September 12 2007, 11:21:53 UTC
Gosh those two are sweet.


auberus September 12 2007, 11:28:06 UTC
They're such fun to write when they're like that!


freudian_fuckup September 12 2007, 14:09:32 UTC
awww awww awww awww
they're so sweet. i'm a smut-girl myself, in fact i generally avoid pre-slash altogether, but they're just so cuuute.

as for your jerk reviewer, that is super rude. it's your story, they have absolutely no right to make snide judgments about the artistic choices you make, particularly regarding something as silly as length. i'd probably ignore it, being non-confrontational and all, but if you cyber-kicked their arse, i wouldn't blame you.


auberus September 12 2007, 18:40:49 UTC
Thank you!

(as far as the smut goes -- I love to read it, and I think I'm slowly gearing up to writing it.) :)


freudian_fuckup September 12 2007, 20:11:02 UTC
it took me a good year to write anything where anyone got naked. i do look forward to the day that you try it though, as i imagine it will be fabulous.


auberus September 12 2007, 21:42:59 UTC
aw, thank you!

(i have a lot of drafts of a naked-scene for DWYS, but I'm not happy with any of them, and i keep throwing them away. why is sex harder to write than it is to have?)


dr_schreaber September 12 2007, 14:25:39 UTC
D'AAAWWW. :3 *is all gushy*

and about annoying!commenter, I say ignore! s/he might be less inclined to say silly things if s/he's not getting responses, especially if that's your norm. like with a bully! ignore them and they'll go away :3 or was that 'stand up to them...'? ...hm :/

Is there anything that anyone particularly wants to see before I put this to bed?
umm... ummmm.. UMMM!.... have they gone to hogsmeade yet? that could be interesting. I can see sirius being all LET'S HOLD HANDS ALLL THE TIME 8D and remus being Not Entirely Cool with That. and i wonder what the slytherins think of this new development, what with sirius being obviously obvious. or OR! ...i dunno. I'll like anything you come up with, I think <3


auberus September 12 2007, 18:41:35 UTC
Thanks so much!

Hogsmeade, hmm? ::goes to ponder::


erushi September 12 2007, 14:51:22 UTC
*emits a series of incomprehensible squeaks* That was so fluffy and sweet! And hurrah for McGonagall screen time. I love her as a character, and am often quite sad to find that she is seldom written about, much less fleshed out somewhat as you do (I think she's got more of a dry sense of humour <-- fully agreed.).

And as for that impertinent twat from ffnet, I'd say to just ignore her. It's her loss if she's unable to appreciate your gorgeous writing (and I don't give this compliment out often). *prevents herself from making some snide comments about said reviewer probably being a shameless smut-fangirl on the look-out for literary pr0n*


auberus September 12 2007, 18:42:40 UTC
Thank you! And yeah, I love McGonagall. I'd have *loved* to have her as a professor. (Amanda says that about Snape, but I have to admit that I don't see it.)


stillthestars September 12 2007, 14:58:27 UTC
This was a perfect thing to wake up to. I love how comfortable Remus and Sirius are with each other. And how comfortable James and Sirius are together, as well. Aw- Sirius still has time to throw dirt at his BFF. Adorable.

Now, about that ff.net reviewer... Honestly, there are going to be idiots anywhere you go (and in my experience, there seems to be a rather high concentration of them at that particular site). I would just ignore it. If the person can't see how well written even 150 of your words are- how much you can say in so little (which is the point, really, the challenge)- then he/she is just not worth a response.


auberus September 12 2007, 18:43:41 UTC
Thanks so much, both for the review and the comments re: ff.net. I really just needed to vent at the stupidity of people who don't understand the idea of a challenge.


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