Sign Ups (Round 2)

Oct 01, 2011 10:40

Leave a comment to this post under the name you wish to post as to get you bingo card and a code to post it to your journal. Be aware that the card code already contains the lj-cut code; you can change the cut text to suit you.

If you want your card with the white background, remove background="LINK" from your code and change color to "0000000" to make the font color black.

To strike out a square find the square name in the code you've been given and make it look like this: <*s><*a href="LINK TO YOUR STORY">SQUARE NAME<*/a><*/s> (without the asterisks).

To have your card display properly, you need to copy/paste its code directly from the comment itself, and not from your e-mail. Use the html editor when posting.

The style/layout of your journal maybe prevent you from seeing the lines on the table. If you have any other problems with your code, please send a message to au_bingo_mods and we’ll try to help you out.

Important: Some AU prompts simply won’t work for some people. Additionally, some prompts may be triggering for some people. Therefore, please look over the list of prompts the cards are made from. When you sign up, if needed, you can indicate up to five prompts to be vetoed so we can give you a card without those.

If you need more than five prompts vetoed, please contact the mods by PM or email ( and we will work with you to make sure you have a suitable card.

Sign Ups for Round 2 will remain open until March 31, 2012.

round: two, admin: sign ups

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