It’s about one moment; the moment before it all becomes clear

Nov 20, 2011 01:19

Characters: Wanda and Erik
Date & Time: November 2nd, afternoon
Setting: By the lake.
Summary: You learn something new every day. And Wanda’s about to learn a doozy.
Rating: PG-13? Probably not going to go up. I doubt they’ll get THAT violent.
Status: CLOSED

And in that one moment, the things that you’re sure of slip from your hand )

wanda frank, erik lehnsherr

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chaosmagus November 21 2011, 04:25:04 UTC
Somehow Wanda wasn’t surprised in the least that he had picked up on so much from something as simple as a painting. Not after he’d already determined that she had an eidetic memory from it. A part of her was uncertain that she had wanted him to know that much about her; though it was too late to change that now, so she would simply have to go along with it ( ... )


chaosmagus December 30 2011, 03:29:43 UTC
Wanda felt like she had had the rug pulled out from under her, and while she was well aware of the fact that she could do what she chose to with the information Lehnsherr had given her... she was entirely confused as to what it should be. She was simply at a loss. The torrent of emotions she was feeling overwhelmed any and all effort she made at calm, rational thought. She hated this. Hated feeling so lost and overwhelmed.

He’s my father.

Did she get to know him? Did she acknowledge that he was, in fact, her father, but that didn’t change anything? Did she resolutely deny that he was, or just keep things as they were? Could she just go on ignoring him, knowing what she knew now?

She needed to get away. She needed space and time to herself, away from the mansion. Away from her newly discovered family. I want to go home. To Cap, and Howard... Someplace familiar. Where she could gather herself... figure things out ( ... )


rageserenity December 30 2011, 03:46:05 UTC
Erik just watched her go, watched her tactical retreat all the way back to the mansion in fact. He watched until she was inside, and watched for minutes more.

Wanda deserved to make her own decisions, to think as much as she needed to. He'd never begrudge her that - she was his daughter afterall, just as Lorna was, and although she needed his guidance quite a lot less than Lorna, she was no less deserving of his time or consideration.

He had no idea if this revelation would alter their rather caustic relationship, or thaw her out to him. But it didn't matter in the long run. It was how it was.

And then he resumed his afternoon jog. It was really as simple as that.


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