It’s about one moment; the moment before it all becomes clear

Nov 20, 2011 01:19

Characters: Wanda and Erik
Date & Time: November 2nd, afternoon
Setting: By the lake.
Summary: You learn something new every day. And Wanda’s about to learn a doozy.
Rating: PG-13? Probably not going to go up. I doubt they’ll get THAT violent.
Status: CLOSED

It was with some reluctance that Wanda had continued to stay at the mansion. Pietro was settling in nicely, it seemed, so she no longer had to worry about him. But for herself... settling in was not in the cards. She had continued to mostly keep to herself, save for Pietro, of course; the only other person she didn’t make an effort to avoid was Lorna. She had somehow managed to actually avoid Lehnsherr entirely for the most part, which was something she chalked up to luck. Possibly HER luck, though she had not consciously tried to manipulate anything. Regardless, she was grateful for it.

She had taken to sitting by the lake most nights, even before Lorna had told her about it; though at times it reminded her almost painfully of home. Not home with Clint, and Cap, and Howard, which she missed more than anything... but HOME. With her father... which inevitably brought up memories of how everything ended. Which was something she generally tried to avoid. But it was one of the best places to just be alone, so she dealt with the unpleasant memories as best she could when they arose.

Today she had retreated to the banks of the lake earlier than usual, with painting supplies in hand. She had gone out and picked them up the day before; if she waited until she had access to her own supplies... she might be waiting quite some time. So she had simply taken the next logical step and picked up enough to work with until she could return home.

Frowning thoughtfully at the canvas, Wanda continued painting, losing herself in the familiar motions and work.

wanda frank, erik lehnsherr

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