I feel a change coming on, rolling out of the blue like a storm

Aug 17, 2011 01:52

Characters: Jean Grey and Logan
Date & Time: August 12th, night; during this
Setting: Out on the porch
Summary: Jean’s keeping to herself a lot lately.
Rating: PG-13
Status: OPEN

Jean sat on the railing of the porch, arms wrapped around a knee. She’d been withdrawn even more since... whatever it was that she had sensed on the lawn. She KNEW without a doubt that she had sensed Alex, THEIR Alex. They needed to get him back... Or else she needed to figure out how she was managing to feel what he was feeling from wherever it was that he had ended up, and do something to lessen the connection a little. Just enough so she wasn’t completely incapacitated the next time it happened. Though it wasn’t like she could outright TELL anyone at the moment, could she.

Whatever it was that the dying conversation between worlds with Alex had done to her, it was taking its sweet time in healing. She’d gotten used to being silent, but it was more than a little frustrating at times. Especially having to write notes if she wanted to tell anyone anything.

She’d gotten particularly irritated earlier and thrown both the notebook and pen off into the yard. She was sure that she’d want to find them later, but for the time being she didn’t care. Shortly thereafter she had made her way to the porch, where she’d been sitting since.

It was a beautiful night, with clear skies and just the right amount of breeze. Jean sighed, tilting her head and gazing up at the stars. She had gone stargazing a lot after getting out of the coma, once her parents had been convinced that she wasn't going to relapse or anything. She hadn't realised how much she would miss silence, genuine silence, until she could no longer find it. But here, with the mansion's somewhat isolated location, and the slight improvement of her mental shields... she could almost remember what silence was like.

jean grey, logan "wolverine"

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