It's my party, I can cry if I want to...

Aug 15, 2011 09:47

Characters: Jay Guthrie & Angel Salvatore
Date&Time: August 14th, night (after THIS)
Setting: Her room, the world!
Summary: Life sucks and then you don't die.
Rating: PG-13+ I'm sure.
Status: Open to Angel!

Jay hated the world.

It was a simple fact, one that she had no intention of changing her stance on any time soon. She hated her mother for sending her here, for not being able to fix her or whatever it was that was broken inside of her. She hated Julia for being the one to break it, and she hated her siblings for either leaving her- or being able to be left.

She hated this school of sorts, for giving her information she never wanted- a foresight into her possible future that no girl of sixteen should know. She hated Sean for being there and she hated Alex most of all. Oh god did she hate Alex. He had taken her heart, placed it in a box and then first tossed it aside when she wasn't able to put out for him, and then smashed it with a hammer as this 'alternate' - honest Alex had told her the truth.

She was going to simply go upstairs, grab her bag and head out the window- but she only got so far as her bed. Instead of running, she sat down- door open and began to cry. An honest, proper cry that she hadn't had since he held her that first time... which only made it worse.

She didn't care if the door was open, or if the whole world watched her as her heart broke. It was her room, and she was going to break down if she wanted to.

angel salvadore, jay guthrie

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