The Sky's Still Fire

Jul 21, 2011 21:40

Characters: ALEX & OPEN
Date&Time: July 21/night
Setting: out back
Summary: star trekkin' across the universe gazing.
Status: Open

Second star to the right, and straight on till morning... )

amara aquilla, bobbi drake, ben westwood, kurt wagner, alex summers, iris masterson

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fuzzybamf July 22 2011, 06:09:56 UTC
Boredom often ravaged his head. He had grown up able to fling his body from dangerous heights, perform, feel the high of adrenaline in his body. Mansion life had him feel slow, sluggish... and a little bit dreary, to be honest. He was pacing the halls when his eye caught someone laying in the lawn, perhaps a pretty girl? Waiting for her knight in blue fur to come to her side and comfort her?

Subtly wasn't something he excelled at, not quite yet at least, and immediately after spotting this apparent maiden laying in the lawn, Kurt ported beside the other, hoping it was someone he knew better than... Alex...? Was that even the guy's name?

"Oh," he didn't sound disappointed, no, just... quietly startled, was that the word for it? "I am sorry, I didn't realize zhat it vas you." Well, this was just embarrassing.


fuzzybamf July 24 2011, 03:08:34 UTC
"Oh, vell, zhat's good." Kurt mumbled, looking away from Alex now, feeling much too awkward for his own good. "Vell, uhm, zhis has been... awkward enough, I zhink zhat I hear my damsel calling... or somezhing."


everambient July 24 2011, 03:28:26 UTC
Alex nodded and had every intention of letting the other mutant leave, but surprised himself by asking, "What's it like? Looking like that in a world of people who hate mutants?" His tone was soft, curious rather than insulting. He honestly wanted to know.


fuzzybamf July 24 2011, 04:01:29 UTC
Kurt had just been about to vanish when the other's question rang in his ears. It stung, he had to admit, but his shoulders sank and he gave a little shrug. "Vell, it's impossible to find a 'nice girl to settle down vith', if zhat's vhat you vant to know." He laughed, but it was empty. It was true, though he didn't want it to be.


everambient July 24 2011, 05:08:52 UTC
The sad smile that crossed Alex's expression was one of slight understanding. "Yeah," he replied. "A lot of mutants have that problem, but I can't imagine...welcome to Mutant High," Alex finally told him, offering his hand for Kurt to shake, and feeling like an asshole for not doing it sooner.


fuzzybamf July 24 2011, 05:47:41 UTC
"Zhank you," Kurt said, the smile actually looking genuine maybe for a moment as he reached out and shook the other's hands. "I'll be sure not to ever make you upset." He said pointedly, grinning a little more. "Now zhat I can actually be around people zhough, who knows, maybe I vill find someone vho doesn't mind all of... zhis." He said with a bit of a laugh.


everambient July 24 2011, 06:21:17 UTC
Alex shook his hand before pulling his own back. "The people here are..." he paused, thinking about Amara and Jay, how they both--respectfully--trusted him with his unstable power. "Kind," Alex finally added in way of finishing the thought. "I'll see you around, Kurt."


fuzzybamf July 24 2011, 06:43:12 UTC
"Ja," he said with a little nod. He had already met a few of these kind people on his own. And Alex had turned out to be... not as bad as he initially thought. "Zhank you, good night." And with a burst of sulfur, he was gone.


everambient July 24 2011, 07:03:13 UTC
He looked at the spot where Kurt had been standing a moment before and shook his head. "Jesus, that's cool," Alex commented, laughing quietly.


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