The Sky's Still Fire

Jul 21, 2011 21:40

Characters: ALEX & OPEN
Date&Time: July 21/night
Setting: out back
Summary: star trekkin' across the universe gazing.
Status: Open

Second star to the right, and straight on till morning... )

amara aquilla, bobbi drake, ben westwood, kurt wagner, alex summers, iris masterson

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Comments 203

eagleonfire July 22 2011, 05:36:57 UTC
Amara had crept out of the mansion quietly, intending to hike to town to find a store that would be able to give her cigarettes this late (a vice she'd picked up in Miami), but when she saw Alex sprawled out on his back, she'd had to stop. She moved to stand next to him quietly, slipping down to lay next to him. "They are beautiful, aren't they?" she whispered, not wanting to be too loud in case anyone was around. She didn't want to draw attention if he'd wanted to be alone, plus she still intended to head into town.


everambient July 22 2011, 05:54:56 UTC
His smile returned, just like that, at the sound of her familiar voice. Alex was careful to keep his gaze on the stars though. After all, he was tempted to reply with some lame line like 'yeah you are,' and if he didn't look at her, it was easier to not say stupid things.

"Yeah," he agreed quietly, bringing his hands up to rest on the containment plate. He could almost feel the energy being absorbed. "You can see a lot more of them back home," he explained. "They don't have so many city lights to compete with back there, and the northern lights...Jesus, it's like someone decided to paint between the stars, add some color to the darkness. It's the most incredible thing I've ever seen."


eagleonfire July 22 2011, 06:05:26 UTC
She smiled softly, her eyes picking out familiar constellations, remembering the stories her father used to tell her when she was small. "Yeah, there is a bit of a wash here. I've never seen the northern lights, though. We were too close to the equator. Where was that, when you saw them, I mean?" She didn't really know much about where he'd come from, before his trouble with the law.


everambient July 22 2011, 06:28:57 UTC
"Alaska," he explained. "It's pretty much as far North as you can get without actually being on the north-pole. And the northern lights--they're really called auroras--that are basically caused by energy colliding with atoms in the Earth's atmosphere, causing these gorgeous light shows. It literally looks like someone took a paintbrush across the sky, and the colors are so surreal it seems almost..." he searched for a word to explain it, one she might understand and finally settled for the almost Latin, "extraterrestrial."

Alex turned his head to look at her finally, and his smile was still there on his expression, but it softened a bit, relaxed as he looked at the girl. "It's kind of like what happens with my power," he explained quietly, "only I turn the energy into plasma instead of light." It took him a moment to realize how closely she was laying next to him.


as_ice July 22 2011, 05:41:52 UTC
Bobbi had pretty much skated through her first day at the mansion. She had kind of stood back and observed, trying to get a feel for the people here, so far everyone was pretty nice. So far anyways. She'd decided to take a walk around the grounds, kind of map it out to herself so she didn't get lost later.

Seeing as nobody was around she lowered her temperature and started making soft snowballs in her hands, tossing them up above her head, pretty much making it snow around her as she made her way back through the backyard and to the door.


everambient July 22 2011, 06:07:00 UTC
When the first few flakes of snow hit his face from the wind, Alex was sure he was imagining it. When he realized he was no longer alone and saw a girl nearby making the snow, he remembered he was in a world where imagination became real and sat up.

"Neat trick," Alex told her, smiling a bit. "It snowed a lot back where I'm from," he explained.


as_ice July 22 2011, 07:07:33 UTC
She startled a bit, not having realized that there was a guy laying on the ground, but she caught herself in time to keep from accidentally loosing control of the snowballs. A blush crept up her face, but she smiled back.

"Uh, thanks. Sorry about the snow, I didn't know anyone was around." She grinned at his words. "Really? That sounds nice!"


everambient July 22 2011, 07:36:27 UTC
"You create ice?" he guessed, wondering if her power gave her any control over water too. It was an interesting concept to him--like how he might be able to absorb Ben's electrical power. Might.

"Don't be sorry," Alex added. "To be honest, I miss it. New York gets snow, but it's nothing like back home."


fuzzybamf July 22 2011, 06:09:56 UTC
Boredom often ravaged his head. He had grown up able to fling his body from dangerous heights, perform, feel the high of adrenaline in his body. Mansion life had him feel slow, sluggish... and a little bit dreary, to be honest. He was pacing the halls when his eye caught someone laying in the lawn, perhaps a pretty girl? Waiting for her knight in blue fur to come to her side and comfort her?

Subtly wasn't something he excelled at, not quite yet at least, and immediately after spotting this apparent maiden laying in the lawn, Kurt ported beside the other, hoping it was someone he knew better than... Alex...? Was that even the guy's name?

"Oh," he didn't sound disappointed, no, just... quietly startled, was that the word for it? "I am sorry, I didn't realize zhat it vas you." Well, this was just embarrassing.


everambient July 22 2011, 06:19:25 UTC
The scent of sulfur caught his attention before the sight of the blue mutant. Sitting up, Alex looked at him for a moment, startled, before he realized he was staring--and it was rude to stare, even if the person you were staring at was blue and had a tail.

"Sorry to disappoint?" Alex commented, not sure what else to say. "Were you supposed to meet someone out here? Because I can go back inside." God forbid he interrupt some kind of weird date.


fuzzybamf July 22 2011, 06:25:42 UTC
"Oh, no, no," Kurt said, holding up his hands and waving them, shaking his head. "It vas just zhat I zhought you needed comforting or somezhing, but zhat was vhen I zhought you vere a girl."

Nice. Making friends all over the place, Kurt. "You're Alex, right?"


everambient July 22 2011, 06:33:45 UTC
He flexed his arms and glared a little bit. "Well I'm not a girl," he pointed out. "And yes, I'm Alex. You must be the German? I'm sorry, I don't remember your name." But he didn't sound very sorry.


seesthespectrum July 22 2011, 07:14:42 UTC
Stargazing had long been Iris' favorite pastime, a fact that hadn't changed since she'd come to the mansion. It was her nightly routine, to come out with her notebook and unabashedly enjoy the night sky. Especially since she'd managed to reassemble the telescope her brother had shipped, she'd been spending more and more time absorbed in her semi-research ( ... )


everambient July 22 2011, 08:25:39 UTC
He didn't even hear her at first. Well, he heard her, his mind just didn't process that the sound was someone else speaking to him, his gaze so focused on the skies. When he finally did catch on, Alex was a little startled, and his containment plate began to glow as he sat up.

At least he now knew his power kicked in when adrenaline did.

Looking at her for a moment, Alex was quiet before finally asking, "Is that a telescope?" It was a stupid question, he knew what it was, but it seemed so out of place there outside the mansion.


seesthespectrum July 22 2011, 09:16:35 UTC
Iris chuckled softly. "Yes, it is a telescope."

She could see his containment plate start to glow, but resisted the urge to see what other forms of radiation it was emitting. It was, after all, rather rude to go snooping into other people's spectral emissions without their permission.

"I hope I didn't scare you," she said. "I just thought you might like a better view."


everambient July 22 2011, 09:18:56 UTC
"Are you--" he started to ask if she was a teacher, but decided he didn't want to know, because she was awfully pretty for a teacher. "Yeah," Alex finally replied, standing up carefully. "Yeah, I'd love that."

"I, uh, absorb cosmic rays for my power," Alex explained.


staticsnap July 22 2011, 08:52:46 UTC
It was as if some vast, cosmic force had heard the first persistent whisper of doubt brewing in Summers' mind, had reached out across the yawning arc of the universe and bent it's ear to hear the silent war of conscience waging within the man as his thoughts pitched and rolled beneath the celestial canvas. And, like a gentle mother reaching out to sooth a child's terror, the universe answered ( ... )


everambient July 22 2011, 09:07:34 UTC
He was blind. God, he was blind and never going to be able to see again. Sitting up, Alex covered his eyes and turned towards the sound of Ben's voice, finally lowering his hand after a moment to look at the other mutant through spotted vision. His first instinct was to yell at the kid, but luckily he took a moment to get over the initial shock of being temporarily blinded and actually smiled a bit.

"I was staring at the stars," he replied. "And now that's all I can see," Alex teased him. "Put that thing down before you really do blind me."


staticsnap July 22 2011, 09:29:50 UTC
An abashed look spread across Ben's face and he quickly dropped his torch-wielding arm. Too quickly, actually: the metal cylinder thwacked against one scrawny hip and, because he was completely lacking even a hint of coordination, sailed out of his hand. The boy dove forward with a lurching urgency because oh God, it was going to land right on Alex's face and then he wouldn't just be blind he'd be concussed and that? That was generally frowned upon in civil situations ( ... )


everambient July 22 2011, 09:39:20 UTC
Alex did his best not to laugh, but he couldn't help but smile as he watched. "Your codename should be Grace, man," he teased, glancing at Ben once the flashlight was out and his eyes had adjusted in the darkness.

Eventually, he laid back again and turned his gaze towards the stars once more. "We have to quit meeting like this, Ben," he joked. "People go crazy after so long of going without sleep--it's a scientific fact." He was smiling though, glad for the company. It was funny how he hadn't been able to handle being around people at first after months in solitary, and now he almost needed it.


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