The Sky's Still Fire

Jul 21, 2011 21:40

Characters: ALEX & OPEN
Date&Time: July 21/night
Setting: out back
Summary: star trekkin' across the universe gazing.
Status: Open

Second star to the right, and straight on till morning... )

amara aquilla, bobbi drake, ben westwood, kurt wagner, alex summers, iris masterson

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fuzzybamf July 22 2011, 06:09:56 UTC
Boredom often ravaged his head. He had grown up able to fling his body from dangerous heights, perform, feel the high of adrenaline in his body. Mansion life had him feel slow, sluggish... and a little bit dreary, to be honest. He was pacing the halls when his eye caught someone laying in the lawn, perhaps a pretty girl? Waiting for her knight in blue fur to come to her side and comfort her?

Subtly wasn't something he excelled at, not quite yet at least, and immediately after spotting this apparent maiden laying in the lawn, Kurt ported beside the other, hoping it was someone he knew better than... Alex...? Was that even the guy's name?

"Oh," he didn't sound disappointed, no, just... quietly startled, was that the word for it? "I am sorry, I didn't realize zhat it vas you." Well, this was just embarrassing.


everambient July 22 2011, 06:19:25 UTC
The scent of sulfur caught his attention before the sight of the blue mutant. Sitting up, Alex looked at him for a moment, startled, before he realized he was staring--and it was rude to stare, even if the person you were staring at was blue and had a tail.

"Sorry to disappoint?" Alex commented, not sure what else to say. "Were you supposed to meet someone out here? Because I can go back inside." God forbid he interrupt some kind of weird date.


fuzzybamf July 22 2011, 06:25:42 UTC
"Oh, no, no," Kurt said, holding up his hands and waving them, shaking his head. "It vas just zhat I zhought you needed comforting or somezhing, but zhat was vhen I zhought you vere a girl."

Nice. Making friends all over the place, Kurt. "You're Alex, right?"


everambient July 22 2011, 06:33:45 UTC
He flexed his arms and glared a little bit. "Well I'm not a girl," he pointed out. "And yes, I'm Alex. You must be the German? I'm sorry, I don't remember your name." But he didn't sound very sorry.


fuzzybamf July 22 2011, 06:50:24 UTC
"Zhe German?" He repeated with an arched brow. He hadn't been called that before, but it was a nice break from 'fuzzy blue elf' or whatever people decided to refer to him as. "Vell, yes, zhat is vhere I came from..." He wasn't sure if he should be offended or not by it. "I'm Kurt and I can see now zhat I made a mistake, you're really not zhat pretty up close. I should get my eyes checked."


everambient July 22 2011, 07:30:34 UTC
Alex relaxed and actually smiled a little bit at that. "Things I never thought I'd be happy to hear someone say," he muttered in amusement. "So, Kurt, what is it you do?" Besides be blue and kind of scary looking--Alex wisely kept that part of the question to himself. And while he had a hard time keeping track of some of the other kids' powers, he was almost sure he'd remember this ones.


fuzzybamf July 22 2011, 17:05:57 UTC
"Me?" He asked, almost incredulously. He thought he had popped up on at least everyone by now, probably not a fact he should be very proud of, but he figured that everyone just knew about him, at least from glances or gossip - well, it was good to know that people didn't talk nearly as much as he thought they would, that brought a little touch of comfort. He vanished in a little plume of smoke and reappeared hanging upside down in a tree nearby, using his tail. "Not much," he said sarcastically before going upwards, tail still keeping his balance as he crawled along the underside of the branch and then down the trunk. He vanished again and reappeared behind Alex, his tail lightly prodding him in the back. Show off.


everambient July 22 2011, 18:27:30 UTC
He laughed, turning to look at the other mutant. "That's...actually pretty neat." The whole climbing thing was a little weird, but he'd seen Hank do it so it wasn't the most unusual thing he'd ever seen.


fuzzybamf July 22 2011, 21:48:45 UTC
"So," he prompted with a flick of his tail, circling back around Alex. "Vhat is it zhat you do?" He didn't sound smug, no, not at all. Just... A little pushy, that was all.


everambient July 23 2011, 05:27:52 UTC
"It's uh, it's kind of complicated," Alex explained. He always had a moment of embarrassment when people asked him what his power was, and he wasn't entirely sure he would ever get over that.


fuzzybamf July 23 2011, 05:40:08 UTC
"Oh?" Kurt asked with a tilt of his head and an arch of his brow. "Anymore complicated zhan looking like zhis?" Because he always had an idea that any power would probably be a fair trade off for looking even semi-normal.


everambient July 23 2011, 06:15:47 UTC
"Yeah," he assured the other mutant. "Like, potential to be a nuclear bomb and destroy everyone around me complicated." And thanks to the vastness of space, he was never running out of the source of his power.


fuzzybamf July 23 2011, 06:38:50 UTC
"Oh?" He asked, intrigued. "Is zhat vhat you do, zhen? Become a bomb? Vouldn't that, you know, hurt just a bit?" Not that he really thought that's what the other did, but... well, how else was he going to get Alex to talk?


everambient July 23 2011, 20:06:13 UTC
"I create energy from cosmic rays and throw it as plasma," Alex finally explained. "It doesn't hurt me," he added, "but it turns anyone around me into a pile of ash in a matter of seconds, because the rays get so hot it's worse than fire."


fuzzybamf July 23 2011, 23:50:33 UTC
"Vell, vhy didn't you say zhat in zhe first place?" He prompted, sarcastically. "How do you control it?" Not that he was trying to seem nervous or anything, but the idea that just maybe while Kurt was, say, in the bathroom a ray of boiling plasma could shoot through the entire building and turn him to a crisp. He'd like to have maybe just a touch of comfort, thank you.


everambient July 24 2011, 02:55:51 UTC
"Because I hate it," he admitted quietly in answer, even if the question was a sarcastic one. "Control it?" Alex scoffed sadly, looking away from Kurt. "I don't. But thanks to Hank, I can point it away from people now."


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