Leave Yourself Behind

Aug 13, 2011 20:45

Characters: EVIL!ALEX & AU!AMARA
Date&Time: a few months ago/night
Setting: her room
Summary: This isn't his room. What the hell?
Rating: TRAGIC.
Status: Open to Amara.

Alex Summers could not remember every hurting this much before in his life. Even when he'd landed as a kid after the plane crash that killed his parents, an inexperienced parachutist who had no idea how to tuck his legs and broke both of them, he hadn't felt this much pain.

He had deserved this, of course, but that didn't make it hurt any less. Alex was actually surprised Erik had let him go so early in the night. His own stupidity had cost them a valuable soldier. He had let the kid die rather than taken the hit for him, and Erik was never going to forgive that. Amara had been there, had started to assure Alex it was just one of those things that happened, but he'd backhanded her into silence, not wanting to hear it at the time because he had known how Erik would react no matter the circumstances involved in the boy's death.

And he'd been right.

Now, bleeding from various cuts and gashes all over his arms and chest, a steel chain still hanging loosely around his neck near bruises that mirrored the chain design, he staggered towards his room and tried to ignore the familiar feeling of bruises forming all over his body. It was nothing more than he deserved. He kept reminding himself of this as every painful step brought him closer to his room.

Lifting his head to look at the door, however, he realized something wasn't quite right. Opening the door, he knew why. This wasn't his room at all. Lorna wasn't there, this wasn't the bed he slept in every night.

It was Amara's room.

Alex glanced back the way he'd walked and tried to figure out how he had ended up here instead. It didn't make any sense. Lorna was the one who comforted him in situations like this. Amara would just...well their relationship was pretty much the opposite of comfort, and he liked it that way. Didn't he?

This wasn't right. Glancing up to catch her no doubt confused gaze for a moment, he turned to leave.

au!amara aquilla, !completed, au!alex summers

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