Two Messages

Aug 13, 2011 22:39

Characters: The Guthries & All Members of the Mansion
Date&Time: Evening of the 12th of August & Morning of the 13th.
Setting: The Mansion
Summary:Messages are intended to be shared.
Rating: SFW-ish
Status: OPEN  to written replies

And that the end he said // You are what I'm fighting for // It was the first of the letters from war )

au!jay guthrie, au!lizzie guthrie, au!erik lehnsherr, au!melodie guthrie, original!alex summers, au!amara aquilla, au!jeb guthrie, au!tabitha smith, au!sam guthrie

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Comments 31

eagleonfire August 14 2011, 20:19:44 UTC
This note was written on a good quality paper, the script looping and large.

You kind of don't. Sorry.

No love,


theguthries August 14 2011, 20:25:11 UTC
Lizzie and Jeb hadn't let the others know about their 'love letter', and knew that they were drafting a formal notice to send the next morning. As it were, they had to hide their giggles and glee as they sent back a second letter attached to a rock- Melodie dropping it from over two hundred feet above the school during one of her non-invasive surveillance.

So we're not invited to the orgy?

The Amazon and Spark Plug


eagleonfire August 14 2011, 20:33:33 UTC
She rolled her eyes, mixed disgust and amusement rolling through her as she drafted the next message.

I'll have to decline. I'm not into children.

Wait a few years and maybe we'll talk,


theguthries August 14 2011, 20:39:09 UTC
This message was sent the next morning, pinned to the front door before dawn (several hours before the proper note). With the word MAGMA written on the front. It had gotten there by Lizzie dropping her size down to as small as possible, letting her lack of size work as a disguise.

We'll be waiting.


rageserenity August 14 2011, 23:13:41 UTC
When Erik received the letter and verified that indeed Ben had not returned, that he was very much missing and quite likely now in the hands of the fucking Guthries, he was simultaneously annoyed at Ben for daring to get captured, and also furious beyond all measure at the delinquent children of the Guthrie family for yet again daring to encroach not only on his property, but also to take one of his.

He'd taken Melodie, certainly, but she had been trespassing on private property - a criminal offence.

Unless Ben had been on their property or attacking their kin, they had no right to take him into their 'custody'.

Every light bulb on the entire first floor of the building smashed suddenly and doors rattled and slammed as Erik seethed to the point of boiling anger, the metallic filaments inside the lightbulbs and their surrounding fittings smashing and exploding outwards, and every doorknob and handle on the floor shaking wildly.

And then it was over, the anger contained within, and he began furiously writing his reply.

Re: Your ( ... )


theguthries August 14 2011, 23:35:33 UTC
Erik's letter created some rather unseen issues within the family unit. Melodie had not told the others that he used her family name, and that there was a chance that he knew all of their given identities. Names meant something very different to the Guthries. While many other mutants claimed to have 'true' names- the nonsense they were called in a battle field, the family believed that those monikers were for protection, and not for any sort of higher purpose. For Erik to know Meldodie's name, and to use it in such a manner...

It took an additional three hours for the next letter to be drafted, with great breaks in between for Jessica and Sam to yell at their sister for any other information she had kept silent about.

To whom it may concern,

Our requirements have been stated. If no attempt at a prisoner transfer takes place before 2100 hours of August the 14th- then the collection will begin.

A hand written addition was added to the middle, a man's square letters.


Guthries Et. All.A bloodied hair pin came ( ... )


rageserenity August 14 2011, 23:50:32 UTC
As soon as he'd read the second letter - and collected the hair pin from sweet stupid little Melodie - Erik sent out the word amongst the students, making sure Emma sang it loud for them in all their minds... nobody was to leave the Mansion's walls. Preferably stay within the confines of their rooms, the training rooms, and the indoors, and to stay within sight of an older student if unable to defend oneself adequately.

He set Amara and Raven to the task of maintaining order, and made sure there was a double guard detail on Alex's room.

He wrote back.

To the inbred mutant traitors,

As I have already stated, I am currently holding NO prisoners in my custody. There is nobody within school grounds or elsewhere being held against their will, and that should not be here.

Comply at once.



theguthries August 15 2011, 00:00:27 UTC
No written reply was given. Eight o'clock passed, as did nine. However- at 9:15 it could be said a large bird flew over the grounds of the school, larger than a hawk but just as fast. By 9:30 a student was missing.

Not some child who had thought themselves greater than their enemy, but one who had been following orders. Sitting in her room and listening to the radio- her only sin was to have a window open to the cool night air.

No one saw the bird leave the grounds, and no one heard the girl scream or cry out for help. She was simply... gone.

The collection had begun.


tag erik everambient August 15 2011, 00:36:03 UTC
This had gone too far. If what Amara had told him about the Guthries was true, these kids were in for a seriously horrible death, and he couldn't allow that to happen. Not for him. They were cruel, cold versions of themselves, but they were still his friends.

So he snatched one of Ben's hoodies and made his way outside, halfway down the sidewalk before he realized he was being followed. Turning to look back at Erik with the hood on to hide from everyone else who he was, he asked quietly, "You're here to stop me?"


Re: tag erik rageserenity August 15 2011, 00:43:49 UTC
He'd made sure Alex was watched, even as he left... and Erik had maintained that watch, particularly after the dozen notes arrived, knowing that this Alex was far more selfless and foolhardy than his one.

Too damned soft.

Alex didn't even make it a quarter of the way to the gates before Erik stepped particularly loudly so he'd be noticed. This had gone on too long.

Really he'd allowed Alex to get this far in the hopes of one of the Guthrie's swooping down to 'collect' him and being in for a nasty surprise in the form of Erik bringing the bitch crashing down.
But his patience was wearing thin.

"Stop you or kill you, one of the two.
I raised our Alex as my son... he is my son in every way that counts. I'd do anything for him.
But I won't sacrifice the lives of thousands, tens of thousands... even for him.

Come back inside, Alex."


everambient August 15 2011, 00:55:45 UTC
"They want me, Erik," Alex reminded him. "They're going to keep taking kids until I give myself up. How does keeping me here save lives? You're a logical man, why can't you see the logic in me giving them what they want so that they leave the rest of you alone?"


rageserenity August 15 2011, 01:02:43 UTC
"If it saved the lives of the tens of thousands of mutants out there? I'd kill every living soul in the mansion myself.

Sometimes you have to lose troops in the battle to win the war... sometimes you have to lose the battle itself.

If Charles gets you and takes this energy from you he's been lusting after, there's no telling what horrors he'll commit with it.

He isn't the Xavier you know. He isn't even the Xavier I knew."

He was a logical man, and that was why he'd go to any ends to stop Alex being taken by the Shadow King.


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