Two Messages

Aug 13, 2011 22:39

Characters: The Guthries & All Members of the Mansion
Date&Time: Evening of the 12th of August & Morning of the 13th.
Setting: The Mansion
Summary:Messages are intended to be shared.
Rating: SFW-ish
Status: OPEN  to written replies

And that the end he said // You are what I'm fighting for // It was the first of the letters from war )

au!jay guthrie, au!lizzie guthrie, au!erik lehnsherr, au!melodie guthrie, original!alex summers, au!amara aquilla, au!jeb guthrie, au!tabitha smith, au!sam guthrie

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theguthries August 14 2011, 23:35:33 UTC
Erik's letter created some rather unseen issues within the family unit. Melodie had not told the others that he used her family name, and that there was a chance that he knew all of their given identities. Names meant something very different to the Guthries. While many other mutants claimed to have 'true' names- the nonsense they were called in a battle field, the family believed that those monikers were for protection, and not for any sort of higher purpose. For Erik to know Meldodie's name, and to use it in such a manner...

It took an additional three hours for the next letter to be drafted, with great breaks in between for Jessica and Sam to yell at their sister for any other information she had kept silent about.

To whom it may concern,

Our requirements have been stated. If no attempt at a prisoner transfer takes place before 2100 hours of August the 14th- then the collection will begin.

A hand written addition was added to the middle, a man's square letters.


Guthries Et. All.

A bloodied hair pin came in the envelope. - A message in itself.


rageserenity August 14 2011, 23:50:32 UTC
As soon as he'd read the second letter - and collected the hair pin from sweet stupid little Melodie - Erik sent out the word amongst the students, making sure Emma sang it loud for them in all their minds... nobody was to leave the Mansion's walls. Preferably stay within the confines of their rooms, the training rooms, and the indoors, and to stay within sight of an older student if unable to defend oneself adequately.

He set Amara and Raven to the task of maintaining order, and made sure there was a double guard detail on Alex's room.

He wrote back.

To the inbred mutant traitors,

As I have already stated, I am currently holding NO prisoners in my custody. There is nobody within school grounds or elsewhere being held against their will, and that should not be here.

Comply at once.



theguthries August 15 2011, 00:00:27 UTC
No written reply was given. Eight o'clock passed, as did nine. However- at 9:15 it could be said a large bird flew over the grounds of the school, larger than a hawk but just as fast. By 9:30 a student was missing.

Not some child who had thought themselves greater than their enemy, but one who had been following orders. Sitting in her room and listening to the radio- her only sin was to have a window open to the cool night air.

No one saw the bird leave the grounds, and no one heard the girl scream or cry out for help. She was simply... gone.

The collection had begun.


rageserenity August 15 2011, 00:06:03 UTC
Nine o'clock passed and there were no incidents of note, no reports of anyone missing, no screams or suspicious noises, and the doors had all remained tightly locked.

And still Erik waited, patrolling the corridors himself, everyone else either in their rooms or congregated together for safety in public locations.

Fucking Guthries.


theguthries August 15 2011, 00:25:08 UTC
It was those locked doors that did him in. After all, if a door is locked, then how will you check behind it? Jessie could fly for over a day and not tire, however carrying a sedated or hypnotized child (her voice taking on one of comfort and cohesion) several miles could drain a girl. Thus, there was no rhymn or reason to the timings of her collection, and often she kept several thousand feet above the school until necessary, dive bombing the roof to keep out of sight. Typically Melodie would help, but she was no good for anything beyond watch at the moment, and this made Erik luckier than he realized.

The 'snatchings' occurred as follows:

10:00 - a boy asleep on the window seat- in his room
10:45 - a boy between rooms, letting the ash from his stolen cigarette out the window
11:30 - two very young girls, watching the stars from their balcony.
12:15 - a boy making out with his 'girlfriend' in one of the open corridors near the roof. The girl was incapacitated.
12:30 - the aforementioned girl.

After midnight, their total collection numbered six, in addition to Ben gave the family a lucky number seven. Deciding to call it a night, they left the school be until the next morning, when one of those very same young girls from the balcony returned to the school. No worse for the wear, and came through the front door. She was scared, confused and had a note pinned to her shirt collar as well as over a dozen copies made, which she had been instructed to place a copy of the note under each senior member of the school (Erik, Amara, Lorna, Alex, Emma etc), as well as post them in various public spaces. She would not know why, or who gave it to her- having been blindfolded and told to do such by a voice which sounded very much like her deceased mother.

To whom it may concern:

The collection will continue tonight at 2200 hours.



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