Characters: EVIL!ALEX
Date&Time: August 20/night; after
he defaces the Statue of LibertySetting: Anchorage, Alaska
Summary: Havok just needed some time.
Rating: N/A
Status: open if someone wants to chase him, or can be a narrative.
and I kept digging my own grave
I'm close to 30 miles deep'>
He'd cleaned off their graves--empty burial slots because the plane crash had destroyed their bodies--and now that the grass was cleared around them, Alex took a seat in front of his family's burial plot. Alex hadn't been back to Alaska since the day Erik found him, offered him a new life. It was a part of his past that he had left behind, shrugged off and tried to forget. Now that he was back, it no longer felt like home. The Summers home had been abandoned, caved in by snow from one of the longer winters and left to ghosts by the rest of the city. Technically it was Alex's property as the last surviving Summers boy, but he had never visited it before now.
Scott had been alive in that alternate universe. Of all the things Alex had seen and learned there, Scott's survival was the one thing that made him miss it the most. Here, Alex had no one left from his original family, and this was the reason that Alaska no longer felt like home, and never would again.
He wasn't going to talk to their graves. Alex wasn't that stupid, he knew they were empty, that no one would ever answer him, because he'd seen his family be destroyed, but just being there--the one physical reminder that the world hadn't completely forgotten about them--it comforted him.
Alex wasn't sure how long he stayed there, but it was long enough that the sun began to set--and at the moment Anchorage still had very long days--and the cold set in. Eventually he did get up and make his way to the airport. He had to get back to his real home. He was done running.