
Aug 28, 2011 13:13

Characters: EVIL!ALEX; OPEN
Date&Time: August 17/night; after THE BREAK UP
Setting: NYC
Summary: What is this new feeling? Oh yeah, heartbreak.
Rating: ;_;
Status: open.

It makes you sorry
Still you don't regret a single day.'>

He hadn't even bothered to go back for any of his things. Let them keep it all. It was tainted by him anyway, and just walking into that room would only remind him that Lorna was gone, that he had no one now. So let them keep the books, the photo album, hell let Amara keep his stupid jacket, because he didn't plan on ever going back.

Deep down he realized this was an impossibility. He was still Havok, Magneto's infamous second-in-command. The world still knew him as an assassin, a leader in the mutant cause who answered human 'no's' with death.

Havok. The boy who absorbed space power.

Standing there near the shoreline, looking up at the Statue of Liberty as the rain fell lightly around him, Alex felt like anything but Havok. The other universe had shown him what he was missing, and he'd come back hoping to right all of his wrongs, but he had only made things worse. Lorna was dead, Ben was missing fingers, who the fuck knew where Sean had run off to, and Amara...well she'd be just fine. Erik was going to take care of her.

She would be okay.

He wouldn't. Alex already knew that. He already knew that he'd left behind a part of himself, the part of his heart that she owned and always would. How fucking pathetic was that? What the hell had happened to him? Where did he go from here? He had been banking so much on her, so much on a future he wanted with her, that now that it wasn't an option he was completely lost. Because she was right--he had always taken from her, never given, until the one time he was finally ready to right his wrongs and she simply thought he was crying wolf again. Part of him was proud of her for no longer taking his shit, but most of him felt lost.

au!hank mccoy, au!alex summers

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