[Final Fantasy IV] That Look

Feb 10, 2007 00:13

Characters/Pairings: Edge/Rydia
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Notes: 100 words. For mount_ordeals, theme #50 Victory
Disclaimer: Final Fantasy IV belongs to Squaresoft. I own neither the characters nor the setting, nor do I make any profit from my fanfiction, which is purely for my own enjoyment.
Summary: Rydia takes a fierce joy in victory.

That Look )

fandom: final fantasy iv, character: rydia drake, community: mount_ordeals, character: edge geraldine, pairing: edge/rydia

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Comments 8

celeloriel February 10 2007, 07:47:08 UTC
This is VERY good.


lassarina February 10 2007, 17:16:32 UTC
Thank you XD I kind of went on a drabbling spree last night. Uh. :) I'm glad you like!

(I need an Edge/Rydia icon.)


celeloriel February 11 2007, 10:54:58 UTC
I just got to the point where you go to Jahara and see Larsa again, and it made my little shippy heart go *glee!* to see him and hear Penelo's little clear happy voice sing out, "Larsa!"

I haven't shipped anything this hard since Mulder/Scully, and I was like TWELVE then.


lassarina February 11 2007, 17:15:04 UTC
Larsa/Penelo is pretty hot, yeah.

(Daniel said you were preparing to go after Zodiark. I think perhaps he meant Zeromus or Zalera, since you can't get Zodiark until just before the final battle?)


shanaqui February 11 2007, 19:12:28 UTC
Heeee, yes. I love the idea of Rydia being really quite fierce. ♥

(Hi, lookit me going on a commenting spree. I realised that you comment often on my stuff, and me rarely on yours.)


lassarina February 13 2007, 11:52:05 UTC
Heee. XD Thank you so much! I love comments lots. ♥


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