Orpheus - Chapter 10

Nov 10, 2006 10:23

Finally, this fic is done! Thanks to everyone who has been patient and following this fic forever and thanks to mizz_magenta for beta-ing. You know I have more stuff for you beta? =P

Orpheus - Chapter 10 )

orpheus, sga, sheppard/weir, fanfiction

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Comments 11

bluebanrigh November 10 2006, 18:39:07 UTC
Obviously I spoke too soon in my last reply. :D Glad there was another chapter.

Love the ending, very much like how TPTB would end an episode with just the two of them just going over the things that happened to them and her teasing out that bit of information (but with the added bonus of the hug - they should totally follow example here, more hugs!).

Love the flirty nature of the conversation, hehe carrying her tray. If they were in high school he'd so be lugging her books around for her all day.

So needed this read after watching Supernatural. Now I can go to bed with squishy Sparky feelings. :D Kudos. Night.


agentcat47 November 10 2006, 19:24:02 UTC
Fantastic! Chapter 9 was wonderful as well. So glad it worked. But very weird and puzzling how it seemed like her disappearance never even happened. Thanks so much for posting the ending! So sweet. Thank you!


lamichelle November 10 2006, 20:48:31 UTC
YAY! So cute! Except boo 'cause now what do I look forward to?



athenaktt November 10 2006, 20:59:06 UTC
You have my ficathon entry and sevearl episode tags to look forward too. :p

I just barely finished a "Return - Part 1" tag. I need to read that over before I sent it to be betaed. :p

Then I really need to start on my ficathon entry... OMGWTF? I only have a month to write it. *headdesk*


sunny_serenity November 10 2006, 21:53:21 UTC
Sparky is so squishy. They shall be squishy and they shall be mine and I shall call them squishy. *squishes Sparky together*


tater_mae November 10 2006, 23:52:14 UTC


i like where you left it. very... them. and you have Lorne's voice down, which is so awesome!

i'm kinda sad that this is over. it was a great story. but now i can wait for more fics from you, which isn't bad. :)


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