Orpheus - Chapter 10

Nov 10, 2006 10:23

Finally, this fic is done! Thanks to everyone who has been patient and following this fic forever and thanks to mizz_magenta for beta-ing. You know I have more stuff for you beta? =P

Chapter 10

Elizabeth flipped through the pages of the thick book she was holding to make sure she had not left any extra bookmarks behind. After finding nothing the second flip through, she closed the book and knocked on the door to John’s quarters.

“Come in,” John’s voice muffled through the door.

She waved her hand over the door sensors and entered to find John sitting at his table working on his laptop.

“Elizabeth?” he said, turning to see who had entered. “You’re up late.”

“I saw your light on and thought I’d drop by to return you this.” She held out his thick War and Peace novel.

“You already finished it?” He spun his chair around to face her and draped one arm over the back of the chair.

“I did. Having your arm broken for over a month really forces you to have a lot of free time. It also helps that the minute details Tolstoy writes is very engaging and intriguing.”

“Very detailed,” he agreed. “So how does it feel to no longer be considered a handicap?”

“I’ll have to admit. I’ll miss you carrying my tray for me during every meal.”

“I’m sure we can work something out there,” he smiled.

Elizabeth smiled and sat down on the corner of his bed.

“Something tells me you didn’t just come over here to give me my book, especially at this hour of the night.” He glanced out of his window and came to sit down beside her on the bed.

“No,” she said wringing her fingers. “I’ve been thinking about what happened on M5G-382. From what I’ve gathered, no one remembers what happened at all. My disappearance never happened."

"Yeah, I gathered that much as well too."

"I have a theory," Elizabeth announced. "My theory is that maybe Mneme's orbs somehow thrust us into a parallel universe where...”

"The forgotten person ends up in an underground tomb?"

"Okay, not a really good theory," she said sheepishly. "I guess we'll never know how she did it."

"To be honest, I really don't care to know. I'm just glad you're back and everything is back to normal," he said. "But you didn't come here to swap theories either."

“No, it was something Mneme said to me the first time I met her, she said that I was sent down there because my ‘beloved’ had chosen to forget me. For the past month, I’ve been wondering what she meant by that.”

“Well, obviously she was wrong.”

“In what sense?” Elizabeth asked, curious.

“Well, I definitely didn’t want to forget you, and your not my-” he stopped himself.

“Your what?”

“Beloved,” he finally said in an uncertain tone. He turned away and scratched the back of his head, unsure of what to do next.

These questions that she raised reminded him of the several occasions when his feelings about her were in question. Did he care for her more than he liked to admit?

“John, when I was down there, I truly thought I would die down there and never see you again. I was so afraid, so alone in the darkness...” Tears started to form around her eyes as she remembered the despair and loneliness.

John took Elizabeth into a tight embrace as she let the feelings she had bottled up for the past month out. He still was not sure what she went through when she was imprisoned in the tomb, but he knew it had affected her. No matter how strong she was, it affected her. It affected him as well, even though he went through a completely different experience.

“It’s okay, Elizabeth” he said in a soothing voice and rubbed his hand up and down her back. “You’re not alone anymore. I’m here.”

Elizabeth did not care how unprofessional they were being at that very moment. Right now, she needed a friend, and John was more than a friend at this time. He was her ‘beloved.’


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Fanfiction.net Version: Chapter 10

orpheus, sga, sheppard/weir, fanfiction

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