First day blues.

Jun 27, 2006 23:04

Location: 221 Baker St
Time: Late afternoon
Characters: Kaylee Frye, Simon Tam
Public, Private, or Semi-Private: Semi-Private
Incomplete or Complete: Incomplete
Rating: Cant see it going above PG. If it does, its for language.
Summary: Kaylee twists her ankle and decides to go to the doctor's.

Kaylee muttered angriliy to herself as she limped carefully along the sidewalk; first day in her new home and she'd already injured herself... )

archived, simon tam, kaylee frye, gregory house

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Comments 30

top3percent June 28 2006, 03:34:38 UTC
So far it had been a long day for Simon. He was just getting into the motions of things at the clinic, in town in general, really, and he was off to a rocky start. River was growing used to things slowly, he was beginning to miss Serenity and his new boss was... interesting, to say the least. It was definitely something else ( ... )


hamsters_isnice June 28 2006, 03:56:30 UTC
Kaylee's fingers drummed on the arm of the slightly uncomfortable chair she was sitting in. She was bored, her ankle hurt and she was hungry. She sighed and leaned her head back on the wall behind her, closing her eyes as she waited. What a way to spend the afternoon on her first day in town, waiting in a gorram doctor's office.

She heard the door open a moment later and was relieved.

"Finally." she said softly, taking her time to open her eyes and had just begun to move her head when an all-too-familiar voice said her name.

"Kaylee? What... how..?"Kaylee's head snapped back to its normal upright position and she gaped in front of her as her eyes took in the form of Simon standing in front of her, looking about as shocked as she felt. Her mouth had fallen open slightly and while he seemed to have a rough handle on words, if that, she couldn't grasp them at all ( ... )


top3percent June 28 2006, 04:07:31 UTC
As soon as Simon entered the room he was taken for a loop. It took his mind a second to register the woman seated in front of him. It was Kaylee. She looked the same but was dressed a little differently than he was used to. For a long moment, his mind froze on what to say and he had to pause for a while to think. This was definitely not something he'd been expecting. It was a nice way to break up the monotony of clinic duty ( ... )


hamsters_isnice June 28 2006, 04:21:49 UTC
Kaylee stared at Simon, taking him in. He looked the same, proper, like an upstanding citizen, with the addition of a pristin white lab coat that Kaylee thought suited him well.

Had she been less shocked, she would have giggled at the look on his face, but she knew her expression mirrored his. She could see his eyes raking over her, probably noticing the difference in her clothes. She blushed, feeling almost indecent with bare shoulders from her halter top.

"When we got off the ship last month, we stayed in Denver and heard about this place," Simon replied. "We moved here a couple of weeks ago. What about you, when did you get here?""Just... jus' last night." she answered, still not believing it was true. She had missed him so much, and now here he was in front of her. She wanted to hug him, tell him how much she missed him, but she was feeling shy ( ... )


pwnsgod July 2 2006, 19:54:10 UTC
House could happily report he hadn't seen a single patient since arriving in Aternaville. Chase had graciously taken over the responsiblities (and much to House's dismay he did an excellent job).

He propped his legs up against his desk, flipping through a slim volume on Skipwrecks off the coast of Aternaville. The whole area seems ripe for diaister, and over fifty vessals met their demise. Legend has it there's sea monsters too, but unless they were Puff the Magic Dragon House cared less.

House just finished a chapter on the Schooner Picton, when his favorite Creedence song shuffled on his IPod. He went to turn up the volume: that's when he saw something very wrong from his window.

He opened the window, stuck his head out, and shouted, "Hey, Hey, Skywalker. Where the hell do you think you're going?"


top3percent July 2 2006, 20:37:46 UTC
Simon was holding the car door open for Kaylee, his eyes still taking her in, taking in all the details. He was still having trouble believeing that she was really there, she was really standing in front of him. The thought that he didn't have to miss her, that he had her right there, was overwhelming.

At just that moment, Simon heard Dr. House's voice echoing through the street. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked around, glancing up at last to see the older man leaning out the window, looking right at him. Skywalker? What kind of a name was that?

"I'm sorry, were you referring to me?" Simon asked. "Is there something you needed, Dr. House?"

He straightened up a bit, still waiting for Kaylee to get in the car. He hoped that there wasn't anything he had to do before he left, or that Dr. House wasn't calling him on leaving the building for his lunch break. He didn't want that kind of harassment, not then and especially not in front of Kaylee.


pwnsgod July 2 2006, 20:56:31 UTC
"No, I'm talking to the other sci-fi geek that thinks he's from space and works for me." House rolled his eyes. "I want to know where you think you're going. Did you clear your little afternoon delight with Dr. Chase?"

There wasn't any other patients listened for the day; and Dr. Chase floated around somewhere. House had plenty of minions, but that wasn't the point. The point was reinforcing his authority of his little toy.


hamsters_isnice July 2 2006, 21:04:09 UTC
"Before you say anything, I swear to you I'm better at driving than I ever could have been at flying,"

Kaylee surveyed the car in front of her. It was strange, really, to think about driving somewhere with Simon when she was used to flying with him.

"I hope so, I never seen you as the flyin' type." she teased back. She watched him open the door and was about to move forward when she heard a man's voice shout.

Looking around, she followed Simon's gaze up to a cranky looking man sticing his head out the window, yelling down at them.

"No, I'm talking to the other sci-fi geek that thinks he's from space and works for me."

Kaylee frowned. She didnt like this guy already and he'd only said two sentences.

"He IS from space, you hun dan." Kaylee called up to him, trying not to glare. Some history Simon had with bosses... Mal always pushing him around and now this guy? At least Mal was lovable.


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