First day blues.

Jun 27, 2006 23:04

Location: 221 Baker St
Time: Late afternoon
Characters: Kaylee Frye, Simon Tam
Public, Private, or Semi-Private: Semi-Private
Incomplete or Complete: Incomplete
Rating: Cant see it going above PG. If it does, its for language.
Summary: Kaylee twists her ankle and decides to go to the doctor's.

Kaylee muttered angriliy to herself as she limped carefully along the sidewalk; first day in her new home and she'd already injured herself... )

archived, simon tam, kaylee frye, gregory house

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hamsters_isnice June 28 2006, 03:56:30 UTC
Kaylee's fingers drummed on the arm of the slightly uncomfortable chair she was sitting in. She was bored, her ankle hurt and she was hungry. She sighed and leaned her head back on the wall behind her, closing her eyes as she waited. What a way to spend the afternoon on her first day in town, waiting in a gorram doctor's office.

She heard the door open a moment later and was relieved.

"Finally." she said softly, taking her time to open her eyes and had just begun to move her head when an all-too-familiar voice said her name.

"Kaylee? What... how..?"

Kaylee's head snapped back to its normal upright position and she gaped in front of her as her eyes took in the form of Simon standing in front of her, looking about as shocked as she felt. Her mouth had fallen open slightly and while he seemed to have a rough handle on words, if that, she couldn't grasp them at all.

She watched in a daze as he glanced down at the clipboard in his hand as though trying to confirm she was real, then looked back up at her. Her eyes followed him as he approached and sat, dropping his clipboard onto a cabinet beside them. Her eyes met his, staring into them, but still she couldn't speak. She'd thought she'd never see him again, at least not for a very long time and yet here he was, sitting right in front of her.

"Why are you... how are you... what?"

Kaylee finally seemed to snap out of her daze and let out a soft, nervous laugh.

"Yeah... that's about how I feel now too..." she said, her voice sounding oddly distant as she tried to anchor herself to the moment. Simon wasnt gone forever, he was sitting in front of her. It was really him there.

"I... you... when- when did you get here?!" Kaylee fumbled with words for a moment before saying the most obvious thing she could think of, almost shaking from the shock of suddenly seeing him.


top3percent June 28 2006, 04:07:31 UTC
As soon as Simon entered the room he was taken for a loop. It took his mind a second to register the woman seated in front of him. It was Kaylee. She looked the same but was dressed a little differently than he was used to. For a long moment, his mind froze on what to say and he had to pause for a while to think. This was definitely not something he'd been expecting. It was a nice way to break up the monotony of clinic duty.

He was at a complete loss for what to say, so he settled on mindless rambling. Making his way closer to Kaylee he set her chart down on the cabinet and took a seat beside her, taking in her form, half convinced that he was hallucinating. Simon continued to gape at her, unable to string much of a coherent sentence together, just so completely shocked that Kaylee had come out of nowhere like she had and ended up there with him. It was some scary kind of fate.

Kaylee was there. In his office. Well, no, in House's office, but under his care. It wasn't all that different from being on Serenity; House was like the captain, Kaylee was there and Simon was doing his job like he'd always done, no questions asked. It was like the good old days, only safer for him and River. He toyed nervously with the seam of his labcoat, too amazed to look away from Kaylee's glance.

"Yeah... that's about how I feel now too... I... you... when- when did you get here?!"

It took Simon's brain a moment to catch up with her queries. He had to pause and take a breath before being able to give her an answer.

"When we got off the ship last month, we stayed in Denver and heard about this place," Simon replied. "We moved here a couple of weeks ago. What about you, when did you get here?"

If House caught him socializing, Simon was a dead man, but at that point he didn't care. He was so caught up in seeing Kaylee again that she was all that mattered at that momet. He smiled softly at the realization that when River found out, the girl would be thrilled.


hamsters_isnice June 28 2006, 04:21:49 UTC
Kaylee stared at Simon, taking him in. He looked the same, proper, like an upstanding citizen, with the addition of a pristin white lab coat that Kaylee thought suited him well.

Had she been less shocked, she would have giggled at the look on his face, but she knew her expression mirrored his. She could see his eyes raking over her, probably noticing the difference in her clothes. She blushed, feeling almost indecent with bare shoulders from her halter top.

"When we got off the ship last month, we stayed in Denver and heard about this place," Simon replied. "We moved here a couple of weeks ago. What about you, when did you get here?"

"Just... jus' last night." she answered, still not believing it was true. She had missed him so much, and now here he was in front of her. She wanted to hug him, tell him how much she missed him, but she was feeling shy.

She watched him for a moment, watched a soft smile curl his lips. He was happy to see her. She could tell by the way he was looking at her that he'd missed her (at least she hoped she'd interpreted right), and that was enough for her.

She reached forward tentativey at first, and then more determindely. She carefully stood halfway, leaning over, and wrapped her arms around him, holding him as close as dared.

"I missed you so much!!" she said, finally in her normal voice, accepting the situation and trying to make the best of it. She shifted to the side a bit, attempting to make the hug more comfortable as he was sitting and she was half standing, but her already injured ankle turned, making her knees buckle.

She gasped and held onto him tighter, attempting not to fall, trying to get her footing. She missed him so much, but she didn't want to strangle him, and attempted to loosen her grip while still clinging hard enough to balance herself.


top3percent June 28 2006, 04:32:21 UTC
Kaylee looked amazing. It was the first thought that had entered Simon's mind upon seeing her, followed closely by wondering why she was there. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to be seeing her again, his mind not even registering any reason for why she would be there at the clinic in the first place, the chart laying forgotten on the cabinet beside them. Simon finally managed to make his mouth and his brain cooperate and he spoke softly, asking her the same things she'd asked him.

"Just... jus' last night."

He smiled lightly and nodded. He wanted to hear the story, hear why she was there, why she wasn't on Serenity. He was going to ask her just as he noticed her slowly reaching out to him. Simon was going to reach back and take her hand when she stood quickly and before he knew it, he was enveloped in a warm embrace. Wrapping his arms around Kaylee, Simon gently rubbed her back.

"I missed you so much!!"

"God, I missed you too, Kaylee," Simon replied.

He held onto her, praying to God that none of the other doctors walked in to see him so obviously breeching the code of conduct. He was about to pull back a little to look at her again, wanting to forever imprint her expression in his mind, when she wavered a little and almost keeled over. His arms tightened around her as he gasped slightly and pulled her closer, twisting her around in the process and watching as she was pulled onto his lap with a light plop.

"Careful there," Simon said softly.

He held her in his lap for a moment, gaining his bearings, the emotional implications behind Kaylee's reappearance surging inside him. His hands were settled lightly on her waist and his eyebrows suddenly furrowed as the rational part of his brain realized what was going on. He glanced over at the chart, remembering the information he'd gathered before entering the room, and he looked at Kaylee again.

"How'd you hurt your ankle?" Simon asked lightly.


hamsters_isnice June 28 2006, 16:03:18 UTC
It took Kaylee a minute to get up the courage to hug him, but she was glad she did as she embraced him, feeling his warmth and breathing in his scent. She was unsure as to whether he had missed her much or not, but as soon as he wrapped his arms around her, she knew that he had.

"God, I missed you too, Kaylee,"

Kaylee smiled into the embrace and nuzzled lightly into his neck, knowing she had missed him but not realizing how much until she was in his arms again. She wasnt really sure where they stood on the whole relationship front, but as he held her in his arms, she knew that there were still mountains of feelings for each other there, she could sense it.

She was trying to shift her position a little bit when her injured ankle -which she had forgotten about- turned over, making her stumble with a gasp of pain. She felt his grip on her tighten, not letting her fall, and turned her, pulling her up onto his lap.

"Careful there,"

"Thanks." she said, blushing. she gave a soft laugh of embarassment, feeling stupid. She didnt dare move from his lap though, revelling in the feeling of his arms around her waist as she leaned against him for support. but after a moment she knew she would have to and carefully slipped back into the other chair, wincing as her ankle throbbed.

"How'd you hurt your ankle?"

"Twisted it..." she said, slightly bashfully, blushing at her clumsiness. "Someone told me it might be sprained so I thought goin' to the doctor was the smartest thing..." she explained, looking up at him. "Sure am glad I did, now." She told him, a soft smile curving her lips.


top3percent June 28 2006, 18:57:28 UTC
Simon held Kaylee close, squirming and shifting a little so she was more comfortable in his arms. He held her tightly, worried that if he let go she would slip away once more and he would never see her again. He rubbed her back gently as she nuzzled into him and tightened his arms when he felt her slip a little. He turned her before loosening his grip and giving her the chance to sit down in his lap, supporting her. He settled his hands on her hips, lightly stroking her exposed skin, the little sliver of it that was bare thanks to the length of her shirt, and held her steady.


He could see the flush that rose in her cheeks and nodded lightly, holding onto her to make sure she was alright. He let her go as she squirmed a little and slipped off of his lap and out of his arms, moving back to her chair. He watched her and reached out for the chart on the cabinet, flipping through it as she made herslef comfortable. Glancing up he asked about her injury, how she'd gotten it.

"Twisted it... Someone told me it might be sprained so I thought goin' to the doctor was the smartest thing..."

"You were right to come," Simon said softly as he watched her smile. "It's always better safe than sorry."

He smiled in return and set her chart down. He glanced down at the indicated ankle, seeing that it didn't look too bad. It was a bit swollen and somewhat bruised, but Simon wasn't worried. After all, she'd stood on it and was alrigth, so he figured it wasn't much, if at all, worse than a sprain. Moving from his chair, Simon moved and knelt before Kaylee, reaching out to gently take her injured ankle in his hand. Lightly tracing his fingertips over the skin he met her gaze as he began to press into her skin, watching her features for signs of pain.

"Let me know if it hurts at all when I touch," Simon instructed.

He checked Kaylee's range of motion, gently moving her ankle this way and that. Nothing was broken and he was satisfied that it was just a sprain. Smiling softly, Simon lightly traced his fingertips over Kaylee's foot, tickling her playfully. He stretched her leg out, settling her ankle securely in his lap as he reached out, opening the nearby cabinet and pulling out a tensor bandage.

"So where are you staying in town?" Simon asked.


hamsters_isnice June 29 2006, 01:04:12 UTC
Kaylee really didnt want to leave his lap, she wanted to sit there for a while and remember exactly just how wonderful it felt to be so close to him, but he was at work, and she really didnt want him to get in trouble. She carefully slipped off his lap and into the other chair, wincing at her ankle.

"You were right to come," Simon said softly as he watched her smile. "It's always better safe than sorry."

Kaylee slipped her foot out of her sandal as Simon leaned down to take it, slipping down onto his knees in front of her. In a spontaneous day dream, Kaylee imagined him propsing to her on his knees in front of her, looking up at her adoringly. She imangined him clad all in white, her as well, a simple silver ring stretched out to her, a look of pure love in his eyes...

Her thoughts were shattered as he took the ankle in his hands and she gave a small gasp, a twinge of pai shooting up her leg. She gave him a sheepish smile, feeling her cheeks redden a bit.

"Let me know if it hurts at all when I touch,"

She nodded. She watched as he gently prodded at her ankle, moving it around in his soft hands. She winced a couple of times but didnt say anything; it didnt hurt enough for her to complain.

She was watching his face again, watching the way his skilled and trained eyes looked for anything off, how they seemed to not be looking at the ankle but into it. He was so intriguing. Her eyes were glued to his, even though he wasnt looking at her, and she could see every emotion that flickered into them.

She suddenly saw a playful flicker and wondered what was up, when a second later she yelped and tried to pull her foot away as he tickled it, giggling.

"Don't do that!" she laughed, pulling her foot away until she was sure he was done. Then she let him have it back, watching with a grin as he reached for a tensor bandage.

"So where are you staying in town?"

"At the hotel, f'r now..." she said, watching him start to wrap the ankle. "Not sure where I'm gonna live, I don't know anyone here..."


top3percent June 29 2006, 01:31:47 UTC
Simon watched Kaylee very closely. He knew her type, she was always trying to downplay things, especially where he was concerned. It was for that exact reason that he paid particularly close attention to her expressions as he gently examined her ankle, and not her word. He really only wanted what was best for her, but the only way he could be sure of that was to trust his own instincts.

He noticed the way Kaylee's eyes seemed to never stray from him as he did his work. Had it been anything besides his job that he was doing, he might have felt scrutinized or awkward, but he was so confident in his professionalism that he couldn't find it in himself to feel odd at all. He just smiled softly, meeting her gaze for a brief moment before glancing back down to his work, making sure that nothing was too far amiss.

Simon finished up his examination, deciding that thankfully nothing was wrong besides a sprain, just like Kaylee had suspected. He decided to perscribe an anti-inflammatory cream to help the ligaments, tendons and joint heal more quickly as well as a mild painkiller in case the discomfort got worse. Looking up at her, a wicked idea crossed his mind. He pursed his lips lightly and playfully tickled her foot gently for a moment. Her laugh brought a smile to his face.

"Don't do that!"

"I'm sorry, baobei, I couldn't resist," Simon said warmly. "I'll stop, I promise. Now keep still."

Simon held Kaylee's foot still as he retrieved a bandage to wrap it with. Once he was sure that he had it set properly, he began to gently wrap the tensor around Kaylee's foot and ankle, travelling partway up her calf. He made sure it wasn't too tight and restricting before pinning it firmly into place, checking Kaylee's range of motion again with it in place. Nodding satisfactorily to himself, Simon set Kaylee's foot back down gently and slipped her sandal on, smiling at the thought of an old fairytale he'd heard about Cinderella and a glass slipper.

"At the hotel, f'r now... Not sure where I'm gonna live, I don't know anyone here..."

Before he even really thought about it (not that he needed to) Simon spoke up.

"Why don't you stay with me and River?" He suggested. "We have plenty of room."


hamsters_isnice June 29 2006, 23:25:53 UTC
Kaylee shrieked and giggled as Simon tickled her foot, yanking it away until he'd stopped, giving it back so he could wrap it.

She grinned and gave him a hard time, wiggling her toes and moving her foot as much as she could without it being painful, trying to keep him from being able to put the bandage on, teasing him.

"I'm sorry, baobei, I couldn't resist," Simon said warmly. "I'll stop, I promise. Now keep still."

"That's alright!" Kaylee grinned happily. She'd missed the closeness, the teasing; it was so good to see him again.

She watched as he carefully wound the tensor around her leg, the fabric tickling against her skin as he did so, his soft fingers brushing her leg. She grinned at him as he slipped her sandal back on; it was such a Simon thing to do, so gentle and polite.

"Why don't you stay with me and River? We have plenty of room."

Kaylee stared at him, the words taking a second to sink in. He'd just asked her without even hesitating to move in with them. Kaylee realized with a slight flash of shame she'd not even thought about River, that she was here too; the second she'd seen Simon again she'd known nothing but him in her mind.

"I... " she started, not sure what to say. She really wanted to accept, to yell 'YES!' and hug him again, but she really didnt want to intrude.

"I... are you sure?!" she asked skeptically. He really hadnt even had a chance to think about it, literally not a chance. "I don't wanna get in the way.."


top3percent June 29 2006, 23:57:25 UTC
Simon mock-glared at Kaylee as she wiggled her foot around, making his work all that much more difficult. He tried his best to gently hold her foot still. The quicker he finished the quicker they could get down to the pleasantries. Glancing at the clock for a second as he worked, Simon decided to ask Kaylee to accompany him to lunch, since his break was in a few minutes anyway.

He continued bandaging her ankle, finishing up quickly, making sure the bandage was secured and pinned firmly into place. Setting Kaylee's foot down, Simon slipped her shoe on for her and looked up at her, smiling softly. He stood and moved back to the chair beside her, sitting down and reaching for her chart to jot down a few notes while they talked. He hadn't even had to think about it when he'd asked her to stay with him and River, it was just so automatic.

"I... I... are you sure?! I don't wanna get in the way..."

"Nonsense," Simon replied meanwhile jotting down a perscription for an anti inflammatory. "You're welcome to stay with us, it wouldn't be an imposition. I know River would love to have you around. You'd make it feel more like home."

He smiled softly and set her chart down, tucking his pen away in the pocket of his labcoat. He watched Kaylee for a moment, thinking that maybe she was just what they needed to make the transition a little easier. With her at home with them, it would feel more like the way it used to be, more like Serenity. Snapping out of his daze, Simon glanced down at the perscription in his hand, holding the slip of paper out to Kaylee.

"That'll help with the pain and the swelling," Simon explained. "Twice a day, morning and night just massage it into the skin. Now for the next week I want you to be careful on that leg. Try stretching and moving it a little every day so that you don't get stiff, but try and keep weight off of it. Come back and see me in a week so I can check your progress and offer a suggestion for a few exercises you can do after you heal to help you get a full range of motion back."


hamsters_isnice June 30 2006, 00:19:16 UTC
"Nonsense. You're welcome to stay with us, it wouldn't be an imposition. I know River would love to have you around. You'd make it feel more like home."

Kaylee's smile faded slightly as she looked at him. She knew River would be thrilled to have her around, Kaylee had missed River something fierce as well... but did Simon want her there? Or was he just too 'proper' to say it out loud?

"I'd love to." she said softly, smiling almost shyly at him. She wondered if it was maybe going too fast, moving in with him like that, but not really; they'd all lived together on Serenity, this couldnt be that much different... could it?

"That'll help with the pain and the swelling," Simon explained. "Twice a day, morning and night just massage it into the skin. Now for the next week I want you to be careful on that leg. Try stretching and moving it a little every day so that you don't get stiff, but try and keep weight off of it. Come back and see me in a week so I can check your progress and offer a suggestion for a few exercises you can do after you heal to help you get a full range of motion back."

Kaylee looked up at him, having a terrible hard time holding in her grin. "Uh, Simon? I'm gonna be livin' in the same house as you, I don't think you hafta wait till I come back..." she giggled, reaching for his hand and squeezing it. Excitement was starting to come over her; where she'd thought she'd find no one, now she was moving in with two of the people closest to her. She was so happy.


top3percent June 30 2006, 00:31:05 UTC
"I'd love to."

"Good, it's settled then," Simon said warmly. "I've got my lunch break in a few minutes, why don't we go and get all of your things and take them to the house and then get some coffee?"

He smiled lightly and made sure that Kaylee's chart was in order before closing it and setting it aside. He was glad that she'd agreed to stay with them. It would be nice, the sense of familiarity she was sure to bring to the new house. He knew River would be pleased, and though he hadn't been so bold as to admit it, he was pleased, too.

Shaking off his mounting excitement for a moment, Simon explained to Kaylee the aftercare instructions for her injury. Of course it was all automatic, a part of the process, even though he knew he'd be there to keep an eye on her while she healed. He hoped that she would let his little professional slip up slide and realized a second later when she spoke that there was no chance. He smiled wryly at her words.

"Uh, Simon? I'm gonna be livin' in the same house as you, I don't think you hafta wait till I come back..."

"Something else I'm never going to live down," he said with a chuckle. "You're right, of course. I can keep an eye on your recovery without bothering you to come into the office."

He watched her as she reached to take his hand and squeezed hers in turn. Smiling softly he stood and lightly tugged on Kaylee's hand, prompting her to come with him. The clock had struck noon and he had an hour off in which to take her home and get her situated. He was so incredibly glad to have run into her, it had definitely allowed him to breathe a sigh of relief. Having her close by would make life in the new town that much more pleasant. He looked down at her as he wrapped his arm around her waist to support her.

"Come on, I'll hang up my coat and we can head out," Simon said softly. "Put your weight on me and keep it off that ankle."


hamsters_isnice June 30 2006, 00:46:41 UTC
"Good, it's settled then," Simon said warmly. "I've got my lunch break in a few minutes, why don't we go and get all of your things and take them to the house and then get some coffee?"

"Sure!" said Kaylee, her usual bounce in her voice more pronounced. She was so excited, this was going to be great. She couldn't wait to see River again, and obviously being with Simon was amazing, and she was so happy not to have to live alone, or with someone she didn't really know.

Kaylee worked hard to conceal her grin as Simon rambled on professionally about her injury, not really listening to the words,just being amused by how proper he was being. Old habits die hard.

"Something else I'm never going to live down. You're right, of course. I can keep an eye on your recovery without bothering you to come into the office."

Kaylee eyed him suspisciously, wondering if because she was going to be around, he was going to coddle her.

"Just remember that just cause I'm there don't make me an invalid..." she warned him playfully. "Cause if you try to not let me do nothin, I might have to hit ya." she teased.

She smiled with a little leap of her heart as he tugged on her hand, trying to pull her along with him. She stood carefully, leaning on him for support as he wrapped his arm around her waist to keep her balanced. Fighting down a fit of giddiness, she smiled up at him.

"Come on, I'll hang up my coat and we can head out," Simon said softly. "Put your weight on me and keep it off that ankle."

Kaylee nodded and leaned her weight against him, taking a careful step forwards to start, wincing slightly as she put too much weight on her ankle; she wasnt very good at the whole injury thing.


top3percent June 30 2006, 01:01:33 UTC

Seeing Kaylee so excited reminded Simon of old times. She was always so cheerful and irrepressible. Her high spirits always heightened his mood and brought a smile to his lips. He watched her and spoke, instructing her on a few things, seeing that she was probably trying to hold back a few pointed comments. He laughed softly when she ribbed him lightly about it.

"Just remember that just cause I'm there don't make me an invalid... Cause if you try to not let me do nothin, I might have to hit ya."

"Whether or not you hit me, I'm still going to make sure you stay off that ankle," Simon argued. "It's only for a week, maybe a little less, I'm sure you won't go crazy."

Standing up, Simon lightly prompted Kaylee to do the same. Taking her chart in one hand he wrapped his other one around her waist, making sure to hold onto her and support her. When he glanced down at her, he was met with a bright grin. Smiling softly in return, Simon instructed Kaylee to lean into him so that she didn't have to put any weight on her ankle.

He watched her closely as he reached out to open the door with the hand in which he held the chart. He ushered Kaylee out of the room and headed down the hall with her. Leaving her chart to be filed at the desk he continued with her to the lounge room. Stopping there he looked down at her, releasing his grip on her waist for a moment. He quickly stripped off his lab coat and grabbed his briefcase, looking through it for his keys. Finding them he wrapped an arm around Kaylee's waist again.

"Shall we?" He said, gesturing to the door.


hamsters_isnice June 30 2006, 01:53:49 UTC
"Whether or not you hit me, I'm still going to make sure you stay off that ankle," Simon argued. "It's only for a week, maybe a little less, I'm sure you won't go crazy."

"Yeah, yeah... we'll see." she told him, half playful, half serious. Clearly he worked during the day; she could always relax at night to please him, and do as she liked during the day.

She shivered slightly as he wrapped his arm around her waist to support her, smiling up at him. She wrapped her own arm around his waist, attempting to stay upright, wincing the first few steps until she got used to using him as a crutch.

She limped along beside him, her fingers digging into his hip for purchase as her other hand gripped the new wallet and sunglasses she'd bought, both unfamiliar and strange objects to her.

She stood carefully on one foot as Simon hung up his coat, took out a briefcase and found a set of keys.
Then he came back and wrapped his arm around her again. She smiled and leaned against him, enjoying his warmth and breathing in his scent.

"Of course!" she said happily. "I'm kinda hungry though, havent eaten today... can we make it lunch?" she asked, her stomach growling slightly at the thought of food. Also, if they were eating, it would take longer and give them more time alone to talk.


top3percent June 30 2006, 02:12:10 UTC
"Yeah, yeah... we'll see."

Simon knew it would take quite a bit of effort to make Kaylee sit still and relax. He remembered how hard it had been to keep her in place when she'd been shot, and even after Miranda, when she'd been hit with those darts. The memories of how irrepressible she was made him chuckle lightly as he hugged Kaylee close to himself.

"I'm going to make you stay off that ankle if I have to tie you down," Simon threatened jokingly.

Simon made sure to walk slowly and be careful as he made his way to the lounge with Kaylee. He let her go for only a moment to hang up his lab coat on it's hook and grab his briefcase. He fumbled for his keys, finding them quickly enough and wrapped his arm around Kaylee again. He made sure she was comfortable before heading out again.

"I'm kinda hungry though, havent eaten today... can we make it lunch?"

"Of course," Simon replied. "There's a nice little cafè by the house we can have lunch at."

They made their way out the doors of the clinic and Simon carefully helped Kaylee down the steps out front, wondering just how she'd managed to make it up the steps with her injury in the first place. The car wasn't too far away and they reached it quickly, Simon reaching to unlock the passenger side door with his free hand. He pulled it open slowly and gestured Kaylee into the car.

"Before you say anything, I swear to you I'm better at driving than I ever could have been at flying," Simon chuckled.


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