
Oct 27, 2008 19:04

Who: Sam & Dean Winchester
What: Dean comes home to find a very drunken Sam
When: The night after this thread.
Where: Sam & Dean's hotel room.
Rating: PG-13 for now. Subject to change.
Status: Complete, Private
Warning: There be Wincest here.

Beware! There be drunken!Sammy ahead! )

dean winchester, sam winchester, *status-complete

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ichasedemons October 27 2008, 23:43:39 UTC
Dean got out of the Impala and started on his way towards the hotel room that he and Sam were staying in. He pulled out his key and opened the door letting it open a bit. It was kind of dark in the room as the only light was coming from the lamp that was in between their beds.

He saw Sam sitting on the edge of the bed trying to get up holding onto the nightstand. Apparently something was wrong and he didn't know what it could be. Then his nose picked up a familiar smell. Sam was drinking again. Dean couldn't hide the smirk on his face as he remembered the last time his younger brother had gotten drunk and the revenge that Dean had gotten for the conversation they had with each other and the teasing. Oh did he pay for it the next day. Hangovers can be fun to play with.

"Sammy are you drinking again?"


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 01:30:53 UTC
Dean knew that Sam was avoiding his question and he didn't blame him. He didn't want to make Sammy say something that he might regret late on. He wiped his eyes and got up from the bed seeing Sam wasn't going to make it to the bathroom in one piece.

Dean got beside Sam and took his brother's arm placing it around his neck and helped support him to the bathroom.

"You going to throw up? I'm not going to stand here and hold your hair for you if that's what you want" Dean said trying to at least get a little chuckle out of his brother.

No matter how much he hated to see Sam get this wasted he still cared about his brother and wanted to make sure he was alright. After all how many times had they saved each other's butt in the past.


psychicsam October 28 2008, 01:39:59 UTC
"Mhmm," Sam whimpered, raising an arm to cover his mouth. He let his arm wrap around Dean's neck, leaning into his brother and holding in the vomit through sheer force of will.


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 01:50:51 UTC
Dean rushed and tried to get his brother to the bathroom as quick as possible. If he couldn't make it he couldn't make it. They would just clean the mess up and go on from there. He was going to do his best though because he didn't want Sam to feel bad.

They were in the bathroom and Dean slowly lowered Sam to the floor.

"Okay, you're in the bathroom" he said in case his brother hadn't recognized that they had made it.

He didn't like the idea of Sam throwing up but he had a feeling that if he did maybe he would feel a little better. He patted Sam's back letting him know that he was here with him.

"I'll be right here if you need me" Dean said leaning against the sink in the bathroom.

He looked to the shower and saw that it was one of the showers that he loved so much. It was a nice hotel so of course they would have the steam shower.

Damn he wanted to take a shower right now.


psychicsam October 28 2008, 02:04:25 UTC
Not noticing Dean's mind wander, Sam's gut wrenched as he lurched forwards, a horrible taste in his mouth.

It took a good long while before Sam's body stopped shaking, and when it did, Sam felt any number of different things. While he did feel a bit better, he was also exhausted. Looking up with bloodshot eyes and a frown. "Toothbrush?"


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 02:09:22 UTC
Dean turned around to where they kept their stuff and got Sam's toothbrush handing it to him. He stepped back in case he was in the man's way but kept an eye on him to make sure that he was going to be okay and wasn't going to fall.


psychicsam October 28 2008, 02:17:25 UTC
Sam reached up, taking Dean's hand and pulling himself to his feet, keeping a hand on the counter for balance as he brushed away the taste. Blinking, he looked to Dean in the mirror with a continued pout. "...Don't sleep around."


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 02:25:14 UTC
Dean took Sam's hand and helped him up out of the floor and watched him brush his teeth. He couldn't help but keep an eye on his brother in the mirror wanting to make sure everything was okay. He was possessive and bossy sometimes like Sam said but he only did it out of care.

He cared for his brother. Was it so hard for him to admit it?

He snapped out of his thoughts though as he heard Sam's request.

"Okay Sammy, I will try not to sleep around so much" he said ruffling his hair like he use to do when they were kids.


psychicsam October 28 2008, 02:33:38 UTC
Moving towards his bed, Sam reached out, holding his brother's arm and looking quite miserable. "I'm gon' take care'f you," Sam slurred, his eyes serious. "'mnot letting you go back to hell."


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 02:34:52 UTC
Dean couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm not going to be going anywhere Sammy."

He felt Sam wasn't letting loose of his arm as he lay down in the bed. He figured he would at least comfort his brother to keep him from feeling so bad so he lay down next to him in the bed.

"And I'm going to take care of you Sammy."


psychicsam October 28 2008, 02:41:41 UTC
Pulling Dean close, Sam wrapped his arms around his brother. "Love you, Dean." It was simple, and heartfelt, but Sam knew even in his drunken state, he barely ever said it.


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 03:02:45 UTC
Dean smiled inside and out hearing his brother mutter those three words. He didn't hear them enough, only when Sam thought Dean was going somewhere or something bad was giong to happen.

Dean lay his head down on Sam's chest and just relaxed for once. He knew his brother would keep him safe if something were to happen. And the other way around as well. Dean would protect Sam even if it meant risking his life to do so.


psychicsam October 28 2008, 03:09:50 UTC
Holding Dean tight in his arms made Sam sure that no matter what happened, he could keep the other man safe. No matter how many times death had torn them apart before, they'd have each other. A part of Sam that hadn't really emerged in a long while scratched at his consciousness... the part that loved Dean a little too much to be construed as normal, even in the demented world hunters lived in.


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 03:19:50 UTC
Not long after laying his head on Sam's chest, hearing his heartbeat and feeling his breathing Dean had fallen asleep. He could tell by the breathing that Sam was almost asleep or on the verge of passing out either one.

He continued to lay there as he slipped into dreamland. He must have been out of it for at least two or three hours before he woke up with a startle like he did most nights the last two weeks.

He kind of screamed out in terror as he sat up in the bed looking around making sure everything was safe.

First instinct like it had been the other night he made sure that Sam was around somewhere and safe. Sam was laying next to him sleeping soundly. Dean turned and put his feet on the floor, hanging his head as he wiped the sweat from his face.

It was that same damn nightmare all over again. He had to do something. He just didn't know what to do.


psychicsam October 28 2008, 03:23:48 UTC
Sam's eyes shot open as he instinctively reached for the knife under his pillow. He froze as he realized that it was just Dean and just another nightmare. His heart crumbled as he saw his big brother, head hanging low, sweating profusely.

"...Dean?" he asked, reaching out and touching his shoulder. He had a pounding headache, but he was more worried about his brother right now. "Dean..."


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