Entering with a crack...of apparation that is...

Aug 31, 2010 17:23

Who: Severus Snape (OPEN)
When: Right now
Where: The Park
What: Snape is here, ready to take points from those responsible for this mess.

At least I didn't splinch myself )

severus snape, nokoru imonoyama, cyril 'biffy' smythe

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Comments 27

xxdabiffestxx September 1 2010, 00:14:03 UTC
Now here's what it is, like: Biffy was well certain he wasn't supposed to be here, but he was well certain that if he was where he was supposed to be he'd be having to do flying or revision for his flying exams or flying or something, and he'd done flying already that week and having to do it at all hours just because some Hitler or something was coming over to shoot them up with guns and things was actually against his human rights and could cause him stress, so bunking off wasn't like something he wasn't inclined to do, if you follow, and this place wasn't any gayer than Germany or wherever it was they'd been, you know, in Europe or some shit, isn't it? So he wasn't bothered. It was well lame not having his homeboys around to chill with, but their loss, isn't it.

So he was sitting on a bench or some shit in like a park and this geezer just sort of appeared, like, and started chatting up nonsense and this and that, and Biffy looked up from tamping his pipe and said cheerfully: "Isn't it that magic is gay shit for fairies, like?"


potion_stained September 1 2010, 02:50:51 UTC
Snape turned on his heel, glaring at the man with the most offending vocabulary he'd ever had to witness.

"What? Are you capable of speaking proper English?"


xxdabiffestxx September 1 2010, 03:09:50 UTC
"You know," Biffy replied with wide-eyed innocence, "you isn't my teacher so you can't actually tell me how to talk. And anyway you've got on a dress so you can't say shit to me, you bender."


potion_stained September 1 2010, 03:12:13 UTC
Snape's jaw clenched and his fingers tightened around his wand. "You are obviously some kind of mentally deficient imbecile, which is the only thing keeping me from hexing the tongue to the roof of your mouth."


clampsgoldenboy September 2 2010, 19:51:51 UTC
Nokoru was enjoying himself immensely.

Oh, he appeared to have lost track of several weeks someplace, but everything still seemed to be in its place. After taking care of his most important duty, he took himself out to see if the phenomenon he was experiencing was universal, and if in fact anyone needed a hand.

Some sort of altercation in the park drew his attention. He didn't recognize either of the gentlemen involved, but perhaps he'd met them within the last few weeks? Either way, they did seem to be in some difficulty. And even if they weren't ladies, he still might be able to help.

The blond Japanese boy wandered over to them, smiling.

"Excuse me if I'm intruding. Can I offer you gentlemen any assistance?"


potion_stained September 4 2010, 00:53:09 UTC
Snape turned to see the small blond smiling up at him.

Was everyone in this down completely daft?

"No, I don't need help, particularly from a child. Shouldn't you be off playing footie or something?"

He immediately turned his back, dismissing the boy out of hand.


clampsgoldenboy September 4 2010, 02:14:11 UTC
"Footie?" Nokoru repeated, aloud but rhetorically. Then enlightenment struck and he laughed uncomfortably, one hand rubbing the back of his head. "Ah - about that. I really don't play sports much." Translation: Imonoyama Nokoru + athletics = disaster. But he didn't really like to admit to being hopelessly inept at anything, so he left it at that.

"It seems an inappropriate time now, anyway," he went on, exactly as though Snape were not blatantly ignoring him. "When one finds oneself missing several weeks' worth of memories, one's first impulse probably isn't to run out and play a game. At least mine isn't. My name is Nokoru." Smile. "Imonoyama Nokoru. And yours?" He looked expectantly from one man to the other.


potion_stained September 4 2010, 18:47:18 UTC
"What are you talking about? My memory is just fine, thank you very much. Are you always this...chipper?" he asked, looking disgusted by the very idea. "If you're having issues with your memory, perhaps you should go find your parents and stop bothering adults."


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