It hadn't taken more than a day to explore the entirety of the little town that was now, apparently, her residence. Hadn't taken more than a couple of hours, really. There were still places she hadn't been inside, hadn't explored completely, but she was getting the gist of her surroundings.
The mystery of the 'why' of this place was infinitely more interesting to her. It kept her from thinking too hard about why she'd left London. It also gave her a reason to get out of the house; she liked Tonks, always had, but she'd been there the day she died, and seeing her alive and playing with Teddy made her insides jump. On an emotional level, she could see it being a wonderful thing; at the same time, her logical mind refused to bend easily to this particular fact. When you said 'goodbye' to someone with the sort of finality that they'd all been forced to say 'goodbye' to their loved ones... it just wasn't right to turn around and have them suddenly be standing there
( ... )
Was he the doctor? Technically, he was one of them. But it wasn't a good idea to wave that around while dressed like this.
"The Doctor?" he repeated, brow furrowing, as he climbed the rest of the way up onto level ground and straightened. As much as Billy straightened, which meant he still slouched a bit. "No, uh, that's not me. Actually I- I don't know if the Doctor's been around in a while. That is... I haven't seen him. But you'd know him if you met him. He's - unique. And British. Er, which you are too, I guess?"
Ah yes. There was Billy. Rambling and befuddled and never quite meeting her eyes.
"Um, yes, I am." And apparently there were a lot of British people knocking about the place. She'd been quite surprised. "And, well-- I suppose she did say that he hadn't been around recently, but I didn't know if a lot of people came out this way..." It wasn't like it was very far away-- that pie shop was not five minutes from here-- but it was rather... desolate. It didn't have a very approachable vibe.
"I suppose it was presumptuous of me to assume," she declared. "I'm Hermione Granger." She didn't feel like she had the right to ask him who he was... but then, he was rather shy. If he didn't offer the information, she'd go fishing for it.
"No, I guess they don't." Billy apparently found the trees off to one side fascinating, while his hands, stuffed casually in his pockets, reassured him that all his little vials and packets of samples were still there. "Be kind of a crazy random happenstance. If the only two people who happened to be out here were you and the person you're looking for."
He glanced over almost warily when she introduced herself. "Oh. Um. Billy - I'm Billy." Since she didn't offer a hand, he left his where they were, but he pushed up one side of his mouth in a lopsided half-smile. "Nice to meet you - Hermione, that's, that's an unusual name. I mean, it's nice. You're new?"
Comments 9
The mystery of the 'why' of this place was infinitely more interesting to her. It kept her from thinking too hard about why she'd left London. It also gave her a reason to get out of the house; she liked Tonks, always had, but she'd been there the day she died, and seeing her alive and playing with Teddy made her insides jump. On an emotional level, she could see it being a wonderful thing; at the same time, her logical mind refused to bend easily to this particular fact. When you said 'goodbye' to someone with the sort of finality that they'd all been forced to say 'goodbye' to their loved ones... it just wasn't right to turn around and have them suddenly be standing there ( ... )
"The Doctor?" he repeated, brow furrowing, as he climbed the rest of the way up onto level ground and straightened. As much as Billy straightened, which meant he still slouched a bit. "No, uh, that's not me. Actually I- I don't know if the Doctor's been around in a while. That is... I haven't seen him. But you'd know him if you met him. He's - unique. And British. Er, which you are too, I guess?"
Ah yes. There was Billy. Rambling and befuddled and never quite meeting her eyes.
"I suppose it was presumptuous of me to assume," she declared. "I'm Hermione Granger." She didn't feel like she had the right to ask him who he was... but then, he was rather shy. If he didn't offer the information, she'd go fishing for it.
He glanced over almost warily when she introduced herself. "Oh. Um. Billy - I'm Billy." Since she didn't offer a hand, he left his where they were, but he pushed up one side of his mouth in a lopsided half-smile. "Nice to meet you - Hermione, that's, that's an unusual name. I mean, it's nice. You're new?"
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