
Aug 21, 2009 01:22

Who: Harry and Snape
What: Drinking
When: Friday Evening
Where: Dive
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete/partial log

Any Time is a Good Time for Booze )

severus snape, harry potter, *status-complete

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Comments 43

potion_stained August 21 2009, 18:10:58 UTC
"What makes you think I'd even consider doing anything of the sort with you?" Snape asked haughtily. "If, as you say I couldn't 'get it up', then it would only be because I find you singularly unattractive."

Snape paused for a moment. "Unless your shirt is off," he amended, then frowned at the admission.


aurorpotter August 21 2009, 22:20:28 UTC
"You tell me. You were the one to bring it up. Er, hang on." Harry banged into the door with his back, pushing it open and stumbling out into the cooler night air. He grabbed Snape and tugged him through haphazardly.

He froze, risking a look at Snape's face before realizing Snape was just as confused by that statement as Harry was.

His mum would likely be furious at him for leaving Teddy with her for so long, but he couldn't deal with a hyper seven year old and a drunken thirty something at the same time. Not even with magic.


potion_stained August 21 2009, 22:23:36 UTC
"Oh shut up," Snape muttered, shoving away from Harry only to fall against the wall. "Damn it! Where the hell is my flat?!" he growled, pushing away from the wall and looking up and down the street.


aurorpotter August 21 2009, 22:27:55 UTC
Harry staggered a step or two, shooting Snape an incredulous look, which ended up tapering off into weary resignation.

"Doesn't matter." He took a few steps toward Snape, wary and on guard in case Snape decided he actually did want to push him out into traffic. Not that there ever was much. "I'll make up the sofa tonight. You're not going home."


tedrlupin August 22 2009, 01:25:00 UTC
Teddy sat in the comfy chair in his pajamas, waiting for somebody, anybody to wake up. He tried to wake up Harry, but all Harry did was ask if something was on fire, then told him to go read a book. Then he snored at him ( ... )


aurorpotter August 22 2009, 01:34:46 UTC
Harry dug his palms into his eyelids, rubbing. It was too early for this. But then, it was always too early with Teddy. He swung his feet over the edge of the bed and stood, making his way slowly from the bathroom to the living room. His mouth tasted like something had crawled into and died. Twice and the rest of him felt just as bad.

Stretching one hand over his head as he yawned, he scratched his bare stomach with the other and paused in the doorway, staring tiredly, before turning around and heading toward the loo.


potion_stained August 22 2009, 01:41:41 UTC
Snape felt the ice pick jam into his eye as the boy began to scream. For a moment, it was all too surreal for him to even deal with. He was in an unfamiliar room and woke up to a small child insulting his breath.

Though if his breath smelled as bad as his mouth tasted, he couldn't begrudge the boy the observation, no matter how rude.

Sitting up, he saw Potter out of the corner of his eye, and nearly cursed him for walking away and leaving him to deal with this mess. Snape glared at Teddy, who was staring at him wide eyed and blessedly silent.

After a few moments of intense scrutiny, Snape released Teddy's shirt, shoving him lightly backwards. Groaning, he slid his feet over the edge of the couch and buried his face in his hands.

"Are you gonna puke?" Teddy asked, and Snape felt a small hand patting his head. It felt like he was being hit by a brick.

"Harry said you're sick and sick people puke. Are you gonna?"

Snape raised his head, squinting against the morning sunlight. "Go. Away."


aurorpotter August 22 2009, 01:46:02 UTC
"Ted, go find a pan," Harry said, quietly beckoning Teddy over before Snape actually did lose his temper and do something just shy of unforgivable. Teddy slunk away from Snape with a sullen scowl, stomping all the way into the kitchen where he proceeded to open and close every cupboard with a bang.

Well, so much for that. Harry crossed the floor without much noise, though, who would notice, clutching two vials in his hand. Both properly labeled thanks to Snape. He pressed the first one into Snape's hand, working off the top with his thumb.

"Drink up."


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