
Aug 21, 2009 01:22

Who: Harry and Snape
What: Drinking
When: Friday Evening
Where: Dive
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete/partial log

Any Time is a Good Time for Booze )

severus snape, harry potter, *status-complete

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tedrlupin August 22 2009, 01:25:00 UTC
Teddy sat in the comfy chair in his pajamas, waiting for somebody, anybody to wake up. He tried to wake up Harry, but all Harry did was ask if something was on fire, then told him to go read a book. Then he snored at him ( ... )


aurorpotter August 22 2009, 01:34:46 UTC
Harry dug his palms into his eyelids, rubbing. It was too early for this. But then, it was always too early with Teddy. He swung his feet over the edge of the bed and stood, making his way slowly from the bathroom to the living room. His mouth tasted like something had crawled into and died. Twice and the rest of him felt just as bad.

Stretching one hand over his head as he yawned, he scratched his bare stomach with the other and paused in the doorway, staring tiredly, before turning around and heading toward the loo.


potion_stained August 22 2009, 01:41:41 UTC
Snape felt the ice pick jam into his eye as the boy began to scream. For a moment, it was all too surreal for him to even deal with. He was in an unfamiliar room and woke up to a small child insulting his breath.

Though if his breath smelled as bad as his mouth tasted, he couldn't begrudge the boy the observation, no matter how rude.

Sitting up, he saw Potter out of the corner of his eye, and nearly cursed him for walking away and leaving him to deal with this mess. Snape glared at Teddy, who was staring at him wide eyed and blessedly silent.

After a few moments of intense scrutiny, Snape released Teddy's shirt, shoving him lightly backwards. Groaning, he slid his feet over the edge of the couch and buried his face in his hands.

"Are you gonna puke?" Teddy asked, and Snape felt a small hand patting his head. It felt like he was being hit by a brick.

"Harry said you're sick and sick people puke. Are you gonna?"

Snape raised his head, squinting against the morning sunlight. "Go. Away."


aurorpotter August 22 2009, 01:46:02 UTC
"Ted, go find a pan," Harry said, quietly beckoning Teddy over before Snape actually did lose his temper and do something just shy of unforgivable. Teddy slunk away from Snape with a sullen scowl, stomping all the way into the kitchen where he proceeded to open and close every cupboard with a bang.

Well, so much for that. Harry crossed the floor without much noise, though, who would notice, clutching two vials in his hand. Both properly labeled thanks to Snape. He pressed the first one into Snape's hand, working off the top with his thumb.

"Drink up."


potion_stained August 22 2009, 01:50:46 UTC
"Sweet Merlin, kill the boy and make the noise stop," Snape moaned, clutching his head with each bang from the kitchen.

Snape barely glanced at the vial. He sniffed and decided it wouldn't kill him and drank it down in one gulp. The pounding in his head quickly turned to a dull ache and he thanked the gods that he was as brilliant at potion making as he was.

"What the hell happened last night?" he asked, raising his eyes to Harry. "And why am I on your sodding couch?"

"That's a bad word!" Teddy shouted from the kitchen, slamming another door.

"Does he not come with an off switch?" Snape moaned, leaning back against the couch.


aurorpotter August 22 2009, 01:53:31 UTC
"Not that I've found yet." Harry stole the empty vial and slid it in the back pocket of his pajama bottoms. "Now this one."


potion_stained August 22 2009, 01:56:46 UTC
"I half hope you're trying to kill me," Snape murmured, taking a moment to actually look at the label this time. Approving of the choice, he drank down the second vial, and the fog started to clear from his mind.

"I know where I live."


aurorpotter August 22 2009, 01:59:00 UTC
"Glad to hear it." Harry folded his arms across his bare chest and rubbed his nose with his thumb.

Snape looked disturbingly rumpled sitting there as he was.

"And you're on the sofa because you couldn't make it to the bedroom. And I was too tired to levitate you."


potion_stained August 22 2009, 02:03:09 UTC
Snape dropped his head back, putting his arm over his eyes. "Put a shirt on, Potter," he said tiredly.

"Harry, can we have pancakes now?" Teddy whined, coming into the room to lean against Harry's side. "He was gonna eat my face," Teddy added, pouting at Snape, who pointedly ignored him.


aurorpotter August 22 2009, 02:05:41 UTC
Harry jerked and glanced down at his bare chest with a flush of embarrassment. He might have been half gone last night but he still remembered that comment.

"Er, right." Harry backed up a few steps. "Be right back. Teddy, go set the table or something."

He didn't even wait to see if Teddy complied.


potion_stained August 22 2009, 02:11:47 UTC
Once everyone had left the room, Snape rose to his feet and stretched, his back protesting the night on the sofa. Then he made a beeline for the door, not wanting to face any of this debacle sober.

"Harry! He's trying to escape! Make him stop!" Teddy yelled, nearly full on tackling Snape around the knees.

"What do you think you're doing?" Snape hissed, grabbing Teddy by the back of his shirt and hauling him up.

"Harry!" Teddy cried, squirming out of Snape's hold, "He's gonna eat me again!"


aurorpotter August 22 2009, 03:01:45 UTC
Harry banged out of his bedroom, smoothing down a wrinkled, green tee-shirt as he ran to see what the commotion was about.

"What the hell is going on?" he shouted over the noise of Teddy's screeching.


tedrlupin August 22 2009, 03:04:45 UTC
"He was tryin' to escape but I caught him cause I'm a Auror!" Teddy cried triumphantly, beaming at Harry.

"Your child is insane," Snape muttered, looking at Teddy in horror.


aurorpotter August 22 2009, 03:08:03 UTC
"My monster is unfed," Harry countered, grabbing Teddy by the waist and hauling him off the ground like a burlap sack. "And in trouble," he added, giving Teddy the look. The look Harry had been perfecting since his first babysitting misadventure when Teddy was just one-year-old. The one that told Teddy he was going to be stuck in his room for a few minutes, literally, with a sticking charm if he didn't start behaving right then and there and apologize.

Usually it worked.


potion_stained August 22 2009, 03:20:23 UTC
"I was just playin' with Mister Snape," Teddy whined, knowing he was going into time out. "And I wanted him to stay for pancakes and teach me how to fly so I can be like Batman, only a Auror Batman that can fly!"

Snape couldn't follow even half of what the child was saying and soon gave up even trying. He didn't want pancakes. He wanted to wash the taste of slime from his mouth and have a shower and then attempt to Obliviate himself. Seeing Potter shirtless had brought to mind some of the stupider things he'd said the night before.

The list kept growing.

"I'm not hungry, but thank you for the invitation," Snape said mockingly.


aurorpotter August 22 2009, 03:27:38 UTC
"Teddy," Harry warned, adding an edge to his tone he hardly ever used outside an interrogation room, if at all. Teddy whined and kicked his legs into the back of Harry's, but Harry didn't put him down. "You're too old for this. Stop."

And, shockingly, Teddy did, slowly, but he did, whining and sniveling the whole time.

"Sorry," Harry apologized, for pretty much everything that had happened in the last ten minutes. Which, was a lot and none of it had been done by him.

"Me too," Teddy butted in.


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