Endora buys a bicycle

Apr 02, 2009 22:33

Who: Endora and Open
What: Endora buys a bicycle but refuses to ride it
When: Today, mid-afternoon
Where: The park
Rating: Low, I expect
Status: Open and incomplete( Read more... )

merlin, endora, *status-complete

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secretsorcerer April 3 2009, 03:42:20 UTC
"Wow," Merlin breathed as he passed by the lady by the strange contraption in the park. He'd made it a point to try and take a walk every day since the weather had started to turn warm, and Arthur was busy with his family back at the castle today.

But Merlin was able to find enough to entertain him on his own. Like whatever this was. "What is that thing?" he asked perplexedly, approaching the woman. Who didn't seem very pleased with the "thing," whatever she was trying to do with it.


secretsorcerer April 5 2009, 04:13:04 UTC
Nibbling at his bottom lip, Merlin nodded. "I do understand." And e still felt guilty about it, but she sounded so sincere about helping. And God, the thought of going home... he really, really needed to get home. How could he pass up this chance?

He thought of Arthur, of how happy he would be to see Camelot again. He thought of Morgana, and even Uther. Of his mother, and Gwen, and Gaius. He couldn't. He couldn't let this chance go.

"I... that would be amazing. If- if you're sure."


endorathewitch April 5 2009, 04:24:24 UTC
Endora nodded. "You must miss your home very much." She suddenly thought of something. "Merlin...if you can execute the spell successfully...might I ask you to visit my daughter and tell her I'm all right? I haven't been able to contact her since I came here." Endora chuckled slightly. "She's used to people popping in and out. She'll understand."

Endora nodded. "Of course." She closed her eyes and concentrated hard, drawing on any tattered remnants of magic she had left to summon her spellbook. Slowly but surely, it appeared on the bench beside her. She sighed in relief. "That's the first thing I've done successfully in months." She handed Merlin the book. "Page 56. We'll work on the words first. The gestures will come later. I'd suggest practicing pronunciation of each word separately so that you do not end up in 18th century Siam by accident."


secretsorcerer April 13 2009, 04:19:00 UTC
"I do miss it," Merlin answered quietly. He glanced up at Endora as she asked her request, suddenly nervous. "But, if I learn how to do it, couldn't I take you with me? And you could see your daughter yourself?"

If the spell didn't work on anyone except the person who cast it, it wouldn't do Merlin much could. He couldn't go back to Camelot without the others. He couldn't do that to them.

Still, he watched curiously as Endora managed to bring the book to her, and smiled lightly at her joking comment. "This is very kind of you. Thank you." He opened to the page and looked down at the spell. It looked complicated.


endorathewitch April 13 2009, 14:25:32 UTC
"I'm sure," Endora said sympathetically. She brightened at his suggestion, remembering how other witches had offered to help Clara with her magic when it wasn't working. "I hadn't thought of that, but of course! The spell is slightly different for more than one person--you'll want to learn the individual version first--but yes, once you master the variations you'll be able to take anyone with you."

Endora smiled at Merlin. "I'm glad to help, dear boy. Believe it or not, it makes me feel a bit more normal." And useful.


secretsorcerer April 15 2009, 00:42:43 UTC
Merlin sighed in relief. God, he didn't know how he'd have dealt with his hopes being raised then so quickly dashed again. "I can do it," he said firmly, nodding. "I know I can do it. I'll get you back home to see your daughter, and I'll bring us back to Camelot."

Sometimes, Merlin wasn't as confident in his magical abilities as Gaius and the Dragon and every magical being he'd met seemed to be. But this, he knew he would accomplish, no matter how difficult. Because he had to.


endorathewitch April 15 2009, 00:49:18 UTC
Endora smiled at Merlin's obvious relief; he was a rather delightfully openhearted young man. And she appreciated his offer more than she could say. "Thank you, Merlin. I appreciate your help very much."

The mention of Camelot, however, got Endora's attention. She was aware, of course, of the mortal stories, as well as the witch stories, which humans might be surprised to find out were quite different. Still, most witches and wizards throughout history were heroes to the witches.

Nevertheless, Endora did not believe in being obvious. "I imagine," she said thoughtfully, "that you must have been on the receiving end of a number of...shall we say surprising reactions upon giving your name here in town?"


secretsorcerer April 15 2009, 01:00:52 UTC
Merlin rose his eyebrows at the comment. He had to appreciate her subtlety on the matter as compared to most people he'd met here, but he was fairly sure he'd never entirely get used to the idea of himself as a legend at all. So still, he ended up blushing faintly and glancing downward again. "Yes... that's true." He looked back up then, and added, "And let me be the first to tell you not to believe a word of what you've read!"


endorathewitch April 15 2009, 01:04:59 UTC
"I do beg your pardon," Endora said, feeling faintly maternal towards the boy when he blushed. "I didn't mean to embarrass you."

She laughed softly when he told her not to believe what she'd read. "I'm afraid I know too many conflicting stories to be able to make any coherent narrative of them at all. Why don't you tell me yours instead?"


secretsorcerer April 16 2009, 07:59:08 UTC
"Oh, no, it's alright. I'm actually starting to get used to it now," Merlin assured. "It's just... strange, sometimes. To think of yourself as a legend. I mean, I was sort of a nobody back home." He laughed sheepishly and shrugged.

"That's probably a good place to start, actually. All those stories that say I'm an old, bearded man who Uther brought into Camelot as court magician and Arthur's mentor? Complete rubbish. I'm actually a year younger than Arthur, and Uther never would have hired me or anyone as court magician, as he made the practice of magic in the kingdom illegal, punishable by death. And em... I came to Camelot from a tiny village in a neighboring kingdom. I managed to save Arthur's life from an evil witch, and Uther made me Arthur's personal manservant. It wasn't until we came here that Arthur even knew I was a warlock. So yes, all that about me being some sort of celebrated, wise old sage? Definitely not true. Heh, not yet anyway."


endorathewitch April 16 2009, 14:55:22 UTC
"I suppose that's best," Endora said, thinking how peculiar it must be to be constantly confronted with a future that, for you, hadn't happened yet. "I can certainly understand that it could be strange."

Endora nodded, listening to Merlin's explanation. "That is a different story. Thank you for telling me." Her lips curved in a slight smile. "It's just as well that you don't have a beard. I suspect it wouldn't suit you."

Merlin's explanation also made clearer some things about Uther, though Endora still didn't understand why he was so hellbent on decrying magic. But some mortals were like that--completely wrongheaded for no reason that she could determine. "Yes, I've met Uther. He reacted...somewhat badly to me, though he was courteous enough."


secretsorcerer April 16 2009, 23:59:50 UTC
Merlin laughed and brought a hand to his chin on reflex. "I doubt it would either. And you're welcome. Honestly, I suppose it's about time someone set the record straight. I mean, me helping Uther seduce Arthur's mother? Arthur marry Gwen?" (Merlin always tried to laugh that last one off, but try as he might, it always left a tight, bitter ache in his chest when he thought on it too long.)

"That doesn't surprise me," Merlin shook his head in wry amusement. "He's realized he doesn't have the sort of control over it here that he did in Camelot. But it doesn't stop him from feeling the way he does about it. Not that he... doesn't have his reasons."


endorathewitch April 17 2009, 01:31:06 UTC
Endora chuckled at Merlin's laughter. "Certainly! I understand misunderstandings in the mortal world, believe me. For example, every Halloween, mortals dress as ugly, wart-ridden witches with pointy hats and black gowns who carry brooms." She gestured to herself. "That is certainly not an accurate description of me."

"I see," Endora said. That didn't sound as if it boded well for any innocent witches who happened to wander into Camelot. "Is it easier for you here? Do you have to be less careful, in a way?" She would have asked about Uther's reasons but that was dreadfully impolite. If he wanted her to know, he would tell her himself. Endora couldn't exactly imagine that Uther wanted her to know his life story, though she was a little surprised that he'd told her as much as he had.


secretsorcerer May 11 2009, 20:12:07 UTC
Merlin couldn't help but laugh again, a more incredulous sort of laughter this time. "That is what people think witches look like these days? Whatever gave them that idea?" He thought back on some of the sorceresses he'd come into contact with. Some of them were a bit ugly, like Lady Helen. But then there were those like Nimueh. No matter what evil doings she committed, Merlin could never deny her heart-wrenching beauty.

"And it is a little easier here. I mean... I was able to tell Arthur about my magic. And pretty much everyone I come across knows once they hear my name." He smiled sheepishly as he answered. "Though em... we still haven't exactly let Uther know. I know he can't, you know, toss me in prison or anything anymore. But when he finds out Arthur's been keeping it from him... it just... could be bad. I'd rather spare Arthur of that as long as possible."


endorathewitch May 12 2009, 18:16:37 UTC
Endora arched an eyebrow, nodding. "Incredible, isn't it? I have no idea. After the witch hunts, I suppose they never thought about us the same way again." People had an annoyingly simplistic worldview much of the time, assuming that things they were scared of or that they labeled "evil" would necessarily look ugly. Most of the ugly people or witches Endora had met were not ugly on the outside.

"That's good," Endora said. She laughed. "Yes, I suppose it's difficult to go incognito as Merlin, more so than if you were Fred." Endora nodded emphatically. "Well...if I had known Uther's feelings about witches, I wouldn't have told him I was one either. Your approach sounds like an intelligent one."


secretsorcerer May 13 2009, 04:03:07 UTC
"Well it seems like it's pretty well accepted now. It seems like lots of things are that weren't back in Camelot," Merlin grinned, thinking not only of his magic, but of him and Arthur. "I'm glad for that."

He remembered then, why he'd been so excited only moments ago, and looked back at the book then hopefully up at Endora. "But still, Camelot is my home, and we sort of have these destinies to fulfill and all," he waved his hand because really, speaking about destinies felt a lot more ridiculous here than it would have at home, for some reason. "So I do need to get us back there sometime."


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