Who: River and York (Possibly some Kaylee and Jayne? Since he's at their apartment!)
When: Monday, March 9th, 5pm
Where: Starts at Kaylee's Apartment, will go from there.
What: York has been a busy boy and hasn't seen River in a week!
Rating: River and York? PG
Status: Incomplete and Semi-Open (ask!)
York could remember a time when he used to sleep in his armor. He could remember a time when he had done everything in his armor.. it had been most of his very long life, in fact. So as he walked through the freezing rain to get to River's apartment, across the mile long separation, he tilted his head back and savored the way that it felt. Odd, how someone could savor how painful, pin-prick like rain could feel on your skin, pelting onto your face, but he did. The rain splashed down onto his knee-length trench coat, soaking the shoulders in cold water, made colder by the hard breeze that was blowing-- but the breeze helped to dry the cold rain from his face, That, at least, was a plus. As he walked, York closed his eyes and remembered the way the rain had sounded when it fell onto the hard shell that his armor provided.. It was an almost hollow sound, the way the raindrops sounded when they impacted with the cool metal of his suit.. it'd been soothing, most of the time. Especially as he ran in it. He'd often had to run long distances in that suit, to escape whatever had been chasing him down at the time. There was a period of a few years where he'd had a military vehicle that could support the weight of his armor, but like all things (except him), it had gotten old and had worn out, fallen apart. And he'd been back on his feet again.
Blue eyes opened and turned forward. He should get a car. Tex was thinking of getting one.. so it would make sense for him to get one at the same time. They'd check them out together, later. It'd be an adventure.
The idea made him grin.
Delta informed him that it was time to make a right turn, and the Freelancer obediently obeyed the command, turning right to step up onto the sidewalk and head for the apartment building. Up the steps to the third floor, turn left, down the hall, and fifth door on the right. He came to a slow stop in front of it, hair plastered down in places (it was long, he needed to get it cut), and water dripping from his chin, falling onto his coat below. But it didn't bother him.
Delta warned him that he might catch cold.
York knocked on the door anyway, then took a step back to wait.