Who: Jalil and Remus
When: Monday, March 9th, Noon
Where: Their apartment
What: We just feel like playing!
Rating: Jalil and Remus? PG.
Status: Incomplete and Closed
Jalil had gotten a job at the local bookstore.. the one that Remus loved to frequent. And Remus was proud of him, but would never say that to the darker boy. It sounded to fatherly.. But that was just the sort of young man that Remus was. So instead, he was standing in the kitchen, just finishing up the lunch he'd been making. He knew that Jalil would be home any moment, because he got off at noon, and it was only a five minute walk back to the apartment. The smell of chicken parm would be filling the kitchen, spilling out over into the livingroom and both bedrooms-- and it smelled great. The werewolf had always been a decent cook. A good cook, in fact. Really good. So he knew that the other boy would be satisfied when he came home.. hopefully. He covered up the pan and moved back to wash his hands, before moving to start cooking some bread, to go along with the lunch.