
Feb 14, 2009 14:45

WHAT: Valentine's Sweetheart Dance
WHERE: The Jazz Club
WHEN: 8pm-whenever people stumble home

Here it is folks. The big dance at the jazz club. Remember, 40's dress is optional, but not required. And if your character doesn't have a date to the dance, that's okay! Everyone is welcome.

The club is set up to look like an old fashioned ( Read more... )

ian delaney, clarice ferguson, ianto jones, lily potter, harry potter, *status-complete, lee 'apollo' adama, severus snape, mal reynolds, edward pellew, zak adama, dr. horrible, jack harkness, laura roslin, barney stinson, chuck bartowski, !party, robin scherbotsky, river tam, chloe sullivan, william 'husker' adama, lulu spencer, saffron, kaylee frye, delirium, owen harper, moira byrne

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8:00pm lulu8889 February 15 2009, 03:22:31 UTC
Zak had headed over to pick up Moira at eight and the two of them had insisted that Lulu and Clarice join them on the way over.

Wisely, Moira wore a coat from the time Zak had arrived, so he hadn't seen her in her dress yet. He could however see her completely pulled back hair (something he would have to thank Lulu for later), as well as her shoes, which brought her already formidable height up a few more inches, and jewelry. The coat was longer than the dress itself. She'd kept the gift for him in her purse until later.

Lulu had taken Clarice by the arm as they had headed out. She was in a dress reminiscent of the forties with her blonde hair teased to match the correct era.

"Isn't this going to be awesome?" Lulu said to Clarice as she put some of the things she and Kaylee had baked onto a table.


Re: 8:00pm never_blink February 24 2009, 02:26:47 UTC
Clarice was still assiduously watching her feet, but she couldn't help smiling. "I guess, it must be magic!" Magic or not, it was fun! And she hadn't stepped on his feet yet, though that could be because she hadn't taken her eyes off them. She was pretty sure they couldn't be trusted without direct supervision.


Re: 8:00pm nerdherderchuck February 24 2009, 19:47:45 UTC
Clarice was still looking down, though whether it was from shyness or watching her feet Chuck was not entirely sure. He understood either way, though- there was a time not too long ago he'd have done the same.

"So, Clarice, what do you do when you are not serving amazing pie?" Chuck asked, still very curious about her.


Re: 8:00pm never_blink February 25 2009, 21:11:41 UTC
What did Clarice do when she wasn't serving pie? Not a lot. She spent a lot of time practicing with her abilities, but aside from that it was mostly walking Safina and letting Lulu drag her out shopping. Not very interesting for Chuck, she was sure.

"Well, um... I have a dog," she offered, risking a glance up at him. "Safina. She likes the snow a lot so, so we go to the park." Clarice liked the snow too. Once she'd gotten used to the cold (as much as it was possible for one born and raised in the tropics), she found the trips to play in the snow nearly as much fun as the puppy did.

What else? There was something else she ought to be doing with her time, and she still felt guilty that she wasn't. "I thought I should go to school. But it's a problem. Since I don't have any legal guardian, and all my records say I'm almost thirty and I finished school and I live in the Bahamas." She ventured a helpless sort of smile.


Re: 8:00pm nerdherderchuck February 25 2009, 21:16:28 UTC
Chuck smiled and listened as Clarice talked about her dog, though he was a little confused when she talked about finishing school.

"Wait, but-" he said, thinking aloud when something struck him.

She died when she was still in high school, and ended up here.

"So how old are you, really?" Chuck asked, now a bit concerned that this very sweet girl was far, far too young for him.


Re: 8:00pm never_blink February 25 2009, 21:35:02 UTC
Clarice blinked at the question. "Fifteen..?" It wasn't a secret. Though she knew people sometimes had trouble telling, with her slight build and unusual looks. It wasn't like she'd ever been a typical teenager, any more than she'd been a typical child.


Re: 8:00pm nerdherderchuck February 25 2009, 21:42:38 UTC
Chuck's steps faltered a little bit when she answered.


Granted, she had been though a lot in her life, which would make anyone grow up in a hurry- Chuck knew that all too well.

"Well, maybe I could help," he considered, trying to cover his surprise. "I mean, try and get you some ID that shows your real age, so you can go to school and all. And find someone to list as your legal guardian-"


Re: 8:00pm never_blink February 26 2009, 00:00:12 UTC
When the dance faltered, Clarice quickly looked down again, certain it was her fault. "Sorry! I wasn't paying enough attention and sorry!" Intense focus on the steps for the next several seconds to make up for her 'lapse', so she totally missed the look Chuck was giving her.

"Thank you. That might - I mean, if I could get ID somewhere... Moira one time offered to say she was my guardian. It's a problem because my parents are alive." Her voice got quieter, but she was looking up again - partway up, anyway, about his chest level - so it wasn't impossible to hear her. "But they're not... my parents. They wouldn't know me. So..." She gave a tiny shrug. "I guess sometimes Aternaville complicates things?"


Re: 8:00pm nerdherderchuck February 26 2009, 00:08:36 UTC
"No, no, it was me," Chuck assured her, not wanting to worry her any more.

It was so sad, to Chuck, that Clarice seemed to be all alone. Even though his parents were gone as well, he'd always had Ellie to watch out for him and take care of him.

"Well, we could get around that. I mean, make up a new identity for you, somehow. I mean, keep your name and all that, but like, hack into the records and give you a new birthdate and change your parents names or something. I could at least try?" His hacking skills were pretty good, and he could always ask that Matt guy (that he still hadn't gone to see yet) for help, maybe.


Re: 8:00pm never_blink February 26 2009, 07:14:21 UTC
Clarice would have assured him that she wasn't alone. Oh, she missed her parents. Sometimes she missed them terribly. But here - here she had friends. Lots of them. She had Lulu and Moira looking out for her, and the Doctor, and River, and Lorne, and so many others. She was anything but all alone.

His suggestion gave her mixed feelings. It was sweet of him to try and help, and it might let her go back to school, but she wasn't sure about changing her identity. Silly of her really; as she'd just told him, the versions of her parents in this world weren't her parents, and the her wasn't her, so the records of her weren't properly hers anyway. But she couldn't help feeling like if she pretended to have other parents, that she'd be giving up the last link to her actual mother and father.

It was silly. And irrational. She should be sensible about this. Chuck was trying to be nice and he was probably on to something.

"...maybe. That... could really work. Thank you."


Re: 8:00pm nerdherderchuck February 27 2009, 03:23:26 UTC
"Welcome," Chuck said simply, stepping back from Clarice, though he still hung on to her hand. The song was winding down, and Chuck was still feeling a bit guilty over Clarice being so young.

"Thank you for the dance," he smiled, leading her back towards where they'd been talking with Lulu.


Re: 8:00pm never_blink February 27 2009, 09:09:35 UTC
It had totally escaped Clarice, just what a surprise her age had been to Chuck. Plenty of things about her tended to startle and unnerve people, but her age wasn't usually at the top of that list. And she didn't know exactly how old he was, but she hadn't been thinking of him like that. She just liked him.

"No, oh no, thank you," she demurred quickly embarrassed but smiling as he led her back. "I guess we did all right, then? But I'm sure Lulu will be much better."


Re: 8:00pm nerdherderchuck February 28 2009, 18:56:37 UTC
"You are a much better dancer than you think," Chuck said kindly, giving Clarice a smile.

Lulu was still standing by the edge of the dance floor, and Chuck nodded as they approached.

"Well, I have danced with one lovely lady," Chuck said, using his smoothest 'Charles Carmichael' voice. "May I ask the other for a dance, now?"


Re: 8:00pm lulu8889 February 28 2009, 19:47:07 UTC
Lulu smiled, having been watching the two of them keenly. She didn't have subtlety on her side, but she grinned when Chuck and Clarice approached her.

"I think you might be allowed to, yes." The blonde grinned, looking over at Clarice, seemingly for permission.


Re: 8:00pm never_blink March 2 2009, 21:26:53 UTC
Clarice nodded quickly, reclaiming her hand and stepping back out of Chuck and Lulu's way. She clasped her hands together and smiled. "Please do. It's really fun."


Re: 8:00pm icarus_like February 15 2009, 19:15:39 UTC
Zak had picked up all of the lovely ladies and joked about being the luckiest guy there. He had three 'dates' to escort, as it were, after all. But they were all complimented because they all looked beautiful. He himself was decked out in this interesting suit that he had found. He had been leaning toward a military look again, but found the suit and thought that it would be more fun.

When they got in, he took Lulu and Clarice's coats, but not Moira since she was still wearing it and not allowing Zak to see her dress. "I still say this is unfair. You've seen mine." Zak offered the coat check the coats, including his own, then turned to Moira. She got that quirky look and crooked sort of smile in hopeful waiting.


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