Who: The whole town??
What: It is New Year's Eve. There is a ball.
When: December 31st, evening
Rating: Um...Pg-13ish maybe?
Note: It's probably easiest for everyone's sanity to time stamp the entries. Feel free to interact between the threads or make new ones after arrivals.
Happy New Year!! )
Comments 615
A ball would be fun, she was very happy to be able to see Lulu and the few other friends she made. Plus it could be a lot of fun.
"You look stunning," he said, with a quick kiss to Laura's cheek. "As usual. And for once, I think Tamara's decided to behave herself tonight."
"Can you watch the baby for a minute while I go check the diaper bag and our coats?"
Satisfied that his attire was reasonably in order, Bill turned back to Laura. "Of course," he said, reaching over to take Tamara from her. "C'mere, little lady. We'll wait here while your mother puts your things away."
"Ianto! You look perfect!"
"Happy New Year's to you, too!" she grinned. "I will save you a dance so long as you've got time for me."
At City Hall, Zak was also helping Moira out of her coat, and then took her hand and walked with her into the ballroom. Looking around, he smiled. "Lulu loves celebrations." It was a joking understatement.
She had a feeling she was just going to be flushing the entire night.
Lily rolled her eyes at her friend as he took pictures and was happy when they were finally on their way. She was happy that Lee helped her out of her jacket and was glad that she could walk in her dress.
Moira took his hand and laughed after she was helped out of her jacket and left in herbrown dress. "Yes. She really really does."
Yet all this had been completed not a few cups of wine ago, and Morgana had yet to appear.
He did not recall its ever having taken so long for her to dress for a feast. Then again, he had always had other matters to which to attend, and she had always had a handmaiden to help her.
Though he merely sipped at his wine, his cup was soon empty, and, having reached the end of his patience--not to say the end of his bottle--the King of Camelot took it upon himself to find out just what was taking so long and whether he could hurry matters along at all. He made his way to the chamber Morgana had chosen, and, standing at its threshold, knocked heavily upon the solidly closed door.
"Morgana!" he called in a stern voice.
She finally was putting the final touches on her hair, reminiscing about how much better it would look had someone else done it, she opened the door for Uther, in her dress. "Uther?" she responded.
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