Dec 14, 2011 08:54

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H/F Post Movie Mission Fic indigo_angels January 29 2012, 20:39:33 UTC
So, a looooooooong time ago (April!!!!) I promised delorita a fill for her birthday.

Well, better late than never as they say! And don't worry, it might have taken me nine months to get as far as I have with it, but it's not a mammoth fic, I reckon it will be less than 30k when finished, and I am posting it now to give me a kick into actually getting it done!!!

Feedback very welcome as, for some reason, it has been a bugger to write!!!

Thanks so much to karenjd who has spent forever going over plot holes and dead ends with me!


The Boy Who Was Left Behind 1/~ indigo_angels January 29 2012, 20:40:38 UTC
Hannibal sits back in his chair and stares at the man sitting him, trying to weigh him up, work out the level of risk he poses. He isn’t happy, wishes Face were here with him, knows the kid would be able to see through this guy straight away, be able to suss out if he really does want their help or if this is just another grand scheme to fuck them over. After all, they’ve been suckered by CIA stooges before, and this guy in his grey Armani is about as much of a CIA stooge as you are ever going to get ( ... )


Re: The Boy Who Was Left Behind 1/~ delorita January 29 2012, 21:42:51 UTC
LOVEITLOVEITLOVE I T!!!!! The start is brilliant and I do so recognize Jack Bristow and Sydney!!

And I love Hannibal and Murdock in it and it is a very smart move that Face isn't there yet!!! Oh the tension!!!!


Re: The Boy Who Was Left Behind 1/~ indigo_angels January 30 2012, 20:38:18 UTC
So glad you like it!!!! **happy dance**

And it would be no good to have Face meet up with Jack too soon, yes????? :D


Re: The Boy Who Was Left Behind 1/~ delorita January 31 2012, 07:32:38 UTC
Welll....Jack does know what Face looks like, doesn't he, since he studied all their mission reports??? I think that's exactly WHY he hires the A-Team....oh the possibilities........


Re: The Boy Who Was Left Behind 1/~ indigo_angels January 31 2012, 07:41:59 UTC
He has looked them up yes - but Will was snatched and Jack was frantic and maybe a little rushed... If you only had to be sure on one member of the team before you hired them, who would that be???? ;)


The Boy Who Was Left Behind 2/~ indigo_angels January 29 2012, 20:41:55 UTC
Hannibal isn’t at all ruffled by the little speech, “Well, why don't you stop lying to me then Bristow?”

The woman flashes a quick glance at her ‘father’ as he raises an impeccably neat eyebrow at Hannibal and fixes him with a rather disconcertingly intense stare. “Lying?”

“Yes, lying.” Hannibal leans in, returning the stare with one of his own. “Presuming you are here to purchase our services, then I know exactly how much trouble you would be in if anyone were to find you out.” The woman is looking more nervous by the second, but Bristow just smirks slightly into Hannibal’s face. “So, knowing that, I find it hard to believe that you would go to all of this trouble for a lowly researcher in your department. No matter how good he is ( ... )


The Boy Who Was Left Behind indigo_angels January 29 2012, 20:50:42 UTC
“First of all,” there is a definite edge of fear in the woman’s voice, “Please call me Sydney, and this man,” she looks over and smiles at Bristow who has gone almost as grey as his suit, “Really is my father.” She looks back at Hannibal, almost as if she is daring him to contradict her, but instead he simply nods. “And, Will, my friend, the man who is missing, really is one of our researchers.” Murdock finds himself on the edge of his seat, wondering if the truths that she is telling are truths at all. “But,” Sydney’s eyes flick quickly down to her father’s bent head and then back up again, “That’s not why Will has been taken, at least, we don't think so ( ... )


Re: The Boy Who Was Left Behind sonora_coneja January 29 2012, 20:58:17 UTC
(Eee! Baby!Cooper, Will Tippin! So fucking cute...)

And I like Hannibal and Murdock here, Hannibal with absolutely zero patience for the CIA bullshit, a little shocked at the whole gay thing for reasons he doesn't really understand, only changing his mind because Will looks exactly like Face... hmm...

Very excited about this one, honey!


Re: The Boy Who Was Left Behind indigo_angels January 30 2012, 20:39:51 UTC
Oh yeah - Will Tippin is officially the cutest thing ever born! Hope the fic lives up to expectations...


Re: The Boy Who Was Left Behind delorita January 29 2012, 22:00:27 UTC
moremoremoremoreeeeepleaseNOW!!! lolol (oops not now since its already 23.00 for me, but tomorrow please???)

I can't believe Jack actually admitted that Will is his lover! HA!!! He must be really desperate!

Absolutely love the interaction between Murdock and Hannibal and the reaction of Hannibal to Will's foto *grin*

I am curious now if you and I had the same idea with our look alike characters,,,,


Re: The Boy Who Was Left Behind indigo_angels January 30 2012, 20:41:33 UTC
More up now!!!!! And yes, I do believe that Jack is really, really desperate about poor Will :(


Re: The Boy Who Was Left Behind ocean_blue15 January 29 2012, 23:41:59 UTC
Oh wow - I am loving this. Reapeating the other comments above about the interation with the four, but espcially Hannibal and Murdock. Really well done.

And loved Hannibal missing Face's input until the partner revelation and then glad he wasn't there after all. And yes seeing the photo that is gonna change everything :)


Re: The Boy Who Was Left Behind indigo_angels January 30 2012, 20:44:48 UTC
Thank you! I love writing teamy dialogue :)

And despite all the tension, I think Face would have laughed at Hannibal for not realising what Jack meant by 'partners'...


Re: The Boy Who Was Left Behind karenjd January 30 2012, 21:43:26 UTC
OKay, I'm firmly camped here, with tea and biccies!! This is a great start, Indigo... Love your Alias characters, so IC, and Jack (ever the cool one) so needing Hannibal to get his boy back!
I liked the way Hannibal distrusts him at first... kinda lays the floor that Bristow cant just 'buy' anyone just cos he's this badass CIA agent... he has to trust Hannibal to tell him the truth. And thank god he did...

And thank god for Murdock noticing the pic before it was too late! Great cliffy!!!

*settles comfortably for next bit *


Re: The Boy Who Was Left Behind delorita January 31 2012, 07:29:03 UTC
It is totally cool to read a story where I know both sets of characters so well!!! Jack Bristow, bad ass CIA agent hiring Hannibal and his team, bad ass former Rangers...AWESOME!!!!!!


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