Welcome to the eighth kinkmeme prompts post!
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She stutters to a halt and Hannibal frowns at her, still struggling to put all the pieces together. “You see, the reason that these people, whoever they are, are so interested in him is... Well...”
Yet again Sydney grinds to a halt and Hannibal is just about to tell her to get a move on or forget the whole thing, when Bristow speaks up instead, his eyes still fixed on the floor. “Will Tippin is my partner,” he offers, his voice clear and concise but a hint of regret there that Hannibal can’t quite place.
“Your partner?” he repeats. “But I thought you said he wasn’t CIA?”
“Err, Colonel...” Murdock’s voice breaks into his thoughts, “I don’t think that’s the kinda partner he means...” he stares meaningfully at his boss.
“What?” Hannibal frowns and looks back at Bristow who stares right into his eyes.
“Will is my lover, Colonel Smith,” he reports, “that’s why they have taken him.”
“Oh.” Hannibal is shocked and he doesn’t even know why, maybe because Bristow doesn’t look the ‘type’ and then he mentally berates himself, what the hell does that mean? He of all people should know that there is no such thing as a ‘type’... And now he is pleased that Face isn’t here, the kid would have his life over this one. “Right,” he adds, looking back at two sets of worried eyes.
“We’re still going though,” he tells Murdock, getting to his feet once more and feeling the Captain rise with him.
“I never had you down as a homophobe Smith!” Bristow barks climbing to his feet as well.
“I’m not,” Hannibal smiles at him, “I’m a liar-phobe. And it just took you too damn long to get to the truth. Who’s to say we are even there now?”
“Please, Colonel Smith!” Sydney is pushing something into his hand, a folder, plain brown cardboard, standard CIA. “I’ve brought everything I could get on Will for you, please just look at it. We need you, he needs you, please...”
Hannibal doesn’t even look at the folder but passes it straight to Murdock. “Miss Bristow,” he says, amending his words to, “Sydney,” as she opens her mouth to object. “I am sorry for your friend, I really am, but I am afraid I just don’t trust you. Either of you,” he adds as he turns to look at Bristow, “And I don't take on clients I don't trust. Sorry.”
He turns to leave and almost walks straight into Murdock, standing behind him, nose buried in the file Sydney had given him. “Come on Captain,” he instructs, but Murdock doesn’t move. “Captain!” he prompts again, giving his officer a shove but Murdock only lifts his eyes to meet his CO’s.
“Err, Colonel...” he whispers, eyes wide and shocked. “You really better have a look at this...”
Hannibal frowns and grumbles a little under his breath before he snatches the folder from Murdock and looks down at the page he is presented with. The jump his heart makes is so hard it is uncomfortable and he swears softly under his breath, “Shit...” For another second he is incapable of any other thought, all that there is running over and over in his mind is: Well, this changes everything then doesn’t it?
AN: You may have noticed that I have borrowed some Alias characters for this fic, as per delorita's request, BUT I promise you don't have to have seen Alias to understand this story. All you need to know is that Will Tippin was played by a younger Bradley Cooper. If you want a visual, then the super talented karenjd has done some great walls here: http://karenjd.livejournal.com/tag/alias%20will%20tippin
And I like Hannibal and Murdock here, Hannibal with absolutely zero patience for the CIA bullshit, a little shocked at the whole gay thing for reasons he doesn't really understand, only changing his mind because Will looks exactly like Face... hmm...
Very excited about this one, honey!
I can't believe Jack actually admitted that Will is his lover! HA!!! He must be really desperate!
Absolutely love the interaction between Murdock and Hannibal and the reaction of Hannibal to Will's foto *grin*
I am curious now if you and I had the same idea with our look alike characters,,,,
And loved Hannibal missing Face's input until the partner revelation and then glad he wasn't there after all. And yes seeing the photo that is gonna change everything :)
And despite all the tension, I think Face would have laughed at Hannibal for not realising what Jack meant by 'partners'...
I liked the way Hannibal distrusts him at first... kinda lays the floor that Bristow cant just 'buy' anyone just cos he's this badass CIA agent... he has to trust Hannibal to tell him the truth. And thank god he did...
And thank god for Murdock noticing the pic before it was too late! Great cliffy!!!
*settles comfortably for next bit *
Biccies? Chocolate HobNobs???
Of course Chocolate HobNobs. The Marines of dipping biscuits!!
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