
Dec 19, 2011 22:24

CHARACTERS: Tali'zorah and YOU!
LOCATION: Various places around the ship
WARNINGS: None so far!
SUMMARY: Tali is doing some scans and staring at things like the lift apparatuses and star constellations outside.

Half the horizon's gone for a skyline of numbers... )

megamind, jane foster, cave johnson, statsraaden, tali'zorah vas normandy, asato, richard harrow, kasumi goto, ellen ripley

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Comments 164

walksonrooftops December 20 2011, 05:29:48 UTC
"You're looking at the stars too?"

Asato's voice seems to come out of nowhere, his presence hidden purely on instinct, audible before he becomes visible a few paces away, in a shadowed part of the room. His energy is silent, his footsteps soundless as he walks closer; it's almost as if he doesn't exist.

He had been looking at the stars too, but found no familiar constellations here. It gave him the chance to think of some new ones of his own though, which was a way to pass the time, if nothing else.


gofor_theoptics December 20 2011, 05:37:40 UTC
She can't help but be a little surprised at Asato's sudden appearance -- that must be some cloaking device -- but he doesn't look like he's dangerous, so she doesn't move to draw her weapon.

"I was looking for familiar star clusters, but that doesn't seem to be working out so far. Have you seen any that you know?"


walksonrooftops December 20 2011, 05:41:04 UTC
"None at all. This sky is so different from anything at home. Every time I look out the window, there's different stars."

He leans against the edge of one of the windows, peering out. "It's pretty, though." That's all he can say about it. If there's some kind of bad omen in these stars, he can't figure it out. It was never his role to divine the future from the constellations, so all he can do is look out and admire.


gofor_theoptics December 20 2011, 05:43:25 UTC
She gives the stars a scan for good measure before turning back to him and nodding.

"That's not that surprising, considering how fast we're probably travelling. I'm hoping that if I keep looking, I'll pick up on something familiar and be able to extrapolate from there."

Since she isn't one to be rude, she offers a nod toward him after a moment. "I'm Tali. Do you have a name?"


hvymetalheroics December 20 2011, 05:49:19 UTC
When he found the brainbot in storage, he very carefully had to choose who he would show his new helper to, before hiding him back up in the lair. Megamind thought about taunting Eridan-- no, not good. It might come in handy against him. Thought about taking to Hal about robot bodies -- no, still not the right one.

Talk to the other engineer? Yes! That seemed wise, he decided; especially since she had some experience with robots and AI. She'd find him way more impressive than his drone.

Eventually, he found her. But coming into the obs deck, he didn't-- go immediately to her. He was too busy staring into the great black void of space. It stopped anything he could have said in his throat, as he just-- stared.

He may not even be noticed for a while, he's gone so quiet. The brainbot just hovers behind him, floating quietly on it's little engine.


gofor_theoptics December 20 2011, 06:01:10 UTC
She's used to being in crowds of people, but she's also used to having to be careful about who's following her ... so while she doesn't hear him immediately once he arrives, Tali is suddenly more aware of a presence in the room after a few seconds. She lets her scan finish up and then turns to face Megamind, half-expecting some monstrosity that's crawled out from the bowels of this ship -- only to find the blue-skinned alien she'd been thinking briefly about.

And his brainbot, apparently. She glances over his shoulder toward the thing and nods her head. "Friend of yours?" She tries not to look too suspicious of the thing.


hvymetalheroics December 20 2011, 07:06:39 UTC
He has no words for her immediately, heading slowly for the glass; he doesn't shy away from getting nearly nose-to-nose with it, hands pressed and breath misting on the panes. He has nothing. He acknowledges nothing. He just stares into the void, naked longing on his face, completely oblivious to the fact that he came up here looking for someone, found them, and is not alone.

The brainbot is at least friendly; coming over with it's single eye to inspect her and go bowg bowg at her. It's a brainbot. They do that.


gofor_theoptics December 20 2011, 07:19:53 UTC
Tali gives the brainbot an experimental nudge with one finger, testing the waters. Blowing the thing up would probably be bad form, but he did say they were AI -- if low-level. One tendril out of place and she was liable to send it flying against the wall.

Since Megamind has ignored her first attempt to talk to him, she's just going to -- give him a little space, although she's watching him out of the corner of her eye. This just serves to confirm what it is he wants.


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gofor_theoptics December 20 2011, 06:24:17 UTC
Tali's used to hearing other peoples' footsteps on the decks of ships. When there's a conspicuous absence of the noise, when it starts up again -- it's pretty obvious. She glances up at the sound just in time to see the man turning to look at her and blinks.

"...hello?" Her voice has a filtered tinge to it, but it sounds like a faintly accented human voice underneath.


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gofor_theoptics December 20 2011, 07:53:08 UTC
She lets her head tip to the side quizzically. If he was reacting like this, he probably -- hadn't seen a quarian before. Best to just speak calmly and hope he figures out she's not going to do anything to him.

"No need to be sorry. I'm Tali -- new aboard this ship as you are, I'm guessing." She's not going to tell him what she was doing here since that might be seen as suspicious, but she's not going to be rude to him. She notes the sound of his voice and the existence of his mask, but doesn't bring it up -- again, no need to be rude.


uncodlyawwesome December 20 2011, 11:50:42 UTC
Eridan will never admit to the fact that his wandering around aimlessly is, in fact, aimless. He has a purpose, after all - every time he goes exploring, he keeps a close eye on his surroundings, drawing up simple maps and taking down as extensive notes as he could on his communicator, and nobody who was aimlessly wandering did anything like that ( ... )


gofor_theoptics December 20 2011, 21:16:27 UTC
Once her scan finishes up on a particularly interesting looking wired-panel, she turns to face the sound of the voice. It's definitely not Signless, which means -- "Yes, that's right. And you're -- Eridan."

She notes that he's also doing a little investigating from the look of his busy fingers, powering down her omni-tool for the moment. "Have you found anything interesting yet?" She can't be sure what she's found until she combines all her data together and runs some comparisons.


uncodlyawwesome December 20 2011, 22:38:07 UTC
"That's me," he says, slightly distracted between his communicator and the omni-tool Tali's using, before scowling a bit. "Nothin' other'n a bunch'a places nobody's supposedly allowwed to go, wwhich is fuckin' bullshark, if you ask me. Wwe should be able to go wwherevver wwe want on this hunk'a debris."


gofor_theoptics December 20 2011, 22:41:01 UTC
"Some of these places are probably sealed off for our own good," she says quietly, waving a hand. "There could be serious dangers locked up somewhere in here." In fact, she was willing to bet there were.

"But I agree that it would be nice to at least have a map of this place."


thats_asbestos December 20 2011, 16:41:02 UTC
If Cave Johnson was capable of any stealth, it was unintentional and ruined the moment he felt a deep welling in his chest, rasping at the back of his throat like tiny glass shards.

It was quite possibly due to actual tiny glass shards...

He'd cough and hack for a bit, get it under control and quickly regain his composure as he continued to explore the mammoth ship at his leisure. He was sure he sent Wheatley off at least a couple of hours ago to fetch him some fresh pain killers, but where was he now? Not here.

Hell he'd just go get them himself, he thought as he begrudgingly turned around and headed back for the crew quarters/medbay/closest useful looking person. Annoying, but any small kind of momentary reprieve from further coughing would be welcome at this point, and then he could go back to exploring.


gofor_theoptics December 20 2011, 21:19:33 UTC
Fortunately for Cave, Tali doesn't have to worry about getting coughed or hacked on. Her interest was piqued the moment she spotted the man -- who looked a little fragile, really -- heading toward the medbay.

"Are you ... all right?" She took an immediate step toward him, half-tempted to reach for his arm. He didn't look terribly ... steady. On quarian ships, the elders required special care because of immune system complications...but they also had some of the most interesting and useful information. They were well-respected.


thats_asbestos December 20 2011, 22:09:23 UTC
Fragile was not a word Cave ever want to be associated with, and he immediately straightened when he was addressed.

"Mm?" He cleared his throat and then did a double-take. That sure sounded like a woman's voice, but she had nearly everything concealed under some sort of visor and strange, alien space armor.

"Fine, just fine. Nothing a little Acetaminophen can't fix."

He rubbed his nose and sniffed a bit awkwardly. It made it a bit difficult how to address her back. "Mam."


gofor_theoptics December 20 2011, 22:12:40 UTC
Tali's suit was -- curve-hugging, to say the least, so her gender wasn't up in the air once you got past the mask. She offers her hand out to him after a moment, figuring that the generic human handshake would probably work just fine.

"Tali. And you are...?" She tilts her head to the side. "I don't think your cough can be suppressed by aspirin."


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