
Dec 19, 2011 22:24

CHARACTERS: Tali'zorah and YOU!
LOCATION: Various places around the ship
WARNINGS: None so far!
SUMMARY: Tali is doing some scans and staring at things like the lift apparatuses and star constellations outside.

Half the horizon's gone for a skyline of numbers... )

megamind, jane foster, cave johnson, statsraaden, tali'zorah vas normandy, asato, richard harrow, kasumi goto, ellen ripley

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uncodlyawwesome December 20 2011, 11:50:42 UTC
Eridan will never admit to the fact that his wandering around aimlessly is, in fact, aimless. He has a purpose, after all - every time he goes exploring, he keeps a close eye on his surroundings, drawing up simple maps and taking down as extensive notes as he could on his communicator, and nobody who was aimlessly wandering did anything like that ( ... )


gofor_theoptics December 20 2011, 21:16:27 UTC
Once her scan finishes up on a particularly interesting looking wired-panel, she turns to face the sound of the voice. It's definitely not Signless, which means -- "Yes, that's right. And you're -- Eridan."

She notes that he's also doing a little investigating from the look of his busy fingers, powering down her omni-tool for the moment. "Have you found anything interesting yet?" She can't be sure what she's found until she combines all her data together and runs some comparisons.


uncodlyawwesome December 20 2011, 22:38:07 UTC
"That's me," he says, slightly distracted between his communicator and the omni-tool Tali's using, before scowling a bit. "Nothin' other'n a bunch'a places nobody's supposedly allowwed to go, wwhich is fuckin' bullshark, if you ask me. Wwe should be able to go wwherevver wwe want on this hunk'a debris."


gofor_theoptics December 20 2011, 22:41:01 UTC
"Some of these places are probably sealed off for our own good," she says quietly, waving a hand. "There could be serious dangers locked up somewhere in here." In fact, she was willing to bet there were.

"But I agree that it would be nice to at least have a map of this place."


uncodlyawwesome December 21 2011, 02:31:15 UTC
"Let me decide wwhat the shell is dangerous for me to be meddlin' in," Eridan scowls, crossing his arms. "Wwe're the ones bein' inconvvenienced, after all."

He pauses, briefly, then moves a little closer, tabbing through his communicator until he can pop up the map he's been making. It's a skeleton - just lines indicating halls and walkways, with red and purple dots scattered around it. "Here. Uh, at least, 's wwhat I'vve got so far. Havven't really been lookin' too closely, but I'm not gettin' fuckin' lost here if I can help it."


gofor_theoptics December 21 2011, 04:45:01 UTC
Tali glances over the map and, after a moment, sends Eridan her own rough sketch. A little more put-together, it's -- well, professional-grade, even though it's incomplete at best. At least it has the coordinated lifts added in where she knows they're located.

"That's probably wise enough. Have you found yourself an occupation here yet?"


uncodlyawwesome December 21 2011, 04:51:01 UTC
He doesn't respond for a moment, looking over the two maps and comparing them. He's a little irritated that his map doesn't look nearly as good, but he's got things marked the way he wants them. He points at one of the red dots on his map, a corresponding one on Tali's, "That lift doesn't wwork, wwhich is a fuckin' pain in the ass because I wwanted to see wwhere the fuck it led."

He realizes he's forgotten to answer her question, and reluctantly he rolls up his sleeve to show SEC right there with his numbers. "Got fuckin' branded wwith security, so yeah, I guess I havve." He sounds displeased, but not to the point where he'd want to shirk any kind of job.


gofor_theoptics December 21 2011, 05:04:23 UTC
She can't hide the surprise completely from her voice. He's -- still rather young, all things considered, for a job that might in the future involve danger. "You don't sound happy about that. I'm guessing you didn't volunteer?" If the ship was assigning people places -- well. That was more than a bit curious.

She nods, noting what the dots on his map mean. "I've been keeping an eye on the lifts to see if any of them start working."


uncodlyawwesome December 21 2011, 05:50:56 UTC
He shrugs. "I wwasn't exactly plannin' on bein' all team-player here. Nevver wworks out for me, wwhy wwould I wwant to do it again?" He knows why he's security, though. Even though he knows he's the worst choice for it, he's still a straight shot and he knows how to defend himself. He's just not sure anybody considered the fact that he hates other people.


gofor_theoptics December 21 2011, 06:24:40 UTC
"Maybe this place just wants you to give it a second try. Can I ask why it didn't work out for you in the past?"

She tries to think of -- what exactly she can talk to him about. Megamind was the obvious choice, but she wasn't sure whether revealing his name would offend Megamind himself or not. Hm.


uncodlyawwesome December 21 2011, 06:41:18 UTC
"Ugh, don't get me fuckin' started." Despite that warning, he's already winding up for a mild rant on the lack of benefits in team situations. "I wwas fuckin' practically left outta evverythin' my teammates did, nobody fuckin' cared, the leader wwas - okay, he wwas pretty good but still, it wwas a complete clusterfuck, an' wwhen wwe finally got to the endgame scenario and wwon, our fuckin' team's choices ruined us for all goddamn time. Completely an' utterly screwwed us."

He scowls. "It wwas just a real pain in the aft an' I don't wwanna repeat it." He hooks his fangs over his lower lip, a safer version of worrying at his lip considering the sharpness of his teeth, and adds, "But I don't wwanna just be a fuckin' wwaste of space, an' if this is howw wwe're doin' things, so fuckin' be it."


gofor_theoptics December 21 2011, 07:37:38 UTC
She nods. She can't exactly blame him for not wanting to be a team player after getting screwed over like that, really, and while she won't ask the details she believes him.

"At least this time there's the possibility of getting along better with the people you have to work with, maybe? Everyone on the crew seems willing to adapt and work together, which is more than I can say for most people who've been in this situation in the past encounters I've read about at home."


uncodlyawwesome December 21 2011, 08:21:44 UTC
Eridan shifts his weight, like he can't decide if he wants to cross his arms or wave his hands at her comment. "Maybe. Most'a them are real fuckin' assholes. One'a 'em is bein' fuckin' cagey as hell, wwith his dumb beluga face, an' the other throwws around fuckin' wwords he doesn't understand, an' then there's a psychopath, an' I'm pretty sure I'vve made one'a the only people from my univverse hate me wwith just one fuckin' sentence..."

He shrugs, finally. "The rest are okay, I guess."


gofor_theoptics December 21 2011, 08:24:07 UTC
Those sound like some serious problems there, Eridan. Tali, for her part, waves her hand as he mentions someone being 'cagey'.

"Do you mean Megamind? He's -- started making a dwelling in Engineering, but I think it might be good for him to have some space to himself." They could all probably use a little more privacy than their 'private quarters' -- who knew who was watching them there. It made her feel fortunate that she didn't have to strip naked.


uncodlyawwesome December 21 2011, 09:25:50 UTC
They are more serious problems than you could ever imagine.

Eridan raises an eyebrow and gives her a skeptical look. "Wwho the flipperin' fuck is Megamind? An' howw the hell is he makin' a hivve dowwn in engineerin'? Isn't that against some kind'a rule?"


gofor_theoptics December 22 2011, 03:27:08 UTC
"He's humanoid, more or less, with an enlarged cranium and blue skin." She raises an eyebrow at him. "I think we talked about him not wanting to give his name out."

But apparently she'd -- earned the privilege or something like that.


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