An FYI for LiveJournal Peeps

Feb 01, 2022 19:34

As you may perhaps have realized, I've been posting on Dreamwidth rather than on LJ for quite a while now, and just crossposting things here so those of you still on LJ who'd rather keep track of me here could continue doing so. Well, it turns out that crossposting from DW is no longer working, and that there seems to be little prospect of it ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

jhall1 February 2 2022, 09:57:05 UTC
Thanks for the warning. It's annoying that the crossposting is no longer working. Being a creature of habit, I catch up on LJ every day but on DW only twice a week. But I will eventually get to read your words of wisdom there. :)


astrogirl2 February 2 2022, 10:07:26 UTC
Oh, well, it's not like I'm ever posting anything that can't wait a few days, anyway. :) Since I'm almost never on LJ any more, and 99% of the comments I get are on DW, it's at least not a huge inconvenience for me, personally. But that doesn't mean it's not still annoying.

It is possible it might start working again at some point, but from what they've been saying, I don't think I'd place any bets on it.


vjezkova February 2 2022, 21:38:22 UTC
I will be there, if not so often.:-)


astrogirl2 February 2 2022, 22:16:58 UTC
That's OK! Whatever I post will wait there for you. :)


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