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Comments 9

killabeez January 16 2015, 22:49:24 UTC
but a feeling of, they have fundamentally broken the show for me?

I was just thinking about this, too. I've felt that way about SPN since the end of season 3, and even more so at the end of season 4. The beginning of S5 was torture for me until I bailed. And yet, I seem to have come back around (five+ years later) to a zen place where I can enjoy the fandom again, though not with the passion I once had.

Haven, on the other hand, I think is broke for good where I'm concerned. I just do not care. And while I still enjoy Lost Girl, I can't invest on any meaningful (for me) level. It's funny how there's broken and then there's broken, and several degrees in between.

I'm sorry POI is that way for you. I must admit that Carter was the thing that kept me thinking "maybe one day I'll give this show another chance." Then I read spoilers, and it became, nope.


astolat January 17 2015, 01:31:30 UTC
Yes, there's definitely been shows that just faded away, and others where the one essential piece -- because there often is just ONE essential piece that I'm watching for, and cherrypicking through canon for -- somehow gets lost, and then I am done and done, not even reading anymore.

POI really had me those first two seasons. After s2 I was really ready to trust them -- I felt like for once the showrunners really knew what they had going and what was amazing about their show and cared about many of the same things I cared about. And then it turned out no, they weren't trustworthy at all, and even stupid enough that they thought that their dumb, obvious, sexist, racist move was ~edgy~ and innovative. *eyerolls right out the door*


that_which January 17 2015, 03:14:38 UTC
That made me so sad. Carter was a character I could admire and relate to _in canon_, which rarely if ever happens. I feel like much of what I've seen since (and I gave up earlier this season, I'm afraid) requires a lot more contribution from fanon to accept than I have the energy for.

Especially since the showrunners apparently think making me as a viewer unhappy is a goal and a very clever thing to do...


sheron January 16 2015, 23:19:38 UTC
astolat January 17 2015, 01:32:46 UTC
Heee, that's my next playthrough!

I tried to stick around, and it just didn't work. I haven't felt the least desire to get back in even hearing about the Root/Shaw (and turns out just as well!)


darlulu January 17 2015, 00:26:10 UTC
Carter's death was also the turning point for me. I finished last season with waning interest and tuned in for the first few eps of the new season, but then just stopped after that since I realized watching it had become more of a chore than anything else.

Weirdly enough, I was fleetingly pulled back in for the recent 3 ep arc only for history to repeat itself. It was just long enough for me to become reinvested in Root/Shaw and be shocked and giddy when their relationship went canon then angry and bitter when Shaw 'died.' I get that she's probably not going to stay dead, but it still felt like a cruel reminder of what happens when I actually care about a character on this show. Sarah's pregnant with twins and from what she's said in interview, it sounds like if she does ultimately decide to return to the show it'll be at least a 2 year wait. Which is probably a good thing for me since the show itself frustrates me beyond measure and the lure of Root/Shaw would've kept me glued to the screen in spite of my misgivings.


astolat January 17 2015, 02:45:46 UTC
Yeah, I'm so sorry -- I heard about that new awesome ~twist~ and it only made me even more glad I got while the getting was good.


_profiterole_ January 17 2015, 15:33:02 UTC
Today I went to my small town library, in the deep French countryside, to look at a painting exhibition and I saw that they now have all your books. You're totally famous!


lobelia321 January 17 2015, 22:12:33 UTC
Love this. So cheery!


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