Idol RPF: In Writing (Adam/Kris)

Nov 04, 2009 16:36

Written for the aianonlovefest! With <3 to Merry for beta. :D

In Writing (1675 words)
Adam/Kris, adult

Kris really should've read the contract more carefully.

(This is kind of a sister-story to my Idol S7 story Claused, hee.)

Read the story on my website or in the anonfest!

ETA: oh and hey, I totally forgot, I wrote a tiny little gen-ish Kradam snippet last night in the hilarious 2012 red carpet livestream fail post; reposting here for posterity. *g*

2012 Red Carpet snippet

He'd learned to turn his phone off during photo ops, so he didn't get the message until well after he'd escaped from the black red carpet. On-screen, John Cusack was improbably escaping from yet another tidal wave without losing any members of his adorable standard-issue white-bread nuclear family. Adam slid low in his chair and sneaked the phone out of his pocket, curling around to hide it cupped low against his chest.

congrats man have a gd tm

Adam smiled at it and slipped it away again, and when everyone was filing out again, he peeled off into a deserted unfashionable exit stairwell and called Kris back before his handlers could get to him. "Where are you?"

"I -- don't know," Kris said. "I'm in a hotel room? Where are you?"

"The -- " Adam paused and tried to remember. "I don't know either, actually. But I'm in a theater somewhere in LA."

"Puts you ahead of me," Kris said. "Was the movie awesome? Were you all pretty for the red carpet?"

"I was and remain fabulously pretty," Adam said. "But Kris, I'm really sorry, this is the stupidest fucking movie in the history of ever."

"Shut up, man, I cannot wait for this movie," Kris said, sounding utterly and passionately sincere. "Does he really take out the Himalayas?"

"I have no idea," Adam said. "I think I was doing Bejeweled by then. There's this one actor who played a Tibetan monk who's really cute, though."

"Yeah?" Kris said, in that same half-pulled-in way he'd always said hello to Drake. Adam rubbed his thumb gently up and down the curve of his phone and reminded himself he wasn't that kind of guy. Most of the time.

"I'll get you a screener," he said.

"No way, man, I am seeing this one in the theater," Kris said. "If you were a real friend you'd have taken me to this. I would've sprung for the extra-large popcorn."

"But would you have made out with me in the back row during all the boring schlocky parts?" Adam said.

"For this movie?" Kris said. "Hell, yeah."

"Kris Allen, if only I had known you were so easy," Adam said. "I'll take you when you get back in town."

"I thought you said it sucked," Kris said.

"I like the offer, though," Adam said.

# end

(PS: Adam's first single For Your Entertainment is now on iTunes! So much fun, yay!)

You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth (

fanfic, american idol, adam lambert

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