Fannish Year In Review 2006

Jan 03, 2007 17:17


Under the Sea (4,602 words)
Stargate: Atlantis
January 07, 2006
For svmadelyn's badfic-summary challenge, summary from hyperfocused:Rodney MmmKay's mother always told him smart boys never get the hotguys. Can he pretend to be dumb so hunky pilot John Shep Hard will askhim to the Atlantis: Under the Sea prom? W/ my OC Princess Ancienta.Warnings: ANGST M/M plz rd/rvw
Oh, yeah.
Art: by crysothemis (1)

Futures (1,780 words)
House M.D.
January 18, 2006
Flashfic for angelacaduca, prompt: House/Wilson; futures please?
A financial contract obligating the buyer to purchase an asset (or the seller to sell an asset), such as a physical commodity or a financial instrument, at a predetermined future date and price.

Friday Night (547 words)
House M.D.
January 18, 2006
Wilson's easy.

Distancing (1,763 words)
House M.D.
January 18, 2006
For now, House is fine with enjoying the view.

How To Succeed In Sex Slavery Without Really Trying (1,780 words)
Stargate: Atlantis
February 05, 2006
Comment-fic for eliade, prompt: John/Rodney--slavery slavery slavery SLAVERY.
Art: by spaggel (1)

Composition (677 words)
Stargate: Atlantis
March 06, 2006
Written for svmadelyn, this is a sequel to resonant's Resolution and cesperanza's Clarity, which you should read in that order; they did all the heavy lifting for me.

Wear Sunscreen (317 words)
Stargate: Atlantis
March 09, 2006
Considering the odds... (Written for the Jumping The Shark challenge, for Merry.)

But Some Things Never Stop Being Funny (1,636 words)
Stargate: Atlantis
March 09, 2006
This story starts at Madelyn's It Stops Being Funny At Skirts, takes the optional scenic route along Bone's Skirting the Issue,(both of which you should read first), and then veers off and takes the side road in a different direction. Madelyn and Bone were nice enoughto let me play too. :)

Ulterior Motives (19,416 words)
May 04, 2006
Everybody wants to rule the world.
Art: by laurab1 (1)

Bloodletting (830 words)
May 31, 2006
Lex said, "Tell me, Lois, have you ever had sex with Superman?" (for sv_flashfiction)

Reconcilable Differences (40,113 words)
June 11, 2006
Luthor Family Values.
Art: by mutecornett (1)

Vacation (4,728 words)
June 15, 2006
Sequel to Reconcilable Differences; Clark/Lex, Tim/Kon. Another DC character appears here, though in highly AU form.

Moving On (19,947 words)
July 25, 2006
What you do when there are no more worlds to conquer.
Art: by mutecornett (1)

The Dark Side (7,676 words)
Stargate: Atlantis
July 27, 2006
"You're not a very good Jedi, are you?" the Sith Lord said.
"Oh, excuse me, I am an excellent Jedi," Rodney said.
Art: by Cylin (1), by in-the-bottle (1), by ravurian (1)

Eggplant (9,318 words)
August 04, 2006
to the place where your horses run free
Takes place in a vaguely season-2- or 3-shaped space, ruthlessly kicking any contradictory canon out of its way.

Revenge (6,755 words)
August 16, 2006
Revenge is sweet.

Apology (1,924 words)
August 31, 2006
Being a gangster means never having to say you're sorry. (Tag for One On One.)

On The Other Side (549 words)
September 04, 2006
It's the call he didn't make that mattered. Missing scene for Loose Cannon.

Confessional (2,493 words)
September 05, 2006
O my God, I am heartily sorry...

Exceptions (3,043 words)
September 09, 2006
Not quite Brazil, but close.

got yourself a gun (1,534 words)
September 15, 2006
when you woke up this morning everything you had was gone
(spoilers for The Marriage of Heaven and Hell)

I am on a lonely road and I am traveling (2,344 words)
September 20, 2006
Sonny said, "Happy birthday, Vinnie," and popped the trunk.
(AU for The Birthday Surprise)

Sunday Driving (4,479 words)
September 22, 2006
"Vinnie," Pete said quietly, "look at me. Do you want to tell me this man's not worth saving?"
(AU post The Prodigal Son)

Peacemaking (1,203 words)
September 22, 2006
He told Sonny he'd made his peace; ten years later, lying on his back in an alley in Jersey City, old puddles soaking in through his shirt while the blood soaked out, fever and cocaine simmering under his skin, it was still a lie.
death, happy ending?

Knocking Over The Table (11,653 words)
October 01, 2006
Sometimes you just want to throw all the cards in the air. (For the Day After Tomorrow challenge.)
Art: by X (1)

Just One Of Those Things (19,848 words)
October 22, 2006
What if things went just a little differently? (Spoilers through the Profitt arc.)

Queen of Spades (3,984 words)
James Bond
November 24, 2006
"Bond," M said, as he paused in the doorway to hear her out, "the next time you do something like this will be once too many."
Art: by mswyrr (1)

Occasions (2,851 words)
November 29, 2006
No one ever accused Mark Antony of letting principle stand in the way of pleasure.

awakening (2,447 words)
December 17, 2006 the laughter of people who know a secret you don't. Written for purkledragon in Yuletide 2006.

Nice Work If You Can Get It (10,199 words)
Asimov Robots
December 18, 2006
It was the only the beginning of a relentless campaign of terror and romance. (Powell/Donovan) Written for thefourthvine in Yuletide 2006.

Ante Bellum (1,205 words)
December 22, 2006
(Based on King Arthur,the 2004 movie.) Lancelot slung the sword-belt on with practiced ease,the movement as natural to him as water, and looking at him, complete again under arms, Arthur couldn't imagine him ever a farmer, ever a manof peace. Written for mboyd in Yuletide 2006.

Duende (14,686 words)
Master & Commander
December 25, 2006
Happiness comes unexpectedly. Written for ionescribens in Yuletide 2006.

So that's a total of 206,327 words in 32 stories in 10 fandoms (SGA, House, Smallville, Wiseguy, James Bond, Rome, Arcana, Asimov Robots, King Arthur, and M&C). Uh, yeah. No one tell my editor about this, okay? *slinks guiltily back to work*


Bohemian Like You
Posted: 2/9/2006
Song: Bohemian Like You by The Dandy Warhols
Source: Stargate: Atlantis
imeem or right-click XviD (20 MB)

Posted: 8/14/2006
Song: Bukowski by Modest Mouse
Source: House M.D.
imeem or right-click XviD (26 MB)

vids, fanfic, year in review, meme

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