House vid: Bukowski, and Vividcon 2006!

Aug 15, 2006 00:53

Fresh from Vividcon! If you would like to link, please link either to this post or to my main vidding page rather than directly to the vid, thanks!

ETA: Preview the vid on imeem (requires Flash 8).

And right-click and save for the big shiny version:
26 MB, XviD format (use the VLC player)
House M.D.
music by Modest Mouse
with thanks to tzikeh for the song suggestion

Summary: Wikipedia says, "One critic has described Bukowski's fiction as a 'detailed depiction of a certain taboo male fantasy: the uninhibited bachelor, slobby, anti-social, and utterly free.' "

His gravestone says, "Don't Try."

As I was saying all weekend, this was my first Vividcon ever! And hey! This is a great con! *g* I had a ridiculously good and relaxed time, and now I am home and my eyes are blurry from watching vids (and SGA, which made me utterly and uncritically happy with all the cute) and I am wiped out.

Also, the vid-of-my-con is already up, barkley and destina's Wiseguy vid to Take Me Out for Club Vivid, which will now join killabeez and Merricat's vid ETA: merricatk! to Only The Good Die Young (note, if you don't have the password, e-mail killabeez at livejournal to request it) in permanent rotation. I needed another fandom right now like a hole in the head, so, THANKS A LOT GUYS. :P *glares at destina in particular, who does this to me all the goddamn time*

And you should also download barkley and thepouncer's SGA/Airwolf vid to, uh, Separate Ways. No, seriously. Trust me. It is John's INNER HEART LAID BARE.

vids, house, vividcon, recs

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