DAY 10 (March 20, 2013)

Aug 12, 2013 13:01

And thus, the day I feared the most, our final day in Japan, has come.

We brought our luggage to the designated luggage room and had our breakfast. After breakfast, we gathered once again, and one-by-one, the last 3 group coordinators who stayed with us in Tobu Hotel, said their thanks and goodbyes. Almost everyone started crying, including me. I’ve always hated the times when I have to say goodbye, I could never hold back my tears. And when the last coordinator sung a Tagalog song, everyone else were emotional. It really was touching.

Around 6:00AM, finding out that the coordinators are no longer coming with us to the airport, we bid our final goodbyes, hugs, and photos before we left for Narita International Airport Terminal 2 which is just 5 minutes away from the hotel.

A photo with Maki-san.

We checked-in, headed to the Immigration, went straight to the boarding gate, and ran back to the stores again for some last-minute purchases.

At 9:30AM, our plane took off, and we have with us, the memories and the lessons we have learned from the Kizuna (Bond) Program to share with our families, friends, and colleagues. And most importantly, we take with us the bonds formed with our newfound friends, the coordinators who took care of us and the families who warmly welcomed us into their homes.

“There is a “now” that we have been given, there is a road that we must walk,
We are living the continuation of this beginning,
We’ll have a bond in our hearts forever and ever.”
-Kaze ga Fuiteiru, Ikimonogakari-

Alyssa Hodreal

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kizuna (bond) project

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