Fic: Al/Scorpius- The Summer Al Tried to Live Chapter 1/10

Jun 09, 2009 10:13

First time I've ever posted a WiP, and my first ass_carnival entry. (And first time I've used the awesome icon made by autumn_veela)

Author: asnowyowl
Title: The Summer Al Began Tried to Live: Chapter 1
Pairing: Eventual Albus Severus/Scorpius
Summary: In the summer before college, Al Potter finally begins living, but can he find the courage to show his family who he really is?
Warnings: None in this chapter
Rating: This chapter: PG13 for language (eventual NC17)
Beta: bk7brokemybrain (who adores non magic AU's as much as I do. *smooches*)
Word Count: 1877
Notes: Non-magic AU, set in present day, rural America. Setting based loosely on where I live in upstate NY. Please forgive my using 'Corey' for Scorpius's nickname. I tried to come up with a name a muggle teen might use if he were really saddled with 'Scorpius'. But be sure, his name is Scorpius, which will come out later in the fic. Written for week one of the 2009 ass_carnival. I plan on writing in this verse for the full 10 weeks, completing the fic toward the end of August.
Prompts used: Person: James Potter II, Place: A Carnival/Fair/Amusement Park/etc., Object One: Tunnel of Love, Object Two: ticket, Food: cotton candy/candy floss, Emotion: joy, Freeform: Win or Lose

The Summer Al Began Tried to Live

Al sat on the uncomfortable metal bleachers, the early summer sun burning the back of his neck, drying the sweat that prickled from his pores. He pulled the baseball cap farther down his forehead as his gaze twitched to the person who'd been holding his attention for the last two hours.

Corey Malfoy sat in the dugout, a bat resting between his knees, his blond hair bleached nearly white in the sun. He leaned toward a big guy who was sitting to his left, said something, and then threw his head back and laughed. Al had never seen anyone who looked so comfortable in their own skin. Or maybe he only thought that because Corey was gay and out, while Al was so far back in the closet he smelled like mothballs.

When Corey nudged the big guy with his elbow and laughed again, Al felt a bolt of annoyance shoot through his belly. Stupid. Jesus, he was stupid. He didn't even know Corey, and here he was jealous of his laughing with another guy. Just because he'd stashed away every newspaper article about Corey that he could get his hands on (and there were many, the area had never before seen a gay high school sports star) didn't mean he had any rights to him. Christ, if Corey knew some kid from the next county over had come to the Bloomfield High end-of-year carnival just to watch him play his last game of varsity baseball, well, he'd probably think Al was a stalker. And he'd probably be right.

"This place sucks."

Al startled at his brother's voice. "James!" Damn it, he'd hoped James would stay scarce for a little while longer, at least until the game was over.

James jumped up onto the bleachers, his movements as graceful as Al's were usually clumsy. "What're you doing over here?" He looked pointedly at the baseball field and then back toward Al, raising an eyebrow until it disappeared into his bangs.

"What? I can't watch a baseball game?"

James chuckled. "Who won the world series last year? How many innings do they play in high school baseball? How about the pros? What's a slider?"

Al gaped for a moment before snapping his mouth shut. He didn't know the answer to any of those questions. Yeah, it probably was odd he was sitting here. He shrugged. "Why aren't you off chasing some girl? Lots of 'em you don't know here. Or should I say they don't know you, so you might stand a chance."

"I'm a bit old for the high school crowd."

"Yeah, that year since you graduated did wonders for your maturity."

James cuffed him on the shoulder. "Idiot."

They sat in silence for a few minutes, Al trying to desperately keep his eyes on the game in general and not on Corey Malfoy in particular. At least when Corey came up to bat, Al could watch him. Closely.

James nudged him. "Fuck," he whispered. "Isn't that the faggot who's always in the papers? I forgot he goes to this school." James cupped his hand around his mouth, ready to shout something.

Al threw his shoulder into James. "Shut up!" he hissed. "Don't say anything stupid. Think about Dad's election."

James dropped his hand and scowled. Turning away from the game, he glared at Al. "I'm not going to sit here and watch some queer play baseball. Stay if you want, but I'm going to get some cotton candy and find a girl to share it with."

Al chewed his bottom lip and watched James stalk away. This was why he stayed in the closet, at least partially. James was such a homophobe, and he doubted their father would be any more accepting of the subject. He sighed and turned back toward the game. Corey was back at his position on second base, half squatting, balanced on the balls of his feet, hands in front, at the ready. To Al, he was breathtaking.

A player on the other team hit a hard shot that looked like it'd sail over Corey's head. Al sucked in a breath, watching as Corey stretched, jumped, and caught the ball, landing gracefully back on his feet. The players on the field all raced to the pitcher's mound. Those who were warming the bench arrived a moment later. They cheered, and hugged, and jumped, and clapped each other on the shoulders, while the members of the other team slumped off the field.

Al wiped his hands on his jeans, then pushed his glasses up his sweaty nose. So, it was over, then. He'd finally gotten the nerve to go to one of Corey's games and now it was finished. Last game of the season, last sporting event of Corey Malfoy's high school career. Last chance Al would probably ever have of watching him play. He sat on the bleachers, knowing he should leave, wondering what people were thinking of the strange boy who hung out after the game, eyes flicking everywhere, but mostly landing on their star player.

Equipment was packed, bases were pulled, players and spectators alike began walking away toward the swirling colors and tinny noises of the carnival. Al felt like he'd lost something important. He huffed and shook his head. Maybe he should buy a ticket for the merry-go-round; he was certainly acting like a little kid, pouting over someone he'd never have.

He glanced from the midway back toward the field, swallowing hard when he saw Corey walking straight toward him, looking at him. Al's heart skittered in his chest, his skin turned cold, but still prickled with sweat.

Corey dropped his bat bag and swung up onto the bleachers, more graceful than James, if that was possible. He sat down next to Al and looked him square in the face. "Basher or gay?"

Al fought to keep his eyes on Corey, to not let his anxiety make them dart away, but it was a hard fight. Close up, Corey wasn't perfect, his nose a bit sharp, his chin maybe a little weak, but to Al, he was still breathtaking. Gray eyes searched his, full lips looked to be on the verge of smiling. "What?" Al spluttered, unable to take his eyes off Corey's mouth.

"Are you a basher or are you gay? The only people who stare at me the way you've been doing are either gay bashers out to make my life miserable, or they're gay, come to see if I'm worth trying to pick up."

So, he wasn't the only one who had done this. Somehow that idea only made Al more anxious.

"Now, since you haven't been screaming at me all game, I'm thinking you're not a basher. And since you're cute in a nerdy sort of way, I'm doubly hoping you're gay."

Al blushed. His heart soared at being called cute, while his stomach churned at what he'd have to admit. He'd only said those words to one other person. He swallowed hard, and croaked out, "I'm gay. But I didn't come here only to try to pick you up."

Corey smiled. He raked his eyes down Al's form and then back up. "You don't look like a sports fan." Plucking the hat off Al's head, he said, "The hat's brand new, isn't it? First time you've worn a ball cap, I bet." His long fingers bent and molded the brim until its shape matched the one he was wearing.

Al ran his fingers through his sweat-damp hair. He had thought the cap would give him some anonymity, not that anyone here would know him, but still, with his father being who he is, he couldn't be too careful. But now, now that it'd been plucked off and he was being scrutinized by the object of his fantasies, making a lousy first impression with his sweaty hat hair, he realized the cap hadn't been a good idea after all. He was about to protest, when he realized how stupid it would sound. Malfoy seemed to have already read him like a book - one of those easy ones for babies to look at.

"I came to watch you. Not many guys like us around here…"

Corey handed the hat back to Al. He stretched his legs out, feet resting on the seats in front of them. "So do you like what you see?"

Al nodded.

"Good. Because so do I. But that guy you were sitting with before, the red-haired one? He's not your boyfriend or anything, is he? I won't sneak around behind anyone's back."

God, it felt like that's what Al had done his whole life, sneak around, hoping no one would find out what he really was. How could he sit here hoping to ask Corey Malfoy for a date when he couldn't even admit to his family that he wanted to date boys? How could he have thought anything would be any different if he met Malfoy? No, if the choice was win or lose, the odds were always in favor that Al would lose. But how could he not take a chance with this guy? "James? He's my brother."

"You don't look anything alike."

Al shrugged. "I look just like my father, James looks like my mom's side of the family."

"You haven't told me your name yet."

For a crazy moment, Al thought about not giving his real name, but that'd be stupid. He couldn't start something he hoped would turn into a relationship by giving some stupid, macho name like Blaise. He'd have to give his real name and damn the consequences. "Al. My name's Al Potter."

There was no spark of recognition in Corey's eyes. "Nice to meet you, Al. Do you have a cell phone?"

Al nodded. He fished it out of his pocket.

Corey snatched it away and hit several buttons before handing it back. His fingers caressed Al's for just a moment as the phone passed between them. "My number's in your directory under CM. Call me."

Al was about give Corey his number, when someone shouted Corey's name. Al and Corey both turned. The big guy Corey'd been sitting next to in the dugout was standing near the fence. "Hey, Cor, does he want you to fill his tunnel of love?"

Corey laughed. "Goyle, you're a moron," he shouted. He turned to Al. "Don't mind Vince, he's a bit of a jerk sometimes, but he doesn’t mean anything by it." He stood and jumped off the bleachers, shouldering his bag. "Call me, okay?"

Al nodded. He watched as Corey and Vince strode toward the school. When they disappeared through a large door, he dropped his head to his hands and groaned. How could he go on a date with Corey Malfoy and not be outed? If he'd been attracted to a girl and found out she might be interested in him, he'd be joyful right now. This way, however, he was just scared as hell. But rubbing his hand where Corey had touched him, Al couldn't help but smile at the tingle that remained. He stood and jumped from the bleachers, nearly toppling onto his ass before finding his balance. He'd get Rose to help. She'd know how to make this work.

"Chapter 2"

summer 'verse, as/s, non magic au, as/s summer 'verse, fic, fest entry

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