Summary: Post-game. All the players have been revived and the Alpha and Beta counterparts merged; the Kids, Trolls and a lone girl Cherub wake together as gods on their reward planet.
This is my feelgood fluff-verse. :3 It might contain angst and violence anyway because some of the characters involved make it hard not to, and because the salt of tears makes other things taste sweeter by comparison bwahaha.
Contains: Human/Troll hybrid species, random instances of polyamory and other out-quadrant behavior, the crew being *gods*...
Pairings: Established: Signless/Disciple/Psiioniic pale-flushed tangle, flushed Sollux/Feferi, pale Sollux/Aradia, pale Equius/Nepeta, pale Karkat/Gamzee,
WIP: ashen/red/black Dave/Jade/Karkat clusterfuck, pale/flushed Darkleer/Dad Egbert/Handmaid, caliginous Sollux/Roxy, flushed John/Vriska...
Notes: I started planning out and writing that fic just before Hussie started giving us the pre-scratch Ancestors, so I had to make my own and sort out the mess of titles. Some of them I hadn't yet worked on much, so I'll probably take the canon ones, but some were already written, so I'm keeping those as they are. Kheper for example is different from Kankri in that he was a polyamorous mess instead of doing the vow of chastity thing, though I've decided that in his first life he WAS a sanctimonious SJ twerp. Disciple is the Knight of Heart and Redglare is the Bard Rogue of Mind instead of Redglare being the Knight, which means Hesper Pyrope will probably be quite different from Latula Pyrope. I love Latula, but it would be too confusing if I mixed up canon and fanon casts that much. Aranea and Meenah were already around by then so they're used in the fic.
The thing is that the main personality is still, for example, the Condesce's instead of Meenah's, and Condie was the Empress for millenaries while Meenah is 9 sweeps old, so the prescratch past of those people might not actually have a lot of influence on how the character is now.
SunlightCharacters: Karkat, Signless, Dave, Jade.
Kink meme prompt: kid/troll, walking in the sunOnce the game is over, and the kids and trolls (revivified and whatnot) are deposited onto the new planet they made, the trolls discover that here, on this new planet, the sunlight doesn't kill them. They can walk it in completely fine, just like Kanaya can, and they individually learn to leave soaking in the sun's warmth in different ways. Doesn't have to be shippy, but I do love kids/patron trolls interactions if you do.
Bonus points: Because sunlight = death for most of the troll's civilization, they're at first extremely weirded out by how much humans enjoy being in it
No pairings yet but Dave blackflirts like he's trying to give Karkat the most embarrassing hateboner there ever was.
Remember the SpringCharacters: Signless/Disciple, background Karkat & Jade
Summary: This fic contains: whining i mean existential angst, horrendous amounts of schmoop, gratuitious headcanons, Signless being a goddamn quadrant hippie, Jade failing for a second time to emerge from the background >:(, Signless/Disciple adorableness.
Copycats!!Characters: Nepeta, Disciple, Signless, Karkat.
Summary: Pesterlog. Nepeta discovers a new screenname in her color on her chumproll. Bad roleplaying ensues.
OutmodedCharacters: Expatriate Darkleer, Dad Crocker-Egbert, the Handmaid.
Summary: It's the first evening of his brand new life on this brand new planet. Darkleer wishes old age would kill him already.
BlessingsCharacters: John, OCs (Kaleo, Eridi)
Summary: John finds a grubbaby.
Ancestor names, classes, screennames and quirks:
The Signless/The Sufferer
*Kheper Vantas, Seer of Blood
*cardinalGallivant (HE USES not italics but Uppercases of Importance when the word is Especially meaningful.
WHEN HE STARTS a paragraph, the first few words are all in Uppercases, as in old books. Otherwise, perfect grammar and spelling. He is more Formal and Antiquated when writing than when speaking.)
*His Land is the Land of Pulse and Glaze.
*His Strife Specibus is Scythekind, his current weapon is Pilgrim's Shinwhacker, a dull-bladed basic scythe he uses to hook people's ankles and trip them when they're fighting.
The Disciple
*Asleha Leijon, Knight of Heart
*ardentlyCarnivore (starts all replies with >:33~ bwahaha she is a furrocious lioness. (or >:// or >:(( if appropriate to the mood.) does cat puns. doesnt rp before nepeta taught her. she doesnt know how! shes willing to learn. apostrophes are for the weak sometimes she also forgets punctuation. when EXCITED! she uppercases.)
*Her Land is the Land of Long Ceilings and Timber. (A planet with scratching-post trees and dangly toy fruit, where the sky is all ceiling and consorts pounce from traps.)
*Her Strife Specibus is Clawkind, her current weapon is the M33tclaws, hook-ended claws that she uses for climbing, disemboweling, or to yank people into her for a hug. Or a bite to the throat, depends.
The Psiioniic/Helmsman
*Xullos Captor, Mage of Doom
*tornAugury ({11nput requ11red} uh yeah what, y0u sa11d s0meth11ng? d0ubles h11s 1s AND replaces them w11th 1, replaces 0s w11th zer0s as well. replaces ps11 w11th Ψ. S0met11mes makes bee puns but that's m0stly t0 j0ke al0ng w11th asleha.)
*His Land is the Land of Fire and Brains. The land is on fire; player and Consorts can only move around jumping from brain to floating brain.
*His Strife Specibus is unallocated.
The Grand Highblood
*Algedi Makara, Heir of Rage
*tumblingCraniums (ALTERNATES uppercases AND lowercases ON words, MOTHERFUCKING swears KIND of A big MOTHERFUCKING lot; when ANGRY UPPERCASES EVERYTHING unless it's creepier not to.)
*His Land is the Land of Rainbows and Mirth; a colorful world full of art galleries and flashing lights. The trees are paintbrushes and the rocks paint pots.
*His Strife Specibus are Clubkind and Jokerkind, his current weapon is ????.
The Handmaid/The Demoness
*Sherat Megido, Witch of Time
*aridAnachronism (l0wercases, uses the 0 0f the d00med.)
*Her Land is the Land of Crystal and Metronomes, flat expanses of blueish-pink crystal with rare bursts of crystal growths, and reddish metronome buildings and mountains.
*Her Strife Specibus is Wandkind, her current weapons are the Pool Cue Wands.
Marquise Spinneret Mindfang
*Aranea Serket, Sylph of Light
*affectedGlory (when Aranea); anarchicGlory (Mindfang)
*Her Land is the Land of Brigantines and Treasure. An ocean with ships moored to each other, sometimes moving off or attaching themselves each other with little warning, that has an antiquated map for a sky and no land in sight.
*Her Strife Specibus is Dicekind, her current weapon is the Fluorite Octet.
The Condesce
*Meenah Peixes, Thief of Life
*Her Land is the Land of Obsidian and Steam. A world of perpetually raging, rising seas and active volcanoes; consorts build houses on stilts and are constantly desperately racing to raise them before they are drowned.
*Her Strife Specibus is 2x3dentkind, her current weapon is Ψdon's Discord.
The Summoner
*Rufioh Nitram, Prince of Breath
*His Land is the Land of Sand and Shamal, an oasis in the middle of a Saharan desert, standing in the eye of a storm. Dead people half-buried in the sand at the edge of vision. Consorts are sidewinders.
*His Strife Specibus is Lancekind, his current weapon is ????.
The Dolorosa
*Zaniah Maryam, Maid of Space
*governatrixAdrift (Mix O+f Kanaya And Cano+n Po+rrim's Quirks. No Exclamatio+n Po+ints O+r Questio+n Marks Unless Very Appro+priate, O+nly Perio+ds.)
*Her Land is the Land of Veils and Frogs; forest-covered volcano, the sky appears to have veils of color hanging to the ground like an aurora borealis, and Frogs hidden somewhere on it. The veils clear when the Forge is lit.
*Her Strife Specibus is ????kind, her current weapon is ????.
Neophyte Redglare
*Hesper Pyrope, Rogue of Mind
*gibbetsCalescent (R3pl4c3s i, e 4nd a w1th num3r4ls of th3 Bl1nd Proph3t; upp3rc4s3s and low3rc4s3s norm4lly.)
*Her Land is the Land of Thought and Cyphers. A Greek-looking labyrinthine town, with trick locks and levers everywhere and a sky of nerve cells.
*Her Strife Specibus is Canekind, her current weapon is the Red Eyes White Dragon Cane.
Executor/Expatriate Darkleer
*Nergal Zahhak, Page of Void
*caliperTerminus (?? might change.)
*His Land is the Land of Cloisters and Shadow. An enormous system of caverns and waterfalls big and tall enough to contain churches and old cloisters.
*His Strife Specibus is Bowkind, his current weapon is ????.
Orphaner Dualscar
*Calion Ampora, Bard of Hope
*His Land is the Land of Sirens and Greed. A monochrome world featuring Arabic palaces with the "harem"-style inner courtyards half drowned by overflowing pools and lamprey-faced mermaids.
*His Strife Specibus is Riflekind, his current weapon is Ahab's Crosshairs.
*Paul Crocker-Egbert, Pater to Life and Breath
*bakerExpert (Perfect grammar, spelling, etc. Very polite. No smilies; he does not, alas, understand them very well.)
*No Land.
*His Strife Specibii are Fistkind and Pastrykind.
Horn shapes:
Jade => Bec ears
Dave => Ibex horns
Rose => up-thrust sun-daggers
John => draw the Breath symbol from the side
Jake => tiny cherub wing-horns on his temples
Jane => Life symbol curlicues going upwards, a pair of inner forks
Dirk => Big backswept half-heart shapes
Roxy => antlerish half-circles, all curving in the same direction (no symmetry)
Dad => small devilbaby ones on the sides of his forehead at the edge of his slightly receding hairline
Calliope => Her fake horns